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  • Location
    Houston, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2009 RSTD
  1. I started with the basic mods first, that way you can kinda work up to how far you want to go. K&N filters, AIS blocked, carbs richened up and sync'd, less restrictive exhaust, Dyna 3000 ignition reprogrammed to 7500 rpm. I am now looking at the gear swap right now in fact my bike is apart and I plan on shipping my differential out Monday for the swap. I am a little concerned about the additional RPM's at highway speeds because I ride fairly fast. But when I consider the top gear ratio being overdrive it may not be a problem. see attached comparisons with other bikes in class. Talking to John Furbur he said the gear increase is moddest. Like going from a 3:33 to a 3:73 gear. As a percentage that is only 11%.
  2. I did read that post, thanks for putting that out there. I think the whole thing comes down to individual preference and riding style. If the new tire really feels good to me why should I consider something else? We won't know for a few weeks as I have to wait on the V-Max unit. Haven't even pulled the differential off yet...........
  3. Yes, it will be interesting to see how the skinny Dunlop feels versus the fat Bridgestone. The fat Dunlop may have solved all my complaints but as I mentioned, i think it is a matter of perspective and the way you expect the bike to feel. If the overall ride improves will I take a chance on the stock size again? Unknown at this time. Oh and this is all relative. As the new tire measure out at 5.25" versus the stock at 6". So narrow in this case is still bigger than some back tires.
  4. Will check them out going forward even though they look like a pain to get to. I am out 290. Thanks.
  5. OK Team, everyone lighten up. I will not be doing anything that is dangerous or foolish that is why the questions on this forum. I have many years of experience racing and building bikes, cars and trucks. I can fabricate as needed and rebuild from the ground up so I am not the average touring rider. Thanks for the concern and I'll look at the other forums to see what is out there. Sometimes I just have a better idea.....:lightbulb:and sometimes I don't......
  6. Thanks Squid, first class offer. So far no surprises. Anything else I need to look or do to this thing while I have it down? 6400 miles showing.
  7. With the dry weights as listed being so close between the RSTD and RSV it is a little difficult to understand how there can be much difference with the front end weight and handling. Thanks to everyone for the feedback but the deal is done. The smaller tire is mounted on the bike. Keep in mind also that this bike is a beast anyway and I prefer (have lots of ride time) on bikes in the 600 lb range so what you may consider twitchy may feel more normal to me.
  8. Update: Local Honda Dealer is charging me $42 per wheel to mount and balance with new valve stems. Tires and mounting = Rear $156.98 + $42 = $198.98 Front $115.98 + $42 = $157.98 Total with $10 bulk UPS charge = $366.98 vs $560 from the local Yamaha dealer. The Yamaha quote included Metzeler tires, mount balance and labor to R&I.
  9. Thanks everyone for the feedback. I have the tires mounted, waiting on the V-Max gear-set to put everything back together. I'll post up with impressions after I get to put a few miles on the new tires.
  10. Anyone removed these? The motor appears to be solidly mounted without them. Assume they are there to tie the motor to the top frame to limit frame flex under load. They could potentially be cut down flush with the cylinder to maintain cosmetics and the access to the front top would vastly improve. Would like to know if the original version of the RSTD had them and if anyone has ridden without them. upgraded engine mounts from the V-Max aftermarket house may have the same affect. Wanted to reach out before learning from doing........ BTW, I am a professional so don't try this at home.
  11. Made up my mind to do the gears.. I want a tach as well and will probably add in the next few months. I would also like to add a power outlet (2).
  12. RSTD getting new plugs, oil and filter, tires (E-3's), saddle bag hand screws, V-Max gear-set and general check-up in preparation for Spring riding season.
  13. Don't know, I have not read or heard anything to the contrary but have not verified one way or another.
  14. Good news, thanks everyone for the feedback. And yes I do have the Dyna upgrade with the rev limit at 7,500 rpm.
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