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Personal Information

  • Name
    Jeremy Hatfield


  • Location
    Frakes, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    96 Royal Star
  1. still cant find one .can anyone help
  2. i havent called themdirectly but i have been looking on ebay .i think they put there parts on there but i guess i should call them
  3. i think idd like a back rest and allso some of thows flanders handlebars with more pullback .but the stiff ride is the most trouble .mine dosent have the air shock .im hoping a high mileage shock would help. i ride so slow idd rather be able to ride knowing to watch it in the corners then to not ride. i wish it hade the double shocks idd put the ones off my shadow on it lol
  4. well the bikes a little heavy now but i get the point i have rode my daughter see,s about 120lb makes some difference when i double its hard to just get up from kick stand with my back .its realy bad but i dont want to give up riding.
  5. i understand its touchy but the thing is i cant stand to ride now for more then say 30 to 40 minutes and i love to ride . i cant work now so i have alot of time and nothing to do lol im not wanting it to ride like a car with the shocks took off but one with the shocks worn .i know picky wright iv worked on my seat .cut a giant hole for my tailbone .my shadow rides just right but im 320lb 6 foot its like an elephant on a bicycle . i was an ase certified master technician on autos not that that means anything im just saying im a little mechanically inclined and i cant afford and i like my bike on every thing else im allso dyslexic so sorry for such a long post seams my mind cant git to the point lol
  6. ok iv put the long story post at the watering hole i wasnt sure were it needed to be but the thing is my 96 has 18000 miles it rides to rough .my back cant handle it the shock is good no leaks .iv adjusted it many different ways i need a shock that about worn out can anybody help
  7. ok finally figured out how to post thanks to Don Nelson.my 96 rs has i8oo miles on it i have adjusted the rear sock many different way,s .i have a very bad back witch is most of my trouble .the shock is good and doing its job buti have an 86 1100 shodow that the shocks are worn out on and it ride,s more to my tast or need,s i should say .i dont know when they changed the shock from horizontal like mine to the newer vertical style but i am thinking that i need a worn out shock .i really dont care if it leaks my building has a gravel floor can any one help me
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