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Everything posted by ricksbike

  1. A very good friend of mine passed away yesterday from that Godawful cancer,he was a great guy and a really good friend,he has been a motorcycle and car mechanic for years--I worked with him for 2 years at GM dealership,this guy could actually wheeley a Venture Royale,great rider he will be missed.
  2. I have noticed that air pressure makes a huge difference with the Venoms--I run 36 front and 40 rear any more and it really feels twitchy,never had a handling concern.:)
  3. I run Avon venoms on my 92vr--I`ve seen alot of negative comments on them,but I get between 10--12,000 out of the rear and 20,000 out of the front,they seem to work real well for me---I tried a set of Conti-tours last year and only got 6,000 miles out of them,tried to save a few bucks and ended up spending twice as much because I had to buy two sets of tires in one year.
  4. I forgot my stupid question reply----( How do you hold that up,Isn`t it awful heavy?) I love the look on their faces when I tell them I don`t hold it up the wheels and tires do.
  5. I love the ones that have to tell you all their horror stories(my friend was killed on one of those things or I got hit by a car so I don`t ride any more) takes all kinds I guess.
  6. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to everyone on the forum,I haven`t met anyone on here either,but I really enjoy the site,I get a lot of laughs and a great deal of information witch I`ll never use but it`s great to read,There are a lot more Members on the East Coast it seems,some day I hope to meet some of you guys.
  7. I would start with new spark plugs,warm it up and then see how it runs.
  8. I wouldn`t let these guys bother me,if their riding a second gen their just jealous,by the way tool kit is supposed to be in right saddlebag strapped to bottom of bag,(FIRST GENS RULE)--LMAO.
  9. ricksbike


    Why?hold my beer and I`ll show Ya--LOL.
  10. Great poem Puc,for an old Codger,it amazes me how much you remember when you think about your loss--God Bless.
  11. I think Yamaha should build something similar to the 1st or 2nd gens and get away from bikes that look like Harleys.
  12. Great story,I`m sure you made that mans year,God Bless and Thank You.:)
  13. Welcome,so far I haven`t had the chance to meet any of the people on here,but just to warn you,there`s some crazy people on this forum---LOL:stirthepot::cool10:.
  14. Yep I only have one thing to say,I hate deer and moose,I do like to eat them though.
  15. I paid $4500 for my 92 vr 5 years ago,it had 38,000 miles on it and was in showroom condition,has 96,000 on it now and still looks and runs great,I can honestly say it`s the best bike I`ve ever owned.:cool10:
  16. Scott,so sorry to hear about your loss,I agree with some of the other comments--just remember the good times--I know it`s a hard thing,but your Dad is probably up there looking down and smiling--God Bless.
  17. Sorry to hear about your mishap,hope you and your wife heal quickly,good luck with your bike repairs.
  18. Has anyone on this forum ever noticed how a 1st gen in full scream mode sounds like a small block chevy ????
  19. Just couldn`t resist adding my 2-cents--I`m glad your OK and survived that senior moment,I just wanted to add that learning to ride a dirt bike through the woods at 30 to 50 MPH has saved my behind several hundred times,as anyone who has ridden through the woods knows,your always avoiding something--rocks--ruts--trees and other bikes,so, if nothing else it was very good training for street riding. Good Luck and Stay alert.
  20. I think I enjoy the freedom and the fact that riding a bike makes me different than everyone around me,I also enjoy the solitude---and it`s cheap-LOL.
  21. Well ,it sounds like it`s time to pull the starter and see what is going on,I had a problem in the past with my Goldwing starters,went through three in 6 months,finally took one apart and found that the brush holder wasn`t riveted tight and whoever rebuilt it didn` t put any lube on the gear reduction bushings,rebuilt it myself and never had another problem,I guess there`s no such thing as quality control anymore.
  22. I t:080402gudl_prv:hink I would tap on the starter with a hammer(gently) and have someone else hit the starter button.
  23. No,not supposed to be dented,just had mine off and had no dents,will need new o-rings to reseal.
  24. Just had to mention that 666 is my P.O. box number---LOL.
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