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Everything posted by Dragonslayer

  1. Last year I had a no spark problem and could not get any thing to happen. Found GeorgeS who spent a lot of his time emailing me through a total wiring system trouble shoot. Let me start buy saying that 99 % of the problems thaT HAPPEN WITH THESE BIKES ARE BECAUSE OF RESISTANCE ON ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS MEANING BAD ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS. In my case the problem was that between the ignition switch and the kill switch there was enough resistance caused by carbon build up on the switch contacts to decrease the voltage to the the TCI which in turn sent low volts to coils which didn't have enough volts to fire plugs. I took the switches apart, cleaned the contacts and put the switches back together and the bike fired right up . Problem fixed. The fix took about thirty minutes after about two months of tracing and testing and trouble shooting electrical circuits and connections. Boost sensor is part of cruise control system that senses pressure and help adjust pressure in carbs while cruise control system is being used. I don't think it would be causing a no spark issue. Your close enough to me that I could possible help you work through it if you need help. Just give me a call.
  2. Dash Cover the Black dashboard cover behind wind shield? I have one in good shape with no broken tabs. Intermitten temp gauge check wiring to water temperture sensor (3 wires, one single plugs on to male plug on side of temp sensor, and 2 wire plug on bottom of temp sensor) usually cause temp gauge to come and go. Temp sensor is right behind radiator cap corner and behind right side radiator trim wing with reflector.
  3. Got yours and I replied check your PM's
  4. You know how you go to swap meets and there is nothing but Harley Parts. I had a thought that it might be interesting to organize some regional swap meets where we could get together to buy, sell and trade Venture parts. Maybe they could be organized around well attended meet & eats and maybe held on a quarterly or bi-annually basis. I just throwing out a feeler to see how much if any interest there would be. My selfish motivation is that I have a lot of 1st Gen parts I'd to sell or trade. What do you think?
  5. Many of you have expressed interest in parts that I have and are in good shape but have not pursued further. Some of you have checks in the mail. Those Parts that payment arrived for have been sent and are on the way. I would like to wrap this project up and am finding that parts that are listed on ebay are not moving well with very little bid activity at this time. So if any of you are still interested and in need of a part that I have please get back to me. If I quoted a price and you were turned off by the price please feel free to make me a counteroffer I'm not greedy and would rather see the parts go to club members who can use them or need them than to let them sit here collecting dust in my way. So step right up, If you need it, I probably got at least one or two of them.
  6. Ok I downloaded Skype and ordered a headset what do I need to do next?
  7. Let me check to see what it takes to get set up on SKYPE
  8. I think it would be cool to do video of work and repairs in progress would probably be more informative then still shot pictures in articles. Maybe there is a video expert that would like to wrestle that bull. i'd like to show the photos and video of the trip along with narrative in a story format. I pretty sure I can do it with Windows movie maker but it is so time consuming to figure it out I usually give up and start working on something else. I got a bunch of different ride videos I'd like to make movies out of . Did Bear close Boondock's cause of his health?
  9. Brian, Thanks for the text message on Jenn's address, I got it. It took me a while to get all the pieces made that i had promised on the trip, while getting my real life up to speed in ATL. So please apoligize to the girls for me on the delay. Sorry to hear about Boondock's Hope that doesn't limit your watering hole options too much. I'd love to podcast about the trip. That would be a lot of fun. I've told the story so many times to my local buddies that I'm getting pretty good with the descriptive embellishments. Just let me know what to do, I'll leave the tech stuff to you since it seems I'm challenged with the on off switch with this thing. Back here in reallity I miss not being back on the trip and riding and partying with you in Amarillo. I had a blast and Texas was one of the high points of the trip. Hope to be seing and riding with you soon.
  10. Thanks for the info, I wish I had this on my last trip around the country. But, I'll have it for the next one.
  11. charlesgraham4867@comcast.net there are a few broken mounting tabs but not where they will be seen I can go ahead and fix them for you before I ship.
  12. Sorry no passenger headphone adapter But I do have the mirror in good shape. I'll sell it for $50.00 plus $10.00 shipping
  13. Sounds good to me I'll play but not sure about the tech knowledge needed for me to pull it off. Oh yea by the way tell my Amarillo girl friends that jewelry is made and on the way via usps in the next few days.
  14. Just so happens I have a left hand mirror in good shape without any damage the right hand mirror was damaged. I don't think there was any passenger headset adapter but I'll double check. When you say trunk rack are you referring to the metal rack that the trunk mounts to.as oppossed to a luggage rack that mounts to the top of the trunk. I do have the trunk mounting rack which is pre 1986 specific due to small differences that allow for the removeable trunks used from 1983 to 1985.
  15. For some unexplained reason my internet connection capabilities quit working on my laptop last night. So until I get that problem figured out I'm forced to connect using the Desktop Dinasaur. With the convience of the laptop I pretty much was online most of the time. Now, using the desktop, because it is so slow and chained to the desk, I cannot monitor the thread as frequently. Therefore responses may be slower. However, I will be checking the thread and posting at least once a day. If you need a quicker response you are welcome to call me on my cell phone number which is posted on my public profile page. Sorry if this causes you any inconvience .
  16. Yea, I,ve got a set that came off my 87 that I'll sell but the problem is I have to find them. I'm not quite sure which pile of parts they are in and i'll have to look around for them. Bare with me I'll look today. As far as price how bout $25.00 plus $5.00 shipping or total of $30.00.
  17. Todd, Please do, my laptop internet connection just went south and I'm having to use the desktop dinasaur. It works but is oh so slow. charlesgraham4867@comcast.net
  18. We just keep her out of the rain and close by so we can ride her when we want to. We are fortunate enough to have a 12 month riding season. And on those one or two days every couple years when it does ice and snow we just ride anyway. Just ask 86er.
  19. How many riders so far from our neck of the woods.
  20. Todd, Where do you get the cards.There is a 1st Gen down the street from my house I'd like to put a card in his mailbox.
  21. I probably am when I feel like I'm being ripped off. And if your a rippoff business owner you deserve a little Hell from your customers.
  22. Your right, I'm wrong, His e-mail message just hit me wrong and I felt like venting, My bad, I'm over it too, moving on
  23. I knew going in what the shipping cost was gonna be. It's not the $6.80. All I'm saying is the thing could have been sent for the price of a stamp in an envelope. I'm sick of a Customer No Service Attitudes by people that don't care what you think when they break it off in you. Then raise hell when you bring thier poor service to thier attention.
  24. I'll defend to the death your constitutional right to voice your opinion, nomatter if I agree with it or not.
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