I have a 2006 RSV that I am learning to love, partially thanks to everyone here. Anyway, she idles fine, takes off fine, cruises fine ... nothing wrong with the acceleration either from what I can tell ... well for the most part anyway. Seems that when I'm cruising along around 80 and want to get faster she kind of craps out a little. I can speed up, but not as powerfully or smoothly as it was up to that point. She goes, no popping or anything, but she feels and sounds a little "farty" if that makes any sense...
So I've read a lot on here about plugs and coils and a few other things, but I'm speculating that the previous owner neglected to do the 25000 maintenance (if there is one??) since he was selling the bike. So with that in mind, along with some stuff I read ... I'm thinking a new set of plugs could very well be the answer.
What do you think?
Thanks as always!