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Everything posted by Dragonslayer

  1. Finally, someone that agrees with me. I always thought the World would be a better place if more people agreed with me.
  2. Two things: I've been to That Mickey Dees My first time in Daytona they had a metric drop. Can anyone guess what that was?
  3. Present company excepted. You would have to have known MY ex's. Chainsaws are very good analogies of my ex wife's. When you least expect it they can kick back on you and tear you to shreds and leave you mangled and bloody. High maintenance. Looks good when new but do not hold up well with regular use. Requires complicated fuel mixing and will not run on regular unleaded.
  4. Dang Dan, if you really need something to work on I got two chainsaws down here I can't keep running. I hate chainsaws. They remind me of my exwifes. Hard to get started, loud and noisy when they are and very dangerous to operate.
  5. Your a sick puppy, Jeff.
  6. I'll admit it something like that is my ultimate. But, since I haven't won the lottery yet It will have to remain a dream for a while longer
  7. Efin ya don't point out ya birthdays ya don't get infected wid that there ailment.
  8. Them rabbits ain't gonna shoot themselves.
  9. Do you remember the star trek episode where a planet's warring cultures were both half white and half black. Their prejudices against each other was that one group was black on the left side and the other group was black on the right side.............. they both looked the same to me.............perception is reality
  10. No that should be "people of all colors " since it has already been shown that white is the combination of all colors and black is the lack of color..........Or, is it the other way around? ................. I forget sometimes Nevermind
  11. Good to know for the next time I follow my front wheel up that way.
  12. You never get a forwarding address when you have to evict someone. In fact you rarely if ever collect any past due rent even if you do get a judgement from the dispossessory court.
  13. Anything I thought about saying on this subject would be considered politically incorrect by someone. So I guess it might be best for me to not say anything.
  14. I had one tenant in 14 unit apartment building that took a mess of fish he had caught and threw them back in the a.c. ducts the day he was evicted. Two weeks later the smell was so bad I had to vacate and relocate the other 13 units. To get rid of the smell I had to take out and replace all the a.c. ducts sheetrock and repaint the whole building. I told you I didn't want to think or talk about it. Now I'm upset about it again.
  15. I had been a landlord most of my adult life since reading the Lowry Nickerson book HOW I MADE A MILLION DOLLARS IN REAL ESTATE STARTING FROM SCRATCH.and going to one of those weekend seminars. What they don't tell you it takes an ungodly amount of work and your very lucky if you don't lose your arse. While I did make a few fortunate deals for the most part, all those landlord years I'd really don't like to think or talk about them.
  16. The only thing constant in the universe is change............Sorry. just wanted to test the change:)
  17. Dang was that Cowpuc that just rode by? I believe he was eating a hot dog in an Elvis getup.
  18. Yep that's karma alright.
  19. Maybe you would get Trump to ad that to his platform. He doesn't believe in being politically correct and I like that about him.
  20. I wasn't hot enough for me so we gathered some downed tree limbs piled them up and had a bon fire.
  21. And so life goes on
  22. Or did anyone mention you can rent a whole variety of gas powered labor saving devices. Or you could have picked up day labor at the local home depot. COwboy up and get over it. It was your own fault.
  23. My legs got stiff from having my feet up on my desk for to long. Because the back of my right ankle was resting on the edge of the desk with my right foot crossed on top it got somewhat uncomfortable after a while. I then had to recross my feet so the right one was on top and the back of my left ankle was resting on the edge of the desk. Till it got tired and I had to put my feet on the floor. With my feet on the floor and the way I lean back in my desk chair the back of my thighs and lower back began to get a little sore. So I leaned forward and put my head on my crossed arms on my desk. I guess I must have fallen asleep because I later woke up from the tingling of my arm being asleep and the papers on my desk being wet with sleep drewal. Boy what a tough day at work.
  24. You are absolutely right for the most part. However, if anyone ever offers you a shot of Black Death at a MD....Don't drink it...... also beware of pond monsters and bear attracting camper members.
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