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About CDNDave

  • Birthday 02/19/1961

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  • Name


  • Location
    Woodstock, ga, United States


  • City
    Woodstock, ga


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2005 Royal Star Venture
  1. Thanks all for the great advice and tips! It turns out to be a badly adjusted float. I went down to Harbor Freight and bought a tool to measure the clearance and the float was .25, I adjusted to the recommended medium of .34 and the leaking stopped. CDNDave Atlanta GA 05 RSV - Ride everyday, all year long!
  2. Ah, that is the nipple for the overflow tube, I left off the tube for testing so I could see the fuel sooner. So no fuels leaks after pressurizing the system, with just the key on. Leaks only when running and in idle. I swapped the float valve with a good one and it still leaks in the same carb, the other carb was fine. I am not sure, but it appeared to be not as much of a leak since the swap. CDNDave Atlanta GA 05 RSV - Ride everyday, all year long!
  3. The fuel will spill out the overflow tube that runs down the front cowling. The middle arrow in the pic is looking down inside the carb throat, and it's a needle valve that is connected to a diaphragm. When you throttle these needles pull out and in. So on idle, there is fuel coming out the hole where that needle is in. Is that needle suppose to close that hole? CDNDave Atlanta GA 05 RSV - Ride everyday, all year long!
  4. Hello everyone, I have a leaking carb. I have read all the posts about the floats sticking etc. So I've already tried the Seafoam route, running it through, draining, and letting it soak overnight, then ride her like stole her etc ... She runs real nice, but unfortunately it's still leaking and only at idle. I've been able to narrow it down to just one of the carbs, and I've taken it apart and cleaned and checked everything I could. The floats seem to move easily, took the float valve out and she's clean. So now I'm wondering what I need to replace? I have a pic and pointed to 2 spots where the fuel is bubbling up from while the bike is running, and only happens at idle. Any ideas? CDNDave Atlanta GA 05 RSV - Ride everyday, all year long!
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