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Everything posted by samklr650

  1. Somewhere on here, I found a post about installing Harley Davidson Driving Lights in the RSV buckets. Anyone know where that thread is? Thanks' Sam
  2. OK folks, where's a cheap place to get valve shims? I need .260, .265, .270, .275. I looked on bikebandit and they were $16.95 each!!!
  3. Well, I'm deep into the job of adjusting the valves on my RSV and I have to say, could Yamaha have made this job any more difficult!!?? Now I understand why the dealership want $500 to do it. Thankfully the valves don't have to be adjusted very often, but still the engineers for this bike could have done a much better job on routing the wiring, cooling tube, vent and vacuum tubes, and the air box. I have a 1984 Honda Sabre and I can do a valve adjustment on that V4 engine in two hours taking my time. I'm about 3 hours just getting the valve covers off. Sorry, I just needed to vent to those who may understand. Hope I'm not offending anyone. I do Love my RSV and especially love riding it. I guess if this is the worst thing I have to do, its not that bad of a bike.
  4. I just wanted to take a moment to say what a wonderful site this is, and give a big shout out to Freebird and Skydoc for helping me with the valve adjustment on my RSMV. Thanks' a bunch guys!!!
  5. Ron, Thast is an amazing and practical idea! I would love to know how you built that tray. I still have my cassette player installed and would like something like that tray to hold stuff. I removed my entire audio system due to the fact that the CD player took up too much room and my wife and I have Sena blue tooth communicators. Sam
  6. Sent you a PM Skydoc! Sam
  7. Skydoc,how much for the gaskets and how soon can you get me the gaskets and shim kit? Sam
  8. Thanks djh3! Since its winter here, I'll have time to check and order whast I'll need. My bike needs a good look over anyway. How do you like the Victory in comparison to the RSV? I've been looking at those as a replacement for RSV.
  9. Cool idea! Looks pretty good. I'm not a radio on a motorcycle type rider, so I thought figureing out how to mount a GPS in That location.
  10. Thanks' folks for advice. Since its winter, I'll probably just do the math and either order shims or get from the dealership. Freebird, if you don't mind I'll barrow the tool. I'll send you a PM today. Sam
  11. Hi Folks, I need to change out the Valve cover gaskets on my 2005 RSMV. I might as well perform the valve adjustment while I'm in there. Does anyone have a Shim kit and tool they would like to sell or let me barrow? I live in Southern Ohio
  12. Venturous, Thank You so much!! I printed it off and will be looking to perform the Mod! This is my 1st touring bike, and coming from sport and adventure bikes, I haven't been really happy with the front brakes. I've already changed to leveling links and a 130 front tire and I'm pretty happy with handling now.
  13. I removed everything on my RSMV except the main cable from front to rear and the cassette player. I had bought a blue tooth headset for my wife and I and we like it allot. Plus I was able to sell all the parts and buy more accessories. It cleaned up the bike allot and now I can use my tank bag on trips.
  14. Can someone post the link for the R1 brake Mod? I looked for it and couldn't find anything. I'm definitely interested in doing this.
  15. I really like the Victory Cross Tour, but I'm about $23,000 short on buying one.
  16. These are what I have ...... http://oxford-products.com/us/products/Heaterz-Cruisers.html Sam
  17. I bought a full set of Kevlar brake pads from D2MOTO.com So far I like them allot and have had no issues with them. Best parts they are only $15 a set!!!
  18. The Iron Pony part number is OXFD : 0F697Z. I can't seem to find an Oxford Part number.
  19. Yeah, I guess I should have stated I removed the CB and the CD changer. So I don't have any cables to unhook.I bought a Blue tooth headset and use it for music, communication and GPS. It works much better than the system installed on the bike. Plus, it goes with me to the next bike.
  20. I've looked at several Indian's and Harley's with detachable tour packs and I really like the concept. I like the clean look without the tour pack and only need it when my wife rides with me.I'm thinking of coming up with something for my RSMV. Has anyone done this using the original tour pack and mounting hardware? My thought is to buy some knobs with threaded pins so I can just unscrew them, remove the tour pack and screw them back in without using tools. But I'm not sure how I would find the knobs with the correct length and thread pitch.
  21. Gorski, I bought Oxford heated grips from Iron Pony. Looks like they are really easy to install. The only real issue is where to mount the controller. I think I'm going to mount it between the handle bar clamps on the handlebars themselves. It will have to be mounted upside down, but there's plenty of clearance and it actually looks nice there. Also, while checking them out I realized that the chrome end caps on the heated grip can be removed. So it looks like I'll be able to keep my Bar End weights after all!! I was excited about that.
  22. I bought a set of heated grips for my RSMV. Problem is I have to remove the Handle Bar end weights. Has anyone done this and does the vibration get bad without the weights? Thanks' Sam
  23. Yeah, I did all the above, and the road condition were various. It looks like its an isolated incident so maybe it was just the tire. No one else has had that issue, but it sure made me nervous.
  24. I hate to be the downer in this post, and maybe I just got a bad tire. But I installed a MC 2 on the rear of my 2005 RSMV and in wet conditions it broke traction several times. I tried adjusting air pressure and it didn't help. I ride an average of 12k miles a year, so I feel like I know bikes and tires. I have never had a tire break traction in wet conditions as much as the MC 2.
  25. Artillery at Fort Miegs
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