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Everything posted by Animal

  1. 4 pages now, and still running....
  2. Anything is possible.... It just costs more!
  3. I think we have a member in Sanford but I can not remember his name. Honey
  4. They had bought it the day before and were absolutely thrilled with it. Champagne. Saw a Black Cherry the same day. With our Midnight, that made 3 on the same Poker run!
  5. Lost a bolt from the bracket that supports the trunk. If you have one, we will give it a good home.... Honey
  6. Animal

    Bike Week

    Honey and i are packing this weekend see you there:mytruck1:
  7. go to walmart and get some glucosamine chondroitin. works as well as what the vet wanted to sell us for a lot less!
  8. Buddy your on your own on this one. Later I will start a collection for flowers:bawling:
  9. So you like riding your bike in circles?! You sure you want to do this? Honey
  10. Dill pickles.... you use more carbs to digest them than you get from them.
  11. I have worn Danner Arcadia and Danner Commander Boots for years they are the most comfortable boots YOU WILL EVER WEAR. Both styles come with GORTEX and either insulated and uninsulated, These are tough boots and Danner has a second to none service dept. Honey received a pair as a birthday present from a friend in NSW size 7, friend did not know that there was a difference between Men's and Woman's sizes. Danner does not make a women"s insulated Arcadia (these are combat boots) but after one call to clear up about the size DANNER MADE HONEY THE ONLY EXISTING PAIR OF WOMENS ARCADIA'S. Great company!! Now the boots are a bit expensive $240=Arcadia $200=commander but I average 7-10 years wear out of a pair ($240/10yrs= $24 a year) I'm a Police Officer and I am rough on boots (Destroyed a pair of Hi-Tec's in 6 months)
  12. MEET AND EAT AT THE CABBAGE PATCH TUFFTOM4'S SUPPLYING THE BEER. Seriously thought Honey and I stay at my parents house in Deltona for the whole week PM a cell number so we can meet with you.
  13. If you a supportive kinda guy, you would turn it on for her! Honey
  14. I guess I am one of the lucky ones. Yes, Animal is just like every other man when he is sick, but when I am sick he is my Angel! Welcome back Tom... Honey
  15. Does any of the current Mustang Seats fit on a 2007 Venture if anyone knows please let me know. If not how about everyone jump onto the Mustang Seats Web sight go to contact us and send an e-mail asking when they are going to make a seat for the Ventures. I've had mustang seats on other bikes and really like them (personal preference) As we all know a few thousand e-mails have a tendency to gain the undivided attention of a company so please it will only take a minute or two. Thank You Animal
  16. You can count me in Taters. Honey
  17. What he said...
  18. Wolfie, Why not pick out some favorites and do a poll Honey
  19. It was 54 degrees and clear. We got out for about 3 hours and just wandered about for awhile. Honey
  20. You can still do this... we have 2 fords and one key! And we only go to True Value to get keys made.... When we are down to one ford and the bike, I'm gonna do it again! Honey
  21. How about "Tiger"?
  22. The key for the 2007 Venture is actually a Ford motor co. blank if all else fails go to Ford:rasberry: (sorry i don't remember the key#)
  23. Bass monkey's were used on ground based forts too.
  24. Freeze The Balls Off a Brass Monkey: Is a nautical term which refers to the days of wooden ships and iron men. A Brass Monkey was a plate made of brass with indentations milled into it to hold and stack cannon balls for ready use. These plates were square or triangular and approximately 2-3 foot on each side. Brass being a better conductor of heat would expand in hot weather not causing much of a problem. However in the cold brass will shrink to a point where the cannon balls pushed against each other and at times causing the stack to collapse. This would result in unsure footing at best or a truly dangerous situation if the cannon balls had fuses.
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