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Everything posted by Dragonslayer

  1. I've got a New York Harley t shirt. The only reason why I keep it it has a picture of the NY city skyline with the World Trade Center Towers in the center of it. I wear it every 9/11.
  2. Great read. I had similar rear tire experience riding New Mexico to Amarillo. Must be those rough southwestern roads.
  3. I think your right. the threaded stud on the back and nut was for mounting to the vehicle.
  4. OK' I'm gonna try to dissect and digest your comments. So I'll comment in blue to your response on a point by point basis.
  5. Bingo, Bongo It's a Carriage light........ Either a horse drawn carriage or a horseless Carriage headlight I figure late 1800's
  6. Ok obviously you have a much better grasp on the subject then I do. Your response has generated more questions then I can express on the phone using tapatalk. Gimme a minute I'm gonna fire up the laptop.
  7. I'm shooting at about 10 psi with a 1.4 tip. It is hot and humid I'm was just trying to follow the mix instructions exactly and it didn't say anything about adding reducer. Would a 4.1.1 mix be right?
  8. I've had the same problem and got to stop be sliding the grommets out and putting a fine layer of silicone along the edge groove of the grommets before sliding them back into place.
  9. Wrong. I know what it is but thought I would let a few folks guess before I revealed the secret. I'll give you a hint. It is a kerosene lantern but how was it used?
  10. Ok, the clear coat products I'm using did not call for a reducer only clear coat at 4 parts and activator at 1 part. Unless when you say reducer your referring to the activator. I've painted a few bikes with modest success but am not a pro. Sounds like you are n. I need all of the help I can get. I don't have any 600 but I do have 800, 1500, 2000, will that do?
  11. I found a yard sale yesterday that happened to be the property adjoining my back property line. I picked up a few things. Some were items I collect such as antique lamps and lantern. The coolest one was this one. Can anyone guess what it is.
  12. I liked the Key west episode. Every episode he is riding different bikes. I haven't seen him on any of the big touring bikes. Mostly dual sports. It does perk my interest in wanting to try different style bikes.
  13. Tried clear coating the lower fairing piece but am getting real bad orange peel. YouTube videos say you can sand that out with 1500 then 2000 grit wet sand. I'm gonna see how that turns out before trying the front fairing and trunk lid pieces.
  14. Finally got the paint right on the trunk lid so tomorrow morning I'll start clear coating.
  15. The tennis racket sounds like most fun.
  16. I feel yah. Have a good trip.
  17. Having to do math on a road trip sounds like a bummer to me.
  18. Don't feel bad, a lot of people don't get my sense of humor.
  19. Dang Puc, you dun got me all hepped up for them world famous hot dogs and now you are skidadling to Sturgis on me. Whas up wid dat?
  20. If you do'm right I hear they taste just like chicken........ Or was that spotted owl?
  21. Did you know that if they are standing up and you do a head shot on them they'll do a back flip. If you hit them below the belt they'll do a front flip every time.
  22. LOL You gotta love Ray Stevens. He's a local boy down here. He went to Druid Hills High School and used to date my Aunt.
  23. Little known secret Google may not know about yet. I got a bunch of them, they are all over my refrigerator door.
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