OK, Truth be known. I was a product of the sixties, so to say I aint been exposed would be less than honest. There was a long period of my life that I had nothing to do with it. Not because I have a moral objection to it but, being in a line of work subject to drug testing, the risk wasn't worth the rewards. So, I stayed with the legal drug, alcohol. But, now with the risk of DUI's at $10k + a pop, The risk is not worth the rewards. So, I am rethinking my options. If it were legal, there would be no doubt about it.
I will say this, Some people have no business drinking. Like my son, when he is drinking he is a major pain in the a$$ to be around argumentative, incomprehensible, hostile then meloncoly. When he is stoned he is funny, interesting and hoot to be around. Go Figure.
I'm not saying, I'm just saying.