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Everything posted by Dragonslayer

  1. I like Chunky Ice Cream Monkey
  2. If I'm not mistaken, I believe the Krispy Kremes was another good thing that originated in Atlanta. We're not taking credit for the KKK.
  3. A least we know the system works
  4. I went by SKS shop yesterday to see what he had. There is quite a lot of stuff all the aftermarket safety chrome, parts, seats, tires is marked down 30%. A lot of Harley stuff since the shop is primarily a Harley shop. Shop equipment, Dyno for $18,000, Bearing press, Tire machine and tire balancer, table lifts, work benches, drill press, frame jig. There are 8 high end Harleys and custom bikes which he says are listed on Craig's list Atlanta. He's liquidating everything and said he would be there until everything is gone. As of yesterday it looked like he had a ways to go. There is generally a make an offer feel to the place some items have price tags most do not. He said the best way to reach him is by phone he is there everyday and will be for a while but is not responding to email inquires.
  5. Here are some more of my collection. The KKK is not a political statement just one of the collection.
  6. From the etched words they appear to be Spanish or Mexican in origin. You don't find many custom knife makers dealing in that degree of decoration. Generally due to high Rockwells most blades are very hard to carve on. Even putting an edge on one, if it's made right, you can work up a sweat... The little one is Mexican and has the words VIVA Mexico on one side with some symbols on the blade that look Mayan. On the other side of the blade are the words "Mejar cadaver pero no gusano" which I Believe translated means "Better to be a corpse than a worm " or paraphrased "better to be dead than a traitor" The makers mark looks like C.A.D. Pierro Oblong circle with a P and a circle on the P. Handle appears to amber. The middle sized knife is German makers mark says Hubectus solingen rostfrei. On the other side of the blade is a very elaborate carving of game animals and a dog with a rabbit in it's mouth The larger one Makers mark says Old Smokey and the engraving on the blade says Self Defender
  7. I collect a few but really don't know very much about them. Here are three of my favorites. Does anybody know anything about these three knives?
  8. I didn't see any mention of the 2nd bi-annual ride to the Dillard House for lunch with the Atlanta Dragonslayer
  9. Closer to N. Georgia and Vogel in August..... Be there or be square...... congrats Angel
  10. Vogel State Park, North Georgia Weekend Venture Rider M & E in August. Event is sponsored by Dragonrider proceeds to go to St. Jude's. It happens every other year in August. There are threads posted about it. Look in the event schedule section. This event is a must attend if you have never been to it. Aussie Annie is making it for her second time all the way from Australia.
  11. Is this a veiled reference to Georgia's Latest media super star....... Honey Boo Boo
  12. Course you are. How else could we ride to the Dillard House for a lunch M & E.
  13. And no messy clean up at the end of the day:thumbsup2:
  14. He's probably folding up the tents and not in there much. I'm not sure. Is there still a working phone number can you leave a message? Hey maybe when you come this way to pick up your new micro cars in Madison you can drop in on him in Lillburn.
  15. It must be nice to have the time and where-with-all:mo money: to play in this game. I would if I could, but, I can't so I won't Good luck, keep us posted on the project with pics.
  16. He said he was just tired of it, he mentioned fighting with the government. I guess you could read anything into that, Government regulation causing not profitable condition. I don't know for sure. But he made it sound like he would be selling out lock, stock and barrel for pennies on the dollar.
  17. I ran into the owner, Steve Shore of SKS Motorcycles at the Atlanta International Motorcycle show a few weeks back. Steve was an old roommate of mine years ago and has been known for years in the Atlanta motorcycle community as the owner of SKS Motorcycles in Lillburn, Georgia. While we were talking he told me that he is closing this business and is liquidating his inventory of bikes, parts, fixtures, equipment of this motorcycle shop. I'm sure there will be some bargains in there and thought I would pass this information on .
  18. I too enjoyed our M & E's to this destination. It was a great day ride from Atlanta. I'll will hate to take this off my suggested ride list. But, I still have the memories and pics. I'm just sorry I'm not in a position to bid on the collection.
  19. Once you get that 1st genner you'll probably scrape that crotch rocket thingy. The comfort on the first genner is great and it will carve a few canyons too. I agree with the boss...... go with the MKII 1st genner 86 and up to 93 you can't go wrong.
  20. I spent a year in Killian Texas one month @ Fort Hood
  21. Thread Closed
  22. Wow I didn't expect that from an fellow Atlantian/Newnanian We will See what we will see
  23. For The Atlanta FALCONS Go Dirty Birds You can really feel the energy level ramping up down here in Atlanta
  24. Tell her congrats on the exam and good luck on the job search.
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