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Everything posted by retiredgolfer

  1. Dion a group of us from Four Lakes may ride over to bike week. If we do I will check with you about joining us.
  2. I would like to get directions and recommendations on smoking Texas brisket Sylvester (Jim). Winning that award I think you know what it takes to get it right. Thanks
  3. Sounds good, looking forward to meeting some of the people who post on this site. Met a couple already, nice people.
  4. Same here, opening has slowed down in the last few days.
  5. I need to clarify, everything seems to work except starting. Not only does the radio work, ALL lights come on when the switch is turned on including dash lights, headlights, passing lights, tail lights and gages.
  6. When I was checking for Dion what lights come on, when I hit the starter, it started. Very strange as I did nothing different than when it would not start all morning. Kickstand down, bike in neutral, started immediately, yet all morning it would not even try to start. With Dion's direction we tried all of the scenario's with no luck. As Dion has said hard to fix a intermittent problem. Hard to know when/if it is repaired or just started working again. Eddie
  7. As noted above a trip to Eureka Springs is well worth the time if you can work it on your schedule. Nice place to visit
  8. I bet if you check around you will find someone in your area that cuts windshields down for a lot less cost than buying another one.
  9. Great bargain, for $12.00 I have made some new friends and got help with starter problem.
  10. Totally agree, we are fortunate to have Dion part of this group. Very helpful, he knows these bikes very well.
  11. After installing a new battery my bike would not even try to start. After coaching me via e-mail for several days, Dion (djh3) made the 50 mile trip to Winter Haven and got me going in less than a hour. What a treat to meet such a nice person, and get my bike running at the same time. I have seen Dion's suggestions several times for people having mechanical problems. We are all fortunate to have someone like him to help us out. He knows these bikes very well. Thank you Dion, really appreciate having my bike back in good working order.
  12. I am in of you schedule again somewhere in Florida.
  13. Dion, thanks for thinking of me. I am going to be in Tennessee most of June, if anything changes I will send you a PM.
  14. Going with Steve the way he sets up the LED light bar is the best way to go. Dion, be assured I will find my way to you the next time. They installed them where they stay on all the time, until the high beam is turned on, then only the head light is on.
  15. Got the rear LED light bar from R & P Carriages, you can find them on e-bay. $19.95 free shipping.
  16. To be seen better I added new light bar and lights in the front of my 2007 RSV and a LED bar for the back. Since I am not mechanically inclined like many folks on this site I had the work done by the local Yamaha dealer. They did a nice job but not cheap. Dion next time I need to make a better effort to catch up with you.
  17. Post some pictures of the wing when you get it, sounds nice.
  18. Can you share where you found the J & M HS8254B at that price ? Thanks
  19. I think I got it now, thanks for the tip.
  20. I added a picture of my bike as a profile picture. When I go into my profile I see it, but not when I post ?
  21. It is set up for (4) wire. Thanks for the help
  22. My 2007 Venture has a plug for trailer lights, can I use the TecNiq light bar and connect to the plug ? Retiredgolfer Winter Haven, Fl
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