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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. Hi, Do you have the right and front lowers ? I would be interested in buying them as long as they are not cracked / broken. Scratches are ok as I will be repainting. Also, do you have the chrome strip for the windshield? Stuart
  2. Hi, Thank you for your reply. I did email you and included my cell number. Stuart e-mail or text me direct off site
  3. I had no choice one day as I misjudged my fuel, I went 83 KM (about 50 miles) on reserve and still had a dribble of gas left in the tank. I did slow it down to conserve fuel ,, 100 km hr (60mph)
  4. Hi everyone, I am in need of a right and left front lower for my 2008 venture royale. Same lowers on the Royal star. Is anyone scrapping a bike where these parts are not cracked or broken and you would like to sell them? I do not care about colour (as long as they are not cracked/broken) as I will be repainting bike. Thank you everyone. Stuart 604 862 1273
  5. Hi Everyone, I have a 2008 Venture Royale. I was doing some basic service/checks and noticed I have sludge in my water reservoir bottle. Looks like it has been leaking for awhile now ,, can not tell if water is in the oil (engine). Bike runs great but I did lay it down and it was on its side for awhile (hit a deer). Is it possible oil got in the water because the bike was on its side for awhile, or is the most likely culprit water pump (as it does look like it has been leaking for a while). Is a water pump / seals easy to replace or am I off to the Dealer? Thank you everyone!! Stuart
  6. Agreed, I replace the diff every year. In my case it was the bearings.
  7. Hi, I just got my bike back from the shop. It turns out it was my drive shaft / rear end. They put in a brand new one and ALL of my noises have gone away. No whining, no third gear noises ,, nothing. It was expensive but I should not have this problem again as I hear it is very rare to have the rear end go.
  8. Hi, HD RK mufflers are made that way and the good news is if you can not see through them at all, they have never been touched or altered. If you like more sound you can actually put a screw driver / or other device into the pipe and knock open one of the four corners (many write ups on this). I have RK mufflers on my bike and find the sound to be exactly what I was looking for ,, not too loud. But if you open them up then on long rides you may find that roar getting to you after awhile. So definitely hang onto your OEM mufflers.
  9. LA Choppers / Barons Ovals are loud and raspy. They are also a very skinny pipe (if you like that). I put on HD RK mufflers and I really like them as they have a nice sound and they are not obnoxious. I just had to make up a bracket but it was simple to do. I think this site even has a sound clip for the RK mufflers.
  10. I am late to this thread but I paid 60.00 Canadian to have mine made. If anyone in Canada needs some I can now get them cut cheaper, as there is no cost to make the template.
  11. K&N will allow a bit more air but the real benefit is they last a lifetime. I have put them in both my bikes and once or twice a year I clean/recharge the air filters. Great investment and worth every penny.
  12. AGREED I went with the 130 Michelin Commander II for the front and I love it ! No problems what so ever and even better news is that you can not tell you went from a 150 to a 130, as the Michelin fits well size wise (meaning it does not look skinny or out of place).
  13. Hi, Yes, the noises go away when I pull in the clutch. Let the clutch out and noises come back.
  14. UPDATE: Looks like it is my middle gear assembly / U-Joint that is causing the problem I am told this is a very expensive fix as it is very labour intensive. I live in Vancouver BC. Does anyone know of any good mechanics that know the Venture Royale well?
  15. Hi everyone, I am worried that I might have a transmission gear problem that is creating noises that has me worried. This DOES NOT seem to be the typical whine that everyone talks about or has. This is a noise that happens regardless of speed (even lugging bike) in 2, 3, 4 , 5 gear ,, but not first gear (no matter the speed in first gear). Go same speed in second gear and the noise is there. The best way I can describe the sound is a rubbing whirring noise with the odd sound that seems to be like a gear skipping. However ,, if I am cruising down the road and I pull in the clutch, the noise goes away ,, let the clutch out ,, noise comes back. Could this be the clutch basket even though this noise does not happen in first gear?? Has anyone had any transmission issues with the second generation royal star? I am nervously awaiting the Dealer feedback as they have my bike to see if they can find the problem Thank you in advance. Stuart
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