I went by SKS shop yesterday to see what he had. There is quite a lot of stuff all the aftermarket safety chrome, parts, seats, tires is marked down 30%. A lot of Harley stuff since the shop is primarily a Harley shop. Shop equipment, Dyno for $18,000, Bearing press, Tire machine and tire balancer, table lifts, work benches, drill press, frame jig. There are 8 high end Harleys and custom bikes which he says are listed on Craig's list Atlanta.
He's liquidating everything and said he would be there until everything is gone. As of yesterday it looked like he had a ways to go. There is generally a make an offer feel to the place some items have price tags most do not.
He said the best way to reach him is by phone he is there everyday and will be for a while but is not responding to email inquires.