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Mad Dog

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Everything posted by Mad Dog

  1. In the market for a 12" one ... or two checking to be sure the luggage rack is 1/2" tubes, correct? Suggestions anid ideas welcome, hoping to find a small Coast Guard commissioning pennant to top it off with but have never found one.... Thanks as always
  2. Put me in line for that extra bulb! Thanks
  3. Yup ... same here. Got my email overnight I think. Which is just ridiculous because they told me they had actually shipped. ill definitely be leaving some feedback
  4. heh... dunno went to eBay for me.
  5. Back in stock! $56 http://www.ebay.com/itm/252671874882
  6. Yes both you and bongobobny are correct, and I do have the leather tassels ... but it worked fine until this issue and now it won't even engage 90% of the time. So it's something different, at least at first. thanks
  7. ok. Wow. Thank you so much. That's what it needed to see. I owe you.
  8. Holy Moly... but yeah... thats what I want to do... I'm just always hesitant to get into these things when I am starting with doubts
  9. Me again... My cruise control was working great until the very end of last season. In the off season I found and changed the starting circuit relay, which I hoped against hope that would help, but they have nothing to do with each other .. so the problem is actually a bit worse now. When I turn cruise control on, the lights on the dash all come on and test and then settle to the green "ON" light, but when I use the rocker to "Set" or "Resume" nothing happens 95% of the time. Once or twice on my ride it worked fine ... until it dropped out unexpectedly. So, wondering where to start. It seems like the rocker switch isn't working right, because when it does it is fine except for quitting unexpectedly - which I do not know if its related or not. Can I spray that switch box down with contact cleaner? or would it have to be taken apart? or does all this sound like a waste of time? It isn't the lever or brake switches I dont think because it might drop out while I am holding them away with fingers and foot ... if it even catches in the first place. I think the major issue now is getting it to even catch and start controlling my cruise.... Any advise? TIA as always Mike
  10. This is what I am trying to accomplish, but I am not sure I have the room. Did you just sit the aux fuse box loose in the space or was there a place to actually mount it there... doesn't look like there is room. Anyway... this is my quandry... I was going to mount it in the trunk, but can't bring myself to drill through it. No room in the left and right side panels. Looks like there isn't room under the passenger seat, and well... maybe there's room under the driver seat ... thats why I am asking. I have an auxiliary fuse box and a control module for the LED accent lighting .. and then a few relays for stuff... Someone emntioned putting stuff behind the passenger backrest .... so thats a possibility for the fuse box and relays.... I dunno .... I know I am making this harder than it has to be... I end up second guessing myself a zillion times. It can't possibly be as hard as I make it to be....
  11. Yup... what all these guys said. When I did mine it stuck a bit also, and the pucker factor goes up when you are dealing with something and trying not to do more damage. But generally it sounds like its just binding up a bit. Good luck
  12. Holy Moly!!! I'm in!!!!
  13. Thank you so much. Ok... Now I need it to stop raining!
  14. Do you happen to know which size we need? That drop down window has about 6 listed. Thanks again.
  15. I don't mean to open up a can 0' worms, but what wire do you use when wiring up things on your bikes? I'm not asking you to recommend a specific all around gauge - unless there actually is one - but more the type? Is it just THHN? or is it something special like UV proof I should be looking for? ..and one more thing ... solder or crimp? Thanks
  16. This is my next project.... I asked in another post where to put the relay and control box, and someone suggested behind the passenger seat rest. Is that behind the cushion, or in that little panel in the plastic? Anyone know? Always looking for ideas.... Also, how much room is below the passenger seat? Enough for a 1-1/4" square relay and a small control box? Any ideas in figuring out how much room is under that seat? gobs of play-doh or something??? hmmm.... Has anyone drilled into the bottom of their trunk to pass wires through and install stuff there? Yes??? NO??? TIA as always! Mike
  17. Good morning, I wanted to pass along what seems to be the wrap-up for this issue. Had a nice day here yesterday so go this done ... I think ... I hope As suspected, it seems the starting circuit relay was the issue. It is the one in the manual listed as the side stand relay. It is tucked up behind the center side-to-side body panel in front of and below the seat. I changed that relay, and also installed a Facet fuel pump, which fit into same location as the old one. Did a small bit of re-piping and put a fuel filter under the seat area. Buttoned everything back up and took it for two very short rides and let it idle over a 2 hour period. No stalling issues!!! that's an improvement! Thanks all for your help Mike
  18. No worries. This relay does a lot of things involving the starting circuit and the fuel pump, sidestand interlock etc. and it is 10 years old. Yes, a relay is just a relay but my thinking is that I don't want to save $50 over the next few years and face having an issue; especially in light of the fact that I am not !00% sure this was the ONLY problem. I need to eliminate it completely to be able to move on.
  19. The new relay is due in today ... so I will let you all know how I make out over the weekend! Thanks again
  20. No doubt about that!!! So it turns out I heard back from one place and they said the 5EA-81950-20-00 is different than the 5EA-81950-00-00. Also look at what partszilla is showing for the relay number you and the manual give. The only number returning anything that looks like what I need is the G8R-30Y-J number which isn't in the book .... This is crazy And then there's this ....
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