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Everything posted by ricksbike

  1. I don`t even think age is an issue,I worked at a Cadillac dealership for ten years,I think we had more problems with the newer cars than the older ones with high miles,you have to figure if it`s relatively new and has high miles,it has probably been driven on the highway,and it`s kind of a fact that highway miles are a lot easier on a vehicle than around town miles.
  2. I carry both ways,of course I live in Idaho,so nobody even notices.
  3. If you want all that,it`s going to have to be a 1st gen---LOL.
  4. Now that`s some funny stuff--LOL.
  5. That really is a sharp lookin` car,I also was bitten by the Mopar bug back in the day,had 2 440-sixpack SuperBees,at the same time,one stick and one automatic and I know it`s hard to believe but the auto was a lot faster---love those old Dodges. :backinmyday:
  6. On any 04 vehicle if the temp guage,sensor or wiring were faulty it would set a check engine light,I would guess at a bad new thermostat or an air bubble in the cooling system.
  7. Does this mean if your antennas are on the wrong side you have your wires crossed:rotfl:
  8. Great story Puc,parts of it made me tear up,and that don`t happen,me bein`an old Jarhead and all,I hope that Old bike goes to a good home. :cold: by the way,I hate Winter--LOL.
  9. Winter
  10. I average 38-42 on my 92 vr those hundred MPH passes seem to mess up my averages.
  11. I also got a discount at several campgrounds when they saw my veterans ID card(right next to my credit card--Ha-Ha).
  12. Gas is 1.85 a gallon here in North Idaho,but I`m sure the gas companies will fix that before spring.
  13. Car??????What`s a car--LOL.
  14. Co:cool10:ngratulations,I retired 2 years ago and don`t miss working one bit,the biggest problem I have is now I don`t have time to get everything done-LOL.I do ride alot though. :banana:
  15. Congrats--cute little rug rat--now you can spoil the heck out of her,fill her up with sugar and send her home,well in a few months--LOL.
  16. I seem to have the same kind of problem here in Idaho--I ordered a part for sks rifle from China.it went halfway around the world and my local post office lost it between their loading dock and my PO box,all of about 100 feet.Yippy for USPS.
  17. So sorry to hear about the loss of another Riding Brother--I have decided that I really don`t like December--I lost 2 friends this month and I told God (that`s enough Dude can`t deal with anymore loss)Prayers sent to his family--God Bless.:bighug:
  19. When setting up my Facebook account we were trying to think of a name to use,my daughter inlaw walked by and looked at the computer screen and saw a picture of my bike and said Hey that looks like Ricksbike and it just kind of got used.
  20. And a Merry Christmas to you and your family--God Bless.
  21. We`ve always had Primerib--or standing rib roast mashed potatoes,some kind of squash or sweet potatoes green beans and cherry cheese cake for desert.
  22. It`s always sad to me to hear of someone hanging up their helmet,I`m sure glad the LORD was with you and your here to do just that,I had to gave up riding my dirt bike(well didn`t have to,chose to) after 2 heart attacks,I really loved that sport,and that was not to hard to accept,I still ride my VR but pay alot more attention to what`s going on around me--Good Luck and God Bless--hope your wife has speedy recovery.
  23. My local Ace hardware store has a lot of little balls.
  24. I use my friends table lift,and it`s free.
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