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Everything posted by Dragonslayer

  1. The first hitch I had on my 87 I fabricated my self and worked great. I may still have it laying around and would be glad to give it to you. But like V. RANDY said it is probably to heavy to ship. I later changed it out for a factory made one I got off eBay. CARBON ONE IS the member that makes the hitch mod for the second gens.
  2. I'm due a trip to Sevierville to visit family. May try to make this one.
  3. Dan, Why don't you start here: acluwv.org. I've found in life and have been amazed What the power of one phone call can be. The trick is knowing who to call. Most people don't know so they don't try.
  4. Have you tried to get national news coverage involved. I would think with today's social climate they would jump all over this story.
  5. Aren't all of the body parts the same on all Gen 2's from 2001 on except for color? By the way I might be interested in a LHS lower fairing for the. 2007 Midnight Venture but could paint one that's a different color, if anyone has one laying around I good shape.
  6. Gee that road looks pretty straight to me
  7. A brain surgeon, a rocket scientist, a firefighter and a Facility Manager. Walk into a bar. The brain surgeon complains to the bartender that the beer is too cold causing him to get a brain freeze headache. the bartender apologies and said he would see what he cold do about it and runs to the back room to adjust the temperature on the beer cooler. When he comes back the rocket scientist complains that the beer is now too hot causing him to sweet like an astronaut before take off. The bartender apologies again and runs to the back room to adjust the temperature on the beer cooler. When he returns the firefighter complains that the beer is still not cold enough. He justifies his point of view by saying that he has been fighting fires all day long and the beer can never be cold enough for him. The bartender once again apologies and trots off to adjust the temperature one more time. When he returns he immediately glares at the Facility Manager and ask with contempt in his tone, " Sir, how is your beer?" The Facility Manager replies that his beer is just right, perfect in every way. Without hesitation the bartender pours a pitcher and sets it down in front of the Facility Manager and tells him that the pitcher is on the house. While pouring him a glass from the pitcher he introduces him the the lovely blond waitress Brittany who smiles at him with her most amorous smile. The morale of the story is QUIT YOUR *****ING AT THE BAR.
  8. My experience tells me that Orthopedics Surgeon could come in handy for a biker.
  9. Been there, seen that.
  10. Why not a transformer that you could knock buildings down with.
  11. Glad you took my advice and it worked out for you. Sorry about the wind but you did not request weather advice.
  12. You're probably right, if you lived near me humidity would be the least of your troubles.
  13. I would tend to disagree. Most times the beltway (285) is a mess and I would do the straight shot through town. It just depends on the location of any given wreck on any given day. The collapsed bridge is no longer a factor. My advice would be to load a travel app like WAZE on your phone. Stop north of Atlanta and check the locale travel conditions at the time. Then pick the best route at that time. If you get to Atlanta during your time frame described on a Monday my bet would be the straight shot through downtown. But, the traffic in Atlanta is always a crap shoot. Good luck.
  14. I'd love to have a tech savvy venturerider like you as a neighbor but, it's too cold and the riding season is too short up there where you live. Ever thought a about moving south?
  15. Yep,, to know of the likes of GeorgeS is a true honor. hi: It been a true honor for me to know all of the Venture Riders, even you Puc.
  16. So I was right with the white lithium grease. I always knew that the world would be a much better place if more folks listened to what I had to say.
  17. When it happened to me, I was on a failed Saddle Sore 1000 attempt somewhere around Mount Mitchell, N.C. During a sudden blizzard. I remember having to hunker down under a tarp next to a news paper box in the parking lot of a convenience store, listing to the Elks and wolves hollering and howling all night long, kinda like Puc style camping. Well anyway, next morning after a long sleepless night, the paper man made me move so he could load the paper box. Just in time for the store to open and I got the first cup of a fresh pot of coffee to choke down a day old warmed up sausage and biscuit to warm my frost bitten innards. Being too exhausted to finish the SS1000 attempt, I quit my mission and began limping home. I remember it was a cold morning at around 30° on a sunny day, and I had made it to some part of the Blue Ridge Parkway North of Asheville when it happened. Now whine would not have been the descriptor word I would have used when it suddenly started and scarred the bejesus out of me. It was more like one of them old timey sirens you had to wind up with a crank, The faster I went the louder it got. When I'd slow down it would settle down to an almost tolerable decibel level. ALMOST. I put up with it all I could til I happened to be going by the Yamaha Stealership in Asheville where I pulled in for some advice. They had none nor did they have a clue what could be causing it. But they had no problem with letting me peel my leathers off and warm up in their little customer lounge, which was pretty nice as I recall, while I ate their donuts, drank their coffee, plugged into their power with my laptop and phone charger where I could access the internet and reach the real Yamaha experts, Venturerider.org. who of course knew exactly what the problem was and what to do about it. I believe it was probably GeorgeS out of Seattle that told me to unscrew the Speedo cable fitting from the left side of the front wheel hub, pull the cable out , and screw the empty cable housing connector back on the wheel. He told me to put the extracted cable in the trunk and when I got home he would talk me through the fix, which he did as always with mind numbing detail. GOD BLESS GEORGES FOR THE HELP HE HAS GIVEN ME THROUGH THE YEARS. He also explained that I would not have any Speedo but I also wouldn't have to listen to that beotch whine all the way home. Sure wish something that simple would have worked on either one of my ex wives. How's that for a CTFW story?
  18. No matter how many times I heard that joke at Vogel it is still funny. Joe, your probably like me, no reason to give up on a good joke as long as it keeps getting laughs.
  19. Time tells all tales and heals all wounds.
  20. Oh yea, my initial reaction when I read the title to this thread was "make the bitoch get off and walk".
  21. No need to do all of that, fine oils will dry out to fast, using aerosol white lithium grease you can squirt some down the cable housing and ram rod the cable up down a few times to get it all sqouze up and down the housing real good then squirt a few drops in on the Speedo gears. Then you'll be good to go for another 100k miles.
  22. Aerosol white lithium grease. Shoot it down the cable till it drips out the bottom. A little up into Speedo good too.
  23. Yea that's right, Fool, don't you still owe me a can of sea foam for not hitting me last year down here in Atlanta?
  24. Or pee into the wind or upstream.
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