Well I showed up at the bike shop and they had the bike ready. It was stumbling a bit at idle and when taking off, so that told me carbs needed cleaned. When I would shut it off and restart it, it would start right up, but had a slight hesitation. This told me it needed a new battery.
The ride was way better than I expected! I rode it 23 miles on two lane and 4 lane roads. It was one of my frequented routes, so I was able to fully evaluate how the bike performed. I was pleasantly surprised! I enjoyed the ride so much that when I got back to the bike shop, I almost went by it to ride some more. had it not benn close to their closing time I may have done just that.
At the shop, they agreed to clean the carbs and put in a new battery. We agreed on a price and I told them to give me the weekend to consider it. My son and I went to the Cleveland International Motorcycle Show yesterday, and though I fell in Love with the Indian Chief touring bike, I didn't find anything that excited me like RSV. I want to give the Indian a few years to work out their bugs before considering it, plus make sure their gonna be around. But I made up my mind I,ll be riding a RSV by weeks end