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Everything posted by bwk

  1. I'm scheduled to get a "Russell All Day Long" in October, I'm super excited about it...
  2. Will this work on a 2005 RSTD?
  3. Is there any Handlebar risers that will work on RSTD without changing a bunch of stuff??
  4. I contacted Rick at Buckeye Performance, He doesn't have the bars in stock but he said he can get them.. However, he also said I would need to upgrade a bunch of other stuff (cables, brake lines, grip adapter kit, etc. etc..) This could wind up being a 500.00 update without labor or a 1,000.00 upgrade with labor... Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated..
  5. I'm really having a hard time finding a set of Flanders Handle Bars part#650-08783 for my RSTD, After reading all the previous posts it seems as if that's the only one that will work without changing a bunch of cables, etc.. etc.. I've been making phone calls all over the country with no solution.. If anyone has a set they want to sell or know anyplace I can find them, please let me know... Thanks, You Guys Are The Best !!!!
  6. The good folks at Russell said they can reposition me back from the tank. (Awesome! ) So I sent the order form and can't wait to get my new seat.. The only problem is, they are backed up until the end of September. (Bummer) I wonder if i'll need to purchase new handle bars now?? If so maybe I need to purchase them now...
  7. Thanks Red Rider, Approximately How Long Does It Take To Get Your Seat Back From Russell??
  8. Thanks Rick I Really Appreciate The Information...
  9. I just sent back my Ultimate Seat, the problem is it sat me and my big butt on top of the gas tank making it very uncomfortable for my manhood.. If I purchase a RDL Seat, will it provide a bigger bucket and set me back from the tank some?? I'm 5'8 and 215 lbs. My bike is a 2005 RSTD with a Butlerized Stock Seat, with a Quick Release Backrest... Any help would be greatly appreciated, i love the bike other than the seating problem...
  10. Today I went to the local Honda dealer and tried out the Airhawk and it's not what i'm looking for either... I sat on an 1800 Goldwing and didn't care for it either... However, when I sat on the Goldwing Cruiser version (F-6 I Think) it was the most comfortable seat (stock or aftermarket)i've ever sat on (and i've owned 35 motorcycles in my lifetime) It may take some time to talk the Wife into it, but at least i can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel and it's not an oncoming train...lol
  11. Thanks Freebird, i'll try and find someone. I had a Corbin on a Goldwing a few years ago and it was so hard that i found it to be uncomfortable... (My wife says i'm just to picky, but if that was the case I would have never married her)...lol
  12. Thanks Mike... A local Yamaha Dealer has a Air Hawk that he said I could test ride for the day before purchasing... I think i'll try that before pulling the trigger on the Russell... I'm 5'8 hopefully this will work out, I may have to go test ride the BMW Touring Bike...
  13. After putting over 800 miles on the New Ultimate, it's going back to Florida... For me it's better than the Stock (Butlerized) Seat.. But here's the problem: Just like the Stock Seat it sets me on top of the Gas Tank (very uncomfortable)... I love this RSTD, but i just haven't been able to get comfortable.. I've tried (Beads, Alaskan Sheep Skin, Butler Modification, Combinations of the Aforementioned and now the Ultimate) the only thing left is the Airhawk Pad or the Russell Day Long... Anybody else had these issues? How did you solve the problem??
  14. The new Ultimate Seat just came in, it was relatively easy to install (which is saying quite a bit considering my lack of mechanical ability) It's way to hot to go for a ride until the sun goes down... But after just sitting on the bike i'm not sure i'm going to like it... The problem is it pushes (me and my boys) on top of the tank, same reason I didn't like the Stock Seat... Tomorrow morning i'm heading out on an 800 round trip, hopefully i'll like it better by the time I get back home... If not, i'm sending it back and i'll start saving for the Russell All Day Long...
  15. After much research I finally ordered a new Ultimate Seat for my 05 RSTD... I just couldn't take the stock seat anymore, Had it Butlerized (which did help some) added a quick release backrest (helped some) but I still couldn't do over 200 miles without being miserable... So in a couple of days my new seat with backrest, passenger seat and passenger backrest, will be here and i'm really excited about it !!!
  16. Praise The Lord You Are Okay !!!!
  17. bwk

    hauling pet

    I purchased the t-pet carrier for my Yorkie and he loves it (everytime i start up the bike he starts running in circles and barking) my wife and I are presently on a 1,000 ride with my RSTD and her Goldwing Motortrike... The dog gets more attention than both bikes put together, he has kept his head poked out the entire trip enjoying the wind, people wave, slow down on the interstate and take pictures, and every stop becomes a photo shoot for the dog... I highly recommend the T-pet motorcycle carrier.
  18. I'm needing a set of back shocks for my wife's 1994 Goldwing Motortrike, our local Motortrike dealer said we have 3 problems... (1) They need replaced (2) They are very expensive (3) Motortrike doesn't carry them anymore for the older trike kits... If there is an answer to our problem, I know it can be found on this forum... Thanks Guys!
  19. What Oil and Filter do you guys recommend?? Yamaha oil is so expensive...
  20. That is an Awesome looking bike..."Just Sayin"
  21. I'm looking for a Motorcycle Pet Carrier for a 3lb. Yorkie that I'm getting this weekend, any suggestions would be appreciated... Thanks:confused24:
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