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videoarizona last won the day on December 27 2024

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2,659 Excellent


About videoarizona

  • Birthday January 14

Personal Information

  • Name
    David Devoucoux


  • Location
    Green Valley, AZ, United States


  • City
    Green Valley


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Riding, sailing, cooking, RV, travel (on or off bike!!)
  • Bike Year and Model
    2005 RSV
  • Bike Customizations
    HD pipes, XM radio, Garmin


  • Occupation
    Retired film and video

VR Assistance

  • VR Assistance
    Tools, and help if I'm around.

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  1. Just wanted to let you all that I'm still here despite the odds! I still have the RSV but haven't ridden much due to a broken leg as well as putting the bike up on the stand to check the valves, change oil, etc.. Just never did those things as life kept getting in the way. I'll get to it someday soon.... Happy belated Holidays to all of you and hope all is well.! Earl, I'll PM you when I finally get ready to work on the scoot. David
  2. Happy Sunday ! I feel like a dunce. RSV is up on the lift for past month. Waiting until I can enough free consecutive time to do an oil change, new rear tire and pull carbs for cleaning and adjustment...and check the valves too. Thats OK as its summer and we dont ride much in the Arizona heat. But I fear my ability to remember where everything goes if I space out this service! So the scoot sits...... But I'm still here.....lurking on the site and enjoying the memories putting faces to the words I read... Hi to all! david
  3. You might be able to clean up and straighten the original points if they aren't to burnt up. Either way, replacement points are cheap enough and easy to install.
  4. I've been looking at the Touring version of the Super Meteor. I'd like to lose some weight as well. The RSV has gained weight over the years! Grins! Only complaint I've heard is the windshield doesn't protect the head from buffeting at highway speeds. Do let us know how the scoot rides at you get more miles on it. I'll be paying attention! Pretty color!
  5. Agree with BlueSky. Common problem. That teeny hole in the MC will plug up causing the pistons to not release. Both master cylinders need to be checked since the rear seems to be the problem this time. A "E" guitar string is small enough to poke through the hole without damaging it. This usually happens when the brake fluid isn't changed regularly. Gunk gets in there or brake lines get old and start to flake inside the line. Poke the hole. Flush the system. New fluid. Go ride!
  6. Hmmm... May not still be a member. Never answered. I've often thought about this... probably use a tiny led in a plastic housing on each handlebar ...
  7. Prayers Up!
  8. I'll throw my name in the hat! Excellent idea, Don!
  9. After a couple of months of not riding due to foot issues, I finally got out the other day. Nice warm day!
  10. That's really nice!!!
  11. And a late Happy Thanksgiving to all from Arizona!
  12. Done.
  13. Squirly on road surfaces for me, has always been tire pressure and/or tire wear. Different manufacturers tires also respond weirdly to road surface issues. Best I've found so far are Shinko 777HDs. 38lbs front. 40lbs rear. 5lbs air in front. 40lbs air in rear. Single rider, 3/4 full side storage(both).
  14. If you haven't removed the carbs yet, let me say that it's not that hard at all! I did it twice... With nothing more than reading the posts from guys who have done it on this site. It's just time consuming. I think it took me 2 hours first time. Stopping to take notes and pictures so I could get it back together. When I got the carbs out, I thought "that really isn't that hard". Just saying...
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