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Everything posted by Animal

  1. we are trying to break to record of users.... come to chat
  2. I can't drink all this beer by my self!
  3. I am sorry to hear that, and I am sorry to miss the parade. Bikers in Kilts, you gotta love it.
  4. Course you are - the more the merrier
  5. Sorry everyone else is right I'm wrong 07Mar is Fri. Meet Is on Fri.:whistling: "I was trying to set the date from memory unfortunately I have C.R.A.F.T " (Can't Remember A Fragging Thing):rotf::rotf: Hope to see everyone there>
  6. So come after the parade... we will probably be there most of the afternoon Honey
  7. Looks like Fri 07 Mar at 1:00PM (1300HRS) might be the best date & time hope to see all of you at Bikeweek. U.S.N.F. River Forest Group Campground 45700 river forest blvd. DeLand , FL. 32720 http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=e...UTF8&om=0&z=11
  8. Looks like Fri 07 Mar at 1:00PM (1300HRS) might be the best date & time hope to see all of you at Bikeweek. U.S.N.F. River Forest Group Campground 45700 river forest blvd. DeLand , FL. 32720 http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=e...UTF8&om=0&z=11
  9. Date please bttt
  10. U.S.N.F. River Forest Group Campground:rotf: 45700 river forest blvd. DeLand , FL. 32720:rotf: Sounds like a great place how about 6 or 7or 8Mar sometime early afternoon lets pick a date and time the most people can attend.
  11. Anyone going to Daytona Bikeweek it might be kind of fun to set up a place to meet and get to know each other. Anyone interested please give a few suggestions. Preferably not at an event site but somewhere like the park off Nova Rd. and Rt. 92:)
  12. All of the commercial units are deliberately programed with disinformation concerning U.S. Military installations, Yes they will tell you where the base is but not where a particular building is located especially if the building is "sensitive" in nature. This is for obvious security reasons since 911. Otherwise they beat a map and a compass every time that is as long as you have power Don't forget the extra batteries:rotf:
  13. Years ago I met one of these "Bad Cops" while working for a moderately large Dept. I asked the young individual to step outside into the bammer where I administered a thorough attitude adjustment. :whistling: Surprisingly the Officer's attitude was indeed adjusted and turned into one of the "Best Cops" it has been my privilege to have ever worked with.:stirthepot: Several years latter he even thanked me for knocking some sense into him.:) That was over twenty years ago. I hate to think what would happen to a senior officer if one administered and attitude adjustment now. A lot of these new kids don't have a sense of LEO family anymore I'm just glad I'm eligible to retire in ten (10) months.:rotf:
  15. I just noticed we have another Midnight Star! Please, let's not confuse Midnight Star / Dakotasport in Florida with Midnight Star in the United Kingdom.
  16. But I love this thread.... And if any of you see a brunette in a white mini-van waving, wave back. It might be me!
  17. An Organ Donor
  18. so come to the chat room and find out!
  19. Very nice....
  20. We can make a difference! Stop buying anything Made In China (it's not all toys!) and encourage your friends and family to do the same... :cool10: :cool10::cool10: :cool10::cool10::cool10: :cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10: :cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10: :cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10: :cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10: :cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10::cool10:
  21. Wife and i use frog togs in the summer. But check out Galls Police supply ANSI Compliant rain suits (All the vis you can get!!!)
  22. I have heard of them, have not seen one yet.
  23. I am so jealous... I love FL in October! You all have a great time!
  24. I have been waiting an hour for it to load with no luck; and it is not the first time....
  25. I am not in the market for a bike, but that is right pretty
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