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Everything posted by ricksbike

  1. For everyone out there,try lemon pledge, I've been using it for 35 years,it washes off if it rains but it's easy to reapply and also removes bugs really well.
  2. I'm just guessin' here,bur I would say whoever put the new clutch in screwed it up,there is shift linkage in behind the clutch basket-I would be making a phone call and somebody would be picking up your bike--repairing. It and delivering back at no charge------just sayin'
  3. Well at least you could fix the harley with baling wire and a hammer--LOL.: :rotf:
  4. I've had a Ruger p89 for several years-9mm just about bullet proof shoots straight and has no problem with hollow points,easy to take apart to clean'they only cost about 350-375 brand new,so far I've never had anybody outshoot me because they have a 1000 dollar gun--LOL.
  5. Prayers to your brother in-law and his family good luck and GOD BLESS
  6. The kickstand broke on my 92vr about three weeks ago and it went down far enough for my fairing to hit the dirt annd scratched te mirror,just sayin' it will hit the ground.
  7. now that's some funny stuff--LMAO.
  8. :322:All good information,I had trouble with mine so I took it apart and soldered all and I stress ALL the connections inside,took a while,put it back together and haven`t had a problem with since,did it 3 years ago,was showing code E-4.
  9. :301:Absolutely beautiful bike,I almost like the color better than my Blue 92,good luck with it,they really are great bikes,I still get more comments on mine than my friend gets on his 25,000 dollar beemer.
  10. :301:Everything I read on here is correct,I just wanted to add that I don`t take the steering head all the way out just to lube the bearings,I just drop it down far enough to hand pack the bearing after cleaning the old grease off and then slide it back up,I was a service manager for a motorcycle shop for 3 years and all of the mechanics did it this way unless the bearings were bad or rusty,used to do the same thing on my Goldwings too,if it`s just service it seems to work fine.
  11. :bighug:Congratulations Dan,long time isn`t it,but with the right person time doesn`t matter.
  12. I have heard for years that plugged tires aren`t safe,I think the tire manufactures came up with this,i have personally plugged tires and run them until worn out,I guess like anything else it all depends on how you feel about it,or if your dripping money.
  13. I only have one thing to say----ouch!!!!--hope you heal quickly,riding season is just starting,good luck and God Bless.
  14. I saw these a few years ago made for cars and trucks(I was an auto technician for GM cars specialized in tune-up and emissions) had several cars come in with these things installed,checked the burn on some of them with the infared scope and they made absolutely no difference,just a gimmic,kind of like putting cow magnets on fuel lines in the 70`s and 80`s before fuel injection.
  15. :)I`ve been running Avon Venoms for 5 years seem to get good wear out of them--18.000 miles on front,10,000 to 12,000 on rear,but I guess it depends on how you ride,always had great handling. Ride Safe. Rick
  16. I have a question for VR riders,how about some opinions on riding from N.Idaho to New York on a Gen 1 VR with about 85,000 miles on the clock,bike is in excellent condition,has slight gear whine from trans area(only can hear with helmet on) has no other issues,I would appreciate any comments or input. Ride Safe, Rick Hoffman
  17. I used a set of fork boots from Parts Unlimited,they were actually for an xr-200 dirt bike,I stretched them over the lower tubes and clamped them top and bottom,they`ve been on my 92vr for about 3 years.
  18. Well Muffinman,you just assume that someone making a comment has no idea what they`re talking about,if car tires were ok then I would assume that motorcycle dealers would install them with no problem,also if you google this you can find all kinds of comments,both good and bad,just because people do it doesn`t make it right or safe,here in the Northwest we have a lot of curves in our roads and I like to have a good contact patch,sorry if I offended you.
  19. Car tires aren`t designed for use on motorcycles,the sidewalls won`t handle the lean angles,I would think it would be like riding a bike with a flat tire,just my opinion,but I have read alot of horror stories about this.
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