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Everything posted by tomfromhull

  1. Oh, by the way Freebird, I checked out your profile just for the heck of it. I was bored. Is the first picture from the early eighties? Your hair style looks different. he..he..he ...
  2. When you say screw it down tighter do you mean down towards the lock ring?
  3. Jonas, where exactly in Boston are you going? I'm 12 miles south of boston
  4. I have a '99 RSTD with a 2 year old new factory rear shock. No matter how hard I try, I can't get it adjusted so it won't bottom out when I'm riding 2 up. This is the shock that sits horizontally so if the bike settles down or I'm riding and I go over a bump the piston comes out as opposed to a vertically mounted shock where the piston would go in. There are no markings on it to tell me which way to turn to adjust the preload or how much to turn it. Any suggestions? Thanks
  5. I know where you can mount it if you want it to read 98.6. He he
  6. That number nine one hurt.....
  7. The E4 code is a bad solder in the circuit board. My had that and a buddy re-soldered it in about ten minutes and I was back in business.
  8. And ouzo if you don't mind me asking what town are you're cousins from?
  9. If you bring a bike, the Mohawk trail from Concord to North Adams is a great ride. We did it last summer up to the top of Mt. Greylock. Awesome time.
  10. The problem I have isn't the suspension height it's the seat height. The cover seems loose as to indicate the foam is just worn out and lost it's thickness. I 'll try images in the wind but will probably end up bringing to a seat shop I've used before. Thanks guys
  11. I have a '87 venture and want to replace or fix my seat. I feel as if I sit too low. If I put my sheepskin gelpad down I sit pretty good. But if I put my wife's gelpad down on top of it I feel as though I'm sitting at the right height. Just the seat by itself and I feel like I'm way too low. Would a mustang or corbin make a difference with the height? Or should I get my stock seat "re-cushioned"? Appreciate any help. Thanks
  12. Can anyone tell me how I can find out if the intercom system on my '87 Venture works? I want to buy the helmet headset from wingstuff.com but before I do I want to make sure the system on the bike works. Thanks
  13. Got my new ones from power360. Put them on and they look great. Then I noticed I have two on each side of the bumper too. So another order to power360. Thanks again guys.
  14. You guys are awesome. Thanks a lot. i like the idea of new ones but candy apple red paint sounds kinda fun. None of my friends would believe me!
  15. Sounds like good old fashion fabrication is necessary
  16. I have a '87 venture and was hoping somebody knows where I could get replacement lenses for the for the red running lights on the rear "bumper". There is six of them about 2" x 2.75" . They are all faded and I'd like to replace them. Any help? thanks
  17. Orange won't work. Deers are color blind. Suit up as Santa with a lasso- they'll run as fast as they can back into the woods
  18. Throw $4500 down on the salesman's desk and say what they say- "This offer is good for today only"
  19. Sooo... you must be flattered, right Peg? If I didn't think it would be so much fun and a good learning experience, you might wake up some morning with my bike on your front lawn and a open check in the saddle bag! If you're going to sell those heads, call me. I'm sure we can make a deal. Maybe I'll only duplicate half your work. Or just take it one slow step at a time. Like you said, the riding season is just about over- and I've been wanting to do some of these mods for a while. Thanks
  20. Sounds like she was texting
  21. Just ordered a Dyna 300 ignition from Ebay. Let the games begin! Vroom vroom
  22. Thanks for your help. I'm trying to copy Pegscraper's work. He certainly seems to know his stuff. I have a set of 32mm carbs in my attic and have a guy at a machine shop locally who can do the machining on the intake boots and make up a plate. The power commander and high performance exhaust are easy enough for me to do. What do you recommend for filters?
  23. Can anyone tell me camshafts that fit a 1983-1993 venture would fit my 1999 RSTD and if I would get more power if I put them in? I found some on Ebay when I was looking for vmax cams which I can't seem to find anywhere. Thanks
  24. Thanks for all the help. I'll stay away from from the ski areas. Probably more fun off the beaten path.
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