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Everything posted by Dragonslayer

  1. I'm more interested in what kinda hot dogs Puc is serving that makes them so good. If they sell them down here maybe I'll try some to see if they will change my opinion of them. And Puc don't get me wrong I would love to attend one of your M&E&EM If I was up there I'm just saying the promise of a hot dog ain't gonna do it for me. Not saying, just saying.
  2. Hey Puc, I Don't know if you've been around long enough to know about Wildhair69. I haven't heard much from him in a few years. When I first got involved with site and started to go to the M & Es, every wheree I went to no matter where there he'd be. I don't know exactly why he did it, what or who he was running from or why he spent so much time criss crossing the country on that old Kawasaki Cavalcade he used to ride so one day I asked. I forget who I asked but his answer hit me as funny. The answer was " he likes hot dogs". Evidently, Lowell (his real name), had a reputation that he would ride any where for a hot dog. I think the record is about 2000 miles. You would've liked ole Wild hair. Me, on the other hand....... I don't like hot dogs that much to get motivated to ride all the way up there for a hot dog. I LIKE YOU JUST FINE BUT, THEN THERE'S THAT THREAT OF SNOW THE FOOL KEEPS THROWING AROUND UP THERE.
  3. What is this obsession you have with hot dogs. Do you know what's in them things?
  4. Dragonslayer


    Some folks are happy living a state of ignorant bliss. Not me, I need the constant input of New and relevant information which I am not getting here. There is something else I'm not getting but I don't want to discuss it here.
  5. Dragonslayer


    Why do we have the why thread and the bored thread going at the same time? It would suffice to say," I'm bored wondering why things are the way they are. I NEED ANSWERS.
  6. I use the term loosely.
  7. Maybe he got a Mazda with a rotary engine. Or a helicopter with a rotary blade.
  8. Well it's 8:18 a.m., got to work at 8:00 a.m. emails checked, messages checked, now killing time till the phone rings. Bored already.
  9. Not this year. Probably be bikeless by then.
  10. Or limit the number smilies you can use in one post.
  11. See an old dog can learn new tricks.
  12. Dragonslayer


    Why did this thread resurface? I thought we killed this one long ago.
  13. Look out now pucster you know the boss get touchy when people talk about selling stuff in the watering hole.
  14. Back at work now bored, watching the clock move ever so slowly. Wasting time till 5:00.tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock.moo:draming:
  15. I gonna change the blinker fluid in the boat. Oh wait a minute I don't have a boat.
  16. Wow what a story. My thoughts and prayers are with you while you begin to rebuild and emotionally heal after all that you have been through. The thing about rebuilding is it gives you the opportunity to make things better than they were.
  17. I think it needs some silver tassels.
  18. Must be an attention deficit disorder of some kind. One more day to waste before I have to go back and waste time at work.
  19. It was the least I could do. And never let it be said that I didn't do the least I could do.
  20. Jus can't win for losing. Guess I'll go buy some more lotto tickets.
  21. Now Jeff l just saw you about a month ago up at MD. I used to fly. I've ridden or driven some internal combustion engines that seemed like they were going 125k rpm
  22. Don, I wish I could take credit for a high degree of courage and intestinal fortitude to fight the good fight for the sake of the greater good of the populated world. But, truth be known, they just don't taste good anymore. I feel the same way about them now as I do about a $#!+ sandwich. I have no interest in putting one in my mouth.
  23. June 11th at MD was the last time I smoked a cigarette. Right before I left I started feeling a little weird and the taste of a cigarette just didn't interest me any. The ride home was increasingly uncomfortable and when I got back I suffered through about a week of flu like symptoms. Following two Dr. visits, a round on antibiotics and some medication adjustments I feel fine now but smoking still does not interest me. I did take one drag off a cigarette a few days ago and was still disgusted by the taste. It's been close to a month now so I guess I will go ahead and quit for good.......... AGAIN
  24. You must have played the left, left, left game or the right, right, right game instead of the left, right, left game or the right, left, right game. But you certainly did not play the right, right left, right, left, left, left game.
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