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About Shorty

  • Birthday 02/27/1944

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Austin, MN, United States


  • City
    Austin, MN


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Trout fishing, 1966 Mustang Fastback
  • Bike Year and Model
  1. I rode in up there on a Bicycle stating "do you know how many miles it's from Austin MN to PIP? Nobody bought it. My brother dropped me off an 1/8 mile away and I did ride the rest of the way there on that old bicycle though. Anyway it was good seeing the guys and gals and the Chili was great. I had only a little time to be there, but yes the BS was flying.
  2. PIP 2014 Bubber PS did someone tell Yooper to show up this year and Slim and Alan and Bob and Pete and Laura, and Sarge and Red (both of them) Phil and the rest of you regulars too.[/quote I think you just told them Bubber. I talked to Yooper today and he said that he hadn't about it. I tried to encourage him to come. If you like his phone number PM me. Shorty
  3. Pork in the Pines............ that's 300 miles away @ 35 mph... let's see.. 9 hours New Hampton Ia............ that's 70 miles away @ 35 mph..... it's only 2 hours away:cool10: I haven't given up the idea of getting a Bergman which will go 110 mph:whistling: I wonder what my family would think of that? Bubber... my old Venture was sold to a Preacher NE of Anoka just off of hwy 47, maybe you'll see it sometime. buddy...... his Cushman is a sleeper.... tell me more about it.
  4. I know this is an old posting but since I sold my 88 VR I bought a 1949 Cushman Pacemaker and am looking for an modern engine to put in it and stumbled across this posting. I told my family that I'd stop riding motorcycles when I turned 70, the next day I sold the Venture. You can't believe how hard it was for me to do that. Anyway I also told them that I wanted to end my 2 wheel motorized riding on a 1946 Cushman like the one I started with in 1959; this 1949 will do the trick, and looks just like the other one but in rough shape. And no Bubber I'm not too old to ride but a promise is a promise. Tom
  5. Shorty

    I found...

    That's pretty cool, I'm really happy for you. All three of our children are adopted and are adults now. Our oldest son when he got engaged said to me, Dad I gotta know if I'm marrying my sister, so I'm going to do a search. We encouraged him all the way. He met his birth parents who were then married to each other, a sister, a brother and a step brother. We have met them and get along good with them. And no he wasn't engaged to his sister.
  6. NICE LOOKING BIKE I checked with Richard on Sunday and he decided to give his VR to his son. The last bike (XS11)his son got, I later bought. Don't think that will happen again though; I've got to wear out my 88 first.
  7. Shorty


    Ya think?
  8. Well I'm happy you came out of it so good.
  9. Hey Black Owl, are you the one who started the whole thing? Maybe from an incident just north of Preston?
  10. Shorty

    Wild Hair

    Yooper and I are on our "Goodwill / under the weather biker friends Tour yesterday. First we visited Eagleeye in Wisconsin and had a great time with him. Tomorrow we will be visiting a western Minnesota Venturer who was hit by another biker which totaled out his Venture and left him with broken bones too. And then onto eastern South Dakota to visit my riding buddy Oscar (who attended last years PIP with me), who has some health issues. THEN on to visit Wild Hair... Lowell down in Springfield, Missouri. The only problem is that we don't have his address. Soooooooooooooo will someone PM me with it? We are leaving as soon as it quits raining tomorrow morning, around 11:00 a.m. Attached is a picture of Yooper, Wild Hair and some other buddys on a ride out of the Davis Rally a few years back, note that Wild Hair is on his Venture.
  11. I started with a 1946 Cushman kinda like the one attached but mine didn't have a sidecar or have a shifter, and was painted 58 Chevy blue. That was in 1960...... yikes 53 years ago:backinmyday: If anyone knows of a junker one for sale please let me know, I'd like to restore it.
  12. I'm 6'-5" and I took the seat cover off and used an electric knife and cut out three inches on the back of the drivers seat. My knees were hitting the fairing when I sat upright. Another thing I did was to remove the Lowers, so now when I stretch out with the back of my lower leg on the foot pegs, my legs are under the fairing. It's so comfortable when I lean back on my backrest with my legs stretched out, cruise control on, nice music coming from my headset, that I have fallen to sleep twice with the rumble strip waking me up..... now that's comfortable. The attached shows where I removed some of the foam and how it looks without the lowers.
  13. Shorty

    Wild Hair

    Will you ask him to contact me or Yooper? We want to go and see him.
  14. Shorty

    Wild Hair

    Has anyone heard from Wild Hair (Lowell) lately?
  15. Wrong!!!!!! My '88 is a Standard Also my first '88 had Cruise and Intercom and Radio/Casset
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