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Mad Dog

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Everything posted by Mad Dog

  1. Hi all, I have two very small (not 1/4") tears in my second gen pillow top seat. Does anyone have any repair recommendations? TIA as always Mike
  2. No 6th for me... but ti will do the same in 4th or 5th
  3. Me again... heh ... So my cruise control was working very well last year. I had a small annoying issue of it not holding speed; it would let the speed creep lower. But it always set, and otherwise acted properly. This year, it's acting funky. The bottom green light will come on with the Cruise switch, but I can't set a speed. The RES and SET light s don't come on... Usually... BUT WAIT!! then they do come on, and the CC seemed to be working perfectly ... BUT THEN it drops out ... the CC quits... (and let me tell you... when you are locked in at 70 or so and then it drops you back to idle ... hehe that'll wake ya up!!!) then only the bottom green light and I cant set it again. The self diagnostics aren't indicating anything. Certainly sounds like something loose or jumpy. Last year, it was working except for the creep... this year theres an issue... I don't even know where to start looking. Could be something very obvious... Could be ... right?? Any help would be appreciated. Let me add that yes I do have tassels, and they are new, but not on my first ride when this started happening. So It isn't them... although I do understand that they could make it drop out. I might have to dump them I guess... But the bottom line is that the CC was acting up before the tassels... TIA
  4. So here's what I found out. The middle tab isn't like the others, there's no screw hole etc. It has a little hooked edge cast into it that catches on the slot in the fairing to keep it tight. I put a small piece of double faced tape on the tab and put everything back together. Seems to have worked. No more buzz..... Thanks to all.
  5. Yes. That's exactly what it is like. While its buzzing reach around the side if your fairing and push against the strip. See what happens!
  6. Thanks for this, but I think this is for the end tabs. My middle tab is broken, so the middles of the strip is popped up a bit and it vibrates. Is this the same fix? Thanks again Mike
  7. So ... Out for a ride and hear a pretty loud buzz. I narrow it down to the chrome strip at the bottom of the windshield. I guess there's supposed to be a tab in the center that helps keep it snug so it doesn't buzz. I don't have that tab so it's buzzing. So are there any suggestions to attaching this better to stop the vibration? Double faced tape? thanks
  8. Perfect... thats what I thought. Works great
  9. Holy Moly... I cant believe how easy this was. I saw posts or instructions about taking off the lowers etc. Used a simple 10mm socket with a universal and it took less than 5 minutes to get them both off. Thanks!
  10. Just to clarify, I did bend the rod a bit and it works fine... I guess I'm just being anal... Thanks again
  11. Looks easy enough but the pin isn't lining up correctly, so I thought I'd ask for the instructions. I did read the other posts and I am headed out to check it again. Just figured having the instructions wouldn't hurt! TIA
  12. Thank you... I guess its easier tham it looks!
  13. Is there a thread that talks about getting the air flitlers out of an 06 RSV? I searched and didn't come up with one. Looks a bit intimidating, so any help would be appreciated. TIA Mike
  14. So I found a set of dogbones in the bottom of one of my hardbags on the 06 RSV. They measure about 6-3/4" center to center of the mounting holes. Are these the stock one? Lower?? I have a feeling the bike has been lowered but I really don't know. Thanks
  15. Hi all, Today I pulled the tank to do the plugs, and the rubber hose that comes out of the fuel petcock was immovable. I couldn't get that off the petcock barb. Anyway The barb ended pulling out of the body of the petcock. So ...... Can I just press it back in? or ...??? Thanks in advance Mike
  16. This is exactly what I had to do. Perfect. Didn't even break it. Light turned out to be fine... I had a broken soldered connection upstream. Thanks!
  17. Yeah... it does. I'll give it a try when I get home from work unless I hear otherwise. I can just see those tabs breaking... Thanks for the reply
  18. Hi all, I had one of these go out the other night on my 2006 RSV. Not sure I know how they come apart to test and fix ... actually I'm pretty sure I have no idea how they come apart. Any help would be appreciated. TIA
  19. So I went with the Mr Gasket 42s and it took me 4 hours = including the research time here and going for parts. Like someone else said, I didn't cut the case, so the install isn't as neat, but its in and working. I think I will cut the case and mount it a little better at a later date. I have had it running for 30 minutes or so and by listening and the throttle response - and no more popping - I think this was a problem for a while. I have been starting to think it was a bit sluggish on the highway... now I'm pretty sure that it was and the fuel pump was the problem. I also relocated the fuel filter to under the seat.... very good piece of advice. I'll repost here after I get it on the highway! Thanks to all for the advice and previous posts. Grateful as always
  20. Yes, thanks... I was reading about that. The pump isn't the best choice I know, but it is done in about 4 hours - including the research time and running for parts... I did read that not everyone shuts theirs off... so I suppose this is only a problem when the needle valves at the carb floats dont shut tight.... right?
  21. Good morning, Progressing nicely with my fuel pump replacement. My question is how to go about wiring the Mr Gasket pump? Do you cut and splice to re-use the original molex plug? Cut and splice further back removing the molex plug? Solder? Wirenuts? crimp? or am I missing the obvious here (which is one of my specialties) TIA Mike
  22. You are on the right track from what I am reading. Check this out http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?92128-PBJMAN-s-big-thread-on-Fuel-Pump-Rebuilding-Gravity-Feed-and-Cheap-Ebay-Fuel-Pumps!
  23. Ok... Last night I had no clicking noise but this morning of course there was ... and the bike is running fine. Going with a new fuel filter and the Mr Gasket if I can find it in stock. Thanks all I'll keep you posted.
  24. Well it died on me today... on the hiway ... maybe 1-1/2 mile from home. Bet my life it was a fuel problem. Got it pulled over, and while playing around with it I notice that when I turned the key on there was no more "tick-tick-tick" - fuel pump points...??? I think I have that right... but the bike ended up starting and I made it home no problem. But I still have no tick tick tick So there are a lot of threads on the points and such, but I think I want to go the Mr Gasket route and be done with this. ANd where is the fuel pump ... so I can give it a good whack! I cannot fine the thread on installing the Mr Gasket pump. I have seen it before but I cant find it now. Can someone please post the link... and any opinions...? TIA Mike
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