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Everything posted by Dragonslayer

  1. Are there any pics of Carbon One mod?
  2. I'm more worried about my Gaurdian Angel getting older and slower.
  3. I'm figuring about 30 gallons
  4. Never mind I figured it out
  5. Somehow or other while moving the cursor around the screen I blew the site screen up to zoomed size for the very, very, very visually impaired where do I go to get it back down for normal viewing pleasure?
  6. Happy, Happy, Happy Belated Birthday
  7. It goes in the end of the passenger hand rails that the drivers back rest attaches too.... or maybe a discarded wine bottle cork
  8. With the lucrative paid leave benefits of this new job and the already accumulated time and 1/2 comp time I maybe be able to do MD after all go ahead and put my name in the hat.
  9. I thought buying this bike might do it......But, Nooooooo she aint going nowhere.. It appears
  10. A deal I could not refuse
  11. All three parties... Happy, Happy Happy:dancefool::dancefool:
  12. No problem, congrats on having such an loving and caring wife that is willing to do such a wonderful thing for you,....And then theres Vogel
  13. My Pleasure... Now that I have Randy's ride your new ride is going into protective custody until you get her
  14. Thank you Ole great and wonderful master..... Now time for more Wax on.. Wax Off exercises.[/font]
  15. It does kinda look like yours they must be twins.... I might consider letting you use the trailer if you want to scoot on down here and get it... maybe for a nominal fee of course, I was considering letting you do the seat mod..... But, it appears that you already have
  16. I will definitely miss the old girl. It is important to me that she is going to a good home close by so I might be able to see her from time to time.:crying:
  17. I want to hear the story how you LOST the old one in the Cherokee County Sheriffs Department
  18. I already am.
  19. I'm usually a very loyal individual to my convictions but, In this case I must confess I've made a decision to jump on board the 2nd Gen band wagon. I just picked up the NEW-To-ME 2000 Yamaha XVZ1300 mm Millenium Limited Edition 2nd Gen that I bought from RandyR. Soon GAwildkat Patricia and her hubby Michael will be the proud new parents of my 87 MKII Yamaha Venture Royale 1st gen [ATTACH]75605[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]75606[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]75607[/ATTACH]
  20. My thoughts are with and your family as you are near this period of loss.
  21. Your right we couldn't Vogel without you. If need be I'm sure there is someone in the forum that has access to 18 wheels that could haul your whole kit and kaboodle including wheel chair if need be. Maybe we could life flight you to the Vogel parking lot if we have too. Get well, be kind to your knees, you will miss them when they're gone. Prayers for healing and comfort on the way.
  22. Administrative facility management for six county facilities... no hands on tools manual labor.
  23. work I went today... 1st day on the new job today after 8 months of forced vacation and daytime TV watching. Today went great with orientation for benefits, IT (email training) and off 1 hour early on my first day since my boss was bugging out early and they did know what to do with me for that hour. The job is actually a state job with all of the state benefits and retirement programs. Among other things I was given the paid Holiday schedule which amounts to 14 paid holidays including, Robert E. Lee's birthday, Confederate Memorial day and Columbus day. Plus three weeks per year sick/personal leave and 3 weeks per year vacation. Evidently April 1st April's fools day is not a recognized paid holiday. But, I did get off an hour early. Eligible for retirement in three years when I turn 60. Starting with 8.8 weeks paid leave per year. Much different from my life in the corporate world. My office is a nice big executive office with massive mahogany furniture instead of a small desk in the corner of a boiler room. They said dress code was business casual which I interpreted as Kakies, oxford shirt and tie which made me stand out as the most over dressed person in the building. Evidently business casual means blue jeans and polo shirts. My bosses and co workers are bikers and Walking Dead, Duck Dynasty fans. I think I'm gonna like it here.
  24. I had a similar problem with my 1st gen after about a month of electrical trouble shooting it turned out to be a small spot of carbon build up on the ignition switch and kill switch contacts. I took them apart and cleaned the contacts and everything was fine.
  25. I think you just proved my point.
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