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Midnight Rider

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Everything posted by Midnight Rider

  1. Same story here. Had the Nomad first, wife hated the back seat. She would ride 20 miles and want to go back to the house. I bought the venture and by far the best bike I have ever owned. The wife really enjoys riding it as well. Dale
  2. should of called a friend that works for ford and had them get you a friends discount.
  3. My brother lives in Albany, NY and rides in that area alot. If no one on here can help you I will call him and see if he can help you out with some info. Dale
  4. But I would like one too....... [ame= ] [/ame]
  5. Chaos did some simple mods to his trailer that were very user friendly. He put carpet on the bottom and D-rings fasten to the bottom to strap his cargo down. Look really good. By the way has anyone heard from Mark lately? Dale
  6. try this one http://piggybacker.stehltow.com/
  7. Kevin, Welcome aboard !!! By far the best motorcycle forum on the net hands down. You have to becareful of who you talk to on here. I will give you a heads up if there name don't have Midnight in it don't talk to them.:rotfl: Ride safe, Dale
  8. There are several on here that own them. I have heard nothing but good about them from the ones that do own them. Dale
  9. Well MASTER KIT...... you have a PM sent to you Dale
  10. I am having a nightmare and seem to can't wake up.... Do we have any plumbers that I can ask a few questions? I want to PM you so I don't tie up the site. thanks, Dale
  11. I nicknamed the neighborhood I live in "the senior center". I am the youngest adult in my neighborhood. There are only 3 of us that still work. The rest are retired. Of course who knows what it will be like in 5 years. Dale
  12. Eck, I like what you did with your tank. You should get a pair of chaps to go with that....:rotf::rotf: Love ya buddy, Dale
  13. BTW............good looking bike.... Dale
  14. Most of the men on here are older gents and that is a senior citizen bike............ Guess you can stay...:rotf::rotf:
  15. Brad, glad to hear Lonna is going to be ok. All she needs now is a venture bell next to her so she can ring it when she needs something.. Dale
  16. A friend of mine is a tranny guy. He always told me that if you never serviced your tranny on a regular basis don't start now. If it isn't broke don't try to fix it. Dale
  17. Brad, I don't think you were suppose to have a 99 RSV better try your luck with a newer one..... glad you two are ok. Dale
  18. Just got off the phone with Lowell. He's alright, had a throttle cable break on him when he was in route to the M&E. Dale
  19. LA probably met a young lady at the gas station while filling up and forgot all about it...:rotf: Or he was on his first gen and it didn't make it to the gas station... Got to love him anyway.......... Dale
  20. Bike looks good. I really like the travel bag. Where did you get it at? Hope you kept the first gen too. It will make you like your new one better.....:rotf::rotf: Dale
  21. You are waaaaaaaaaaaaay to kind to poke at a 2nd Gen. YEA RIGHT.....:rotf: Dale
  22. thanks Lynn I will tell him to look at this as soon as he gets back.......he snuck off and I dont know where he went........
  23. yes but wheres it coming from??? thats the question !!!
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