I have a very close friend who is a highly in demand CPA, Good News.
His brother passed away about 2 years ago, Bad News:crying:
His brother had built a very cool 5K square foot house on 20 acres within a 30 minute commute of my work, Good news:thumbsup2:
My friends nephew who had inherited the house and has now decided he just wants to cash out of the house and walk away, Motivated seller, Good news:thumbsup2:
The house has been 90% remolded and upgraded, Good news:thumbsup2:
The property is prime dear hunting country and is perfect for hunting off any of the three decks or a half a dozen permanent stands scattered around the property, Great news:thumbsup2:
All of the surrounding neighbors have given permission to hunt their property as well that total about 75 acres. Great news:thumbsup2:
My Friend, who is the executor of his brothers estate thought of me first and has offered me the house and property with some very attractive Owner finance terms that makes the deal affordable for me. Super Great News:thumbsup2::thumbsup2:
Now for the really, really bad news. To make the deal work I will have to sell my Millennium for some down payment money.:crying:
Be watching in the classifieds for the bike and matching trailer to come up. I will post it when we have a signed deal.