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Mad Dog

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Everything posted by Mad Dog

  1. Just a quick follow up and a huge thank you to all who reached out. The rear tire was low, so I need to keep an eye on that, and the shock was at 10 psi. Both things a where they belong, and the test ride was good. I still have the groany-squeak ... so bottom line is that the shock may have leaked. I'm going to ride this weekend if the weather cooperates, and see what happens. Then I think the shock may have to be rebuilt; and I have already been contacted by the member who offered to rebuild it for me. Thank you all once again.
  2. Yeah... I understand the oil thing. OK here’s what I found... There is no oil where I park, but there is a bit more sludge and accumulated road grime at the bottom of the shock than I would have expected. I’ts definitely not the cleanest bike on the road, but this was a pretty messy. So, there’s that. While I was checking that out, and sitting on it, a few time it developed an awe full squeak that sounds to me like a shaft rubbing inside an unlubricated seal. IIRC when I first got the bike, it was making that same noise and the shock had to be replaced. Does that sound familiar to anyone? THis one has about 24k miles on it .. but mostly on Rhode Island roads, which are deplorable. As a follow up, any recommendations as to a replacement shock? Air or not? OEM or not? I heard someone here rebuilds the OEM shock? How long might that take? Is that something I can do? And most importantly; how far into the bike do I have to dig to get this out? The service manual says fender & tire & .... well just about everything. Is that really necessary? Thanks all! Mike
  3. Ummmm,,,, hmmm,,, No, not stupid at all i did not when we got back. I’ll let you know
  4. Ok ... now we are all on the same page! LOL
  5. Finally got a beautiful spring day today and spent it on the road. Strange thing though, when I pulled in and went to put my kickstand down it scraped the ground. Thats never happened before. Like the bike was lower.... Thinking back over the ride , we bottomed out a couple of times, but other wise things felt great ... smooth. 50 psi in the shock... but the kickstand scrapes... I actually had to lean the bike over right to get the kickstand by.... Now full disclaimer... the wife was on the back .. so .... just saying. Maybe thats how it is, but I thought I’d remember it if that happened last year. Is there a way to check the shock without taking it out? Any ideas? And well... just in case .. seems bike bandit wants $560 for the shock!!! WTH??!!?? Is that what they cost? Is there a more affordable alternative, or recommendation? Thanks as always
  6. Just asking in case something has changed. I’m real anal about this, hate to ruin the clutch. Every year I loose sleep over this, like its my first time..
  7. So, as I get my ride ready I found this. Now I hear changing grips is easy, but for some reason I’m pretty concerned about it. This seems to be shot - looks like the black ring - inner holder outer has fallen out of where it belongs. I have no issue with the eOEM grips, so can I just take a knife edge and jam it back in?? Or do I just swap out the grips? With new grips what do I need to look for? Some aftermarket knockoff ISO grips would be fine. Any suggestions?? I’m not fussy. Thanks as always...
  8. So one of my latches brok off - on the lid. I saw some posts where gluing with ABS cement doesn’t work very well, and it seems the best results were in 2012 with stuff called “Ultra Bond Plastic Epoxy” ( I think), which I cannot locate. Have there been any recent successful results?? Gorilla glue? Maybe another Epoxy? Thanks
  9. So ... really, how easy are they to change? Anything I need to know while shopping? 1" bars?? TIA
  10. So, as to your cruise control issue, well mine started doing that too, work then not. Strange, right? Over that year things got wired, like unexplained stalling... anyway check this thread. It solved my problem... had a bad relay. It fell out of its holder and was leaning against the hot engine. Melted. https://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?126126-Dying-a-mysterious-death-then-OK-then-not!/page3 https://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?127222-Fried-relay-help-please
  11. I have the same bike and EVERYONE knows red is the fastest color
  12. They are different? Never thought of that
  13. After reading many posts here, I have decided to stick with the stock size 150/80-16 on the front. I like the way the beefy tire looks, and haven't had too much of an issue horsing it around. Wherever I look to buy that size is listed as a rear tire though... am I missing something? Also, is there an opinion on which tire is the stickiest? TIA Mike
  14. It's time to rebuild the tree, I'm getting a clunk when stopping. I can feel it getting sloppy. Is there a kit to buy that has all the bearings etc for the triple tree, or do I need to get everything separately? Anything else I should know? TIA Mike
  15. Why??? I mean doesn't that add stresses to the metals in the long term? Water cooled would deliver more power, right? Can someone ELI5? I'm looking and loving it ... but this seems like a complete backward step. Can you guys educate me on this?? Thanks
  16. This was nice because it had a heatsink instead of a fan. Does anyone know what the newer replacement would be? I guess iyt doesn't have to be Brovoew ... but plug and play is a priority unless I'm being real dense. Thanks to all as always Mike
  17. Goooooooooooood morning, I'm putting som LED accent lighting in, around and under my 06 RSV. There are a few plugs that snap the LED strands together that should probably be waterproofed since they actually sent shrink tubing to do this. Problem is that the shrink tubing doesn't quite fit. Just a bit too small. Anyway I'm looking for opinions and suggestions... I was wondering if just a coating of silicone? or that F4 Tape? Both? Find the right shrink tubing??? TIA Mike
  18. Hi all, looking at the Harbor Freight turntable, and I am wondering if anyone has any experience with them? i was going to make my own from a piece of 5/8" plywood and some roller bearings but this looks like it would work just fine. Yes? No? https://www.harborfreight.com/low-profile-motorcycle-dolly-95896.html Thanks as always
  19. Congrats on the purchase! I think you're going to love it once you get it straightened out. The only comments I can give with certainty are that 75 or 80 shouldn't have been an issue, but I know what you are talking about when you say it felt like it was too much. If the bike is in decent mechanical condition it will go faster with no problem if needed. I think what you are feeling is that it is only a 5-speed. I had a sporadic issue with my cruise control and it was the starting circuit relay, which is located below the drivers seat under that body panel that goes side to side. Mine had become dislodged and was leaning against the hot engin and melted ... but it also affected things like the fuel pump ... so doesn't sound like the same thing.
  20. Hi all, This morning I was on my way to work knowing I needed gas before too long. Anyway, the RSV starts to crap out on me, switch it to reserve and all went back to normal. Issue is that the "F" and the yellow fuel warning light didn't come on until maybe 2 miles later. Usually I get the "F" first, and then another 5 miles before it starts to crap out and I need to change the pickup over. Any ideas?? Thanks
  21. Ok thanks. Thats what it looks like but it also looks like it could be a nightmare ... so I wanted to ask.
  22. The rubber insert is coming out of one of the floorboards. The little rubber nubbie holder inners are still intact on the bottom of the rubber, but how do you push them back through the holes in the footrest to secure the rubber? or should I just glue the rubber in?? thanks as always Mike
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