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Everything posted by mcgwire723

  1. My wife rides a 2001, the only issue we have had is the pick up went out. An inexpensive and fairly easy fix.
  2. Guys, Thanks for all the help. I changed all the fluids out and it feels like a new bike again..... its amazing how much "fade" the old fluid has, everything is firm and works great now. Thanks again
  3. Thanks for all the help. I will be doing a full brake fluid, clutch fluid, and Coolant change tomorrow, I will also check the pistons.
  4. I completely understand, sounds like I will be doing a maintenance day. I was planning on doing all 3, I will also do the coolant.
  5. fluid has not been changed, The clutch fluid in really dark, and the front fluid is darker than normal, I will change them. Mileage is 13000, rear pads were replaced 4000 miles ago, they were wearing funny, inside looked new, outside was almost gone.
  6. That's what I though, just making sure, I was in second gear and just thought it was weird to only do it once.
  7. We had a group ride yesterday in the gorgeous Ozarks. I was on a long steep grade with multiple 180 degree switchbacks. At the last one I stepped on my rear brake pedal and it went to the floorboard with no resistance at all. About 10 miles later and the rest of the ride it felt normal. Prior to this one event it worked normal also. Looking for any input as to the reason it would do that. Thanks
  8. did anyone get you the info on the I simple? if no my RSV has one, I can get the model number for you.
  9. I have a Springfield Cardinals game on July 5th that my MC (EMS Angels MC "Aux Arcs") are selling tickets to. half of the ticket price ($10) goes to Make-A-Wish MO, in conjunction with our 2nd annual Ozarks Ride-For-Wishes that was held on May 2nd. If anyone is close to Springfield MO and would like tickets I have them available.
  10. Sorry for taking so long to reply, I will look at those items, I was thinking ground also, Thanks for the input.
  11. I have a 2012 RSV, and I'm having a problem with the passing lights. The right side will go off and come back on at random times going down the road. Has anyone experienced this problem? Both bulbs are new and still do the same thing. Thanks for any help.
  12. 7 of us from MO will be there the 20th and 21st. I'm the only venture rider but most of my club will be there.
  13. I was at 157 today when the gauge changed over.
  14. I have determined that I believe its a weak battery, I have one ordered, Ill post a followup after it arrives. The way I determined it was by hooking a 100A jump start box to it and it fired right off, looks pretty obvious now.
  15. Guys, this post is off the RSV topic but I would appreciate any help with this. I have a 2000 650 VStar Classic, It is super hard to start. Here is what I have done so far: New NGK plugs, fresh gas with Seafoam, new fuel filter, disassembled, cleaned, and kitted carbs, installed K&N air filter, synced carbs, adjusted valves, changed engine and final drive oil. Bike is stock except the K&N filter and I think it has pipes put on but unsure of maker. Now for the weird (to me) part: once it is started it idles great and runs awesome, and it will start easy for the rest of the day,its just the first starting that is super hard. Thanks for any help
  16. AMEN......
  17. I was not aware of their convention In Branson. I am not a member, but I live in Branson. If any members here are coming to town, let me know if you want to meet up and go on a ride, some AWESOME places here to ride.
  18. Thanks, I have looked at those, just trying to purchase from a member if available before I order from Ebay.
  19. Around the bags Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
  20. Does anyone have a set of Chrome Saddle Bag Rails for a 2nd Gen for sale? If so how much?
  21. dacheedah: Was the radio noise you are referring to background static? My 12 RSV had a HID installed when I got it, but it also has annoying static in the head sets. Thanks
  22. Thanks for all the info. I have been looking at the chrome bag guards mostly. It does have the iSimple interface, but didnt come with the ipod :-( but I have one
  23. What I thought, but wanted to make sure. Thanks
  24. Hi all, I have read a lot of the posts on here, and read a lot from other online searches about the RSV. I have also been looking at tons of "extras/upgrades". My question is: My bike is a 2012. Is it a Gen 2 or considered something else. Most of the items I find are for bikes up to 2010. Have they just not updated their parts dates? Thanks
  25. Im in South West Missouri and its dropped 45* since 11pm last night and we have 3" of sleet and forecast to get 3-7" snow by morning. Im never gonna get to ride again.......
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