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Everything posted by Dragonslayer

  1. There you go that would be a plate of Cat's head biscuits..........But it still doesn't answer the question of what side do you butter?
  2. Would that be Milk Gravy, Sawmill Gravy, Brown Gravy or pan drippings gravy. And do you drown your biscuit, dunk or sop up your gravy.
  3. Ahhh....... A Sorgham Sopper that also knows what a cat's head biscuit is. Did we go to different schools together?
  4. How do you spit a biscuit open? I myself use a butter knife to carefully slice the biscuit open horizontally somewhere in the middle of it's vertical height.
  5. Survey says................That More than 75% of the populations splits their biscuit in the middle and applies the butter on one of the inside surfaces. My question is.. which surface do you apply the butter to the bottom of the top half or the top of the bottom half and why? I have a theory on the best option and am looking for intellectural confirmation.
  6. I have recently realized that most folks don't know what side their biscuit is buttered on. To prove my point I'm launching this enquirery. What side is your biscuit buttered on and why. Do you butter your biscuit on the top, the bottom of the top, the top of the bottom or the bottom and why? Enquiring minds want to know.
  7. Aint that the truth
  8. Thanks Dan for that vote of confidence. Oh, by the way I took a ride up around Vogel last Saturday and found your riding gloves....... But, I don't think you will want them back.... They appeared a little digested and decompossed.
  9. He still thinks resale value is $19,500
  10. I picked up my buddies loaner 2007 Midnight Venture tonight that he is letting me use while I tear my bike down and go through it for it's annual. I got a long list of things i need to do to my 87 VR. But the 2007 is a nice ride and I am greatful he is willing to let me use his since he doesn't seem to ride it much. It has 1125 miles on it since he bought it new and I know I've put at least 300 of those miles on it just to keep fresh gas in it. What a waste to have a great ride and leave it in the carport collecting cobwebs.
  11. RandyR is a hell of a guy. Hey randy I picked up the Loaner 2007 Midnight Venture so I'm ready to start tearing my 1st gen down. Get ready for the valve adjust job you promised. Like the little dog said when the train ran over it's tail........ It won't be long now.
  12. Guess you lose the argument hope you didn't have a bet placed on it.
  13. Well yes and no.....he is responsible.......................for finding the link but, not for the artwork, while exploring the internet for information and examples of photo shop art. Clint is talented with pens, pencils and paint but, he is just now getting started with digital art which is a whole different animal.
  14. Dragons can appear anywhere [ame= ] [/ame]
  15. Motorcycling has defined my entire life in the most profound, direct and indirect ways. Even during that thirty six year period of my life that I did not ride motorcycles. You see it was like this; From the beginning from almost the earliest time that I can remember riding mini-bikes was the commonality that connected me to my childhood peer group in elementary school. (I'm gonna have to do this in chapters since I'm late for work.)
  16. Hope this helps
  17. Great Video I made sure my son got a chance to watch it.
  18. The weave unwoove, ......not enough foundation structure to hold on to:bang head:
  19. My son is still playing with his photoshop program and came up with another new more better Avatar then the one i posted yesterday. This image is actually part of the image engraved on the windshield of my scoot.
  20. I happen to be using the new one now. wow I like it............. the screen is bigger so the text is larger and easier to read. A few things look different... i guess it will take some getting use to.
  21. SSSSSuuushhhhhh, Don't tell anyone it's a weave.
  22. OMG.........I just got a visual of Salty, The Sailor Boy out at sea way, way too long. I may not recover
  23. That reminds me of a bumper sticker I once saw. Cat's Drowned for FREE
  24. Your wish is my command...Fair Lady
  25. Two very good reasons to have a neck
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