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Everything posted by GOODWRENCH

  1. I have the same bike with 25000 mile on it, tires put on last summer have about 1,500 mile on them. only use amsoil in motor and rear. Looking for $6,000 firm.
  2. Have my Yamaha rack since 2002 and no rust, Worth the extra $$$. and looks the best,
  3. Check out the new cross roads victory:dancefool:

    Last ride for 2009

    West Point New York
  5. Glald to here your ok, hope you heal up guick. What happened anyway. That was surprising news.Is the bike repairable, I hope so. That news kind of takes the fun out of the project.
  6. Love the look of your solo seat too, fxitdude, doing mine now made a temp bracket for radio antenna,looking for a pass. Seat pan to make a rack type cover for all the brackets on the rear fender other wise you could put all the wires in battery box. I also cut down the stock windshield and am painting it black now. Will try and get some pictuires of it so far.
  7. you can go to www.yamahamotorcycle.com and go to the 950fourm and ask the guys that have them:dancefool:
  8. I dont think you will beat the Venture or the RSTD for all the reasons you stated.
  9. I would not build engines with them, but for wheels and basic thing I think their ok.
  10. Replacing front tire and need help with torque for axle bolt and pinch bolt.are there any web sites with torque spec. For the venture. Thanks again for all your help
  11. First off I dont know how I typed the dates in my last post was half asleep. the date should have been 3607 front and4909 rear. anyway I got the front replacement tire today that they told me would be a fresh date, surprize its the same date. called them back and their checking with vendor that sent the tire to find out why I got another 07 tire when they said they had a fresh new delivery of front tires. Iam thinking thats why the tire was so cheap.
  12. Jake Wilson,rear tire was7509 front tire was 7407 ,sent front tire back. T hey wantd to refund my money,said they had nothing new in stock, I said I wanted a newer tire. They called back a day later and said they got new tires in and would send one right out. Still waiting fve days now. Will keep you psted on the new tire date;
  13. I hope your alittle less con-fused after all that. By the way I have family living in Hartley and an uncle that used yo live in Milford,love it down there,mght retire there or Middletown.
  14. Need help, what is the best way to get to the fuel filter, seems like they built the bike around it. Thanks for all the info. I have gotten on this site. Just greased driveshaft splines they were dry as a bone,never had to do thst on anyother bike I have had.
  15. Jake wilson has the front tire for 104.99 and the rear for 126.99 with free shipping called and asked about the date ,their police is a two year stock limit but they turn over so many tires it would most likely be less. Any thoughts? For the price can you go wrong.
  16. He has both avon venom tires the am41 and am42 for $250.00. Also has anyone used the dyna beads for balancing the tires.was going to buy the metzlers but cant,pull the triger on them with all i have been hearing on them. Thanks for any input on this.
  17. I have run Metzler tire for 15yr. with no problem. Ready to change them again and was talking to the Michelin salesman about the chucken problem on Metzler tire and he said the only thing that will cause that is running to low a tire pressure or overloading the bike. Will be putting a new set of Metzlers on soon.
  18. Has anyone mounted the stebel horn inside the fairing. How does it sound in there.
  19. I have been a truck mechanic for 38yrs 35 for Coca-Cola the last 10 as forman. Can't wait to retire 2yrs 10months.
  20. AYE
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