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Everything posted by petekadish

  1. Hey Dan & Dave! Yep! We had a good breakfast ride together - Dave,we sorry that you weren't able to join us for the rest of the ride. Dan did a great job of summing it up, and I'm sure that we'll organize another one sometime soon. What would you guys think about riding the Nebo Loop? That's one of our favorite, semi-local rides. Typically, it takes us about four hours to ride it. We are so fortunate to be able to ride around here. Red-rock deserts or rocky mountain canyons almost within arms reach of each other. Sure, wintertime slows down the ridin' season a bit, but we sure have some of the best riding opportunities here. Attached are a few pics. from Saturday's ride. Looking forward to doing it again soon. Pete & Sandy.
  2. Everyone knows that bees are fuel-injected! Pete.
  3. I ride with my feet up on highway pegs all the time, and twice this summer I had something fly up my pant leg and sting me - I hate that! And, one of the very first times I road a motorcycle, I had a Mud Wasp fly inside my shirt (no windshield then). I was stung about three times by that one until I managed to pull off to the side of the road, shake it out and then stomp-out my revenge on it. The wasp felt like I was hit by a 2x4. These days I always ride with one of those bee-sting treatment sticks (I think that it contains ammonia), and some Sudafed tablets. Both are the recommend treatments for (non-emergency) cases of serious insect stings - like wasps, hornets and yellow jackets. I just stash them in my saddlebag or trunk for just in case. I figure that I will want relief as quickly as possible when it happens again to me or to possibly another rider I might be with. Of course, anyone who knows that they are allergic to insect stings, ought to be prepared appropriately as possible for that possibility when riding. Oh yea ..., I ought to mention this also ... Lemon Pledge (when used as a polish for your bike - here in Utah anyway), tends to attract yellow jackets. Bee Safe! Pete.
  4. Dan & Dave! Finally, after two weeks I have my ride back. All seems to be well. I brought it home and made it look presentable again, so it's ready to ride. After leaving my bike in a shop with a mechanic for two weeks, it looked like I left it at a pre-school with a bunch of kids with greasy fingers to play on it. So, let's plan on meeting at the Trax station at 9:00 AM. Call me if anything pops-up. We'll probably leave home around 8:20 or so. See Ya! Pete & Sandy.
  5. Well, it's Thursday and I haven't heard anything back from the shop yet, but I'm still hoping. Can ya give me a phone number and I'll give you a call? You can E-Mail me if you don't want to post it. Traverse Mountain is a beautiful stretch of road, but I wouldn't mind extending the ride a bit more. Are you aware of this ride event happening down here in Utah County? http://www.starutah.org/SLC_NEW/index.htm Any interest? Pete. "Cruisin' for Kevin" August 16, 2008 Chapter 152 August Chapter Meeting and Ride has changed! This month we will support a good cause that affects one of our own in Chapter 431 - Provo. This ride to raise funds for 4 month old Kevin Vick. Born with a heart condition called Tricuspid Artresison on 4/8/08, Kevin underwent a 5.5 hour surgery at the age of 2 days old. He will have another surgery in the next few months - and then at least one more before he is 2 years old. We will meet at Escape Motorsports at 1480 N. State in Provo at 8:00 AM to register for this ride. The ride leaves at 8:30 AM and will go to Lehi, around the West side of Utah Lake, up Spanish Fork Canyon and end at the Cedar Haven Campground. Lunch is provided for the first 150 people to register for the ride. The raffle drawings will be held at the campground - you do not need to be present to win. The ride is about 111 miles. Registration is $10 per person and $5 for kids under 12. Raffle tickets are 1 ticket for $3.00 and 2 tickets for $5.00. This is a very worthwhile cause so come out and help little Kevin and support our Provo chapter.
  6. Hey Dan! My bike is in the shop right now (where it's been now for nine days), waiting to have a head-gasket and fuel-pump replaced. It should have only been a four day job. I am pretty sure that it should be finished by Friday sometime. If not, my screams of aggravation will sound throughout the valley. I believe that I will probably good for a ride and some sort of meet & eat. Please, give me a call and let's get something going. 801-367-2224. Thanks! Pete.
  7. Today at work, it's one of those days which is just kinda dragging on. The weather is absolutely perfect and if my bike wasn't in the shop waiting for a fuel-pump to arrive, I would be out riding. Anyway ..., I checked-out a web site today which gave me a nice mental vacation. Here's a reference to one of my favorite videos which theyhave available for on-line viewing: http://www.forbetterlife.org/be-inspired/tv.asp?id=1090 You just can't help but feel good after watching their short little video spots. Enjoy! Pete.
  8. I thought that I had posted this question a couple of weeks ago, but since I have never seen a reply, I figure that I must have hit cancel instead of submit. And, I guess that there's a good chance that this question has already been asked and answered - if so please direct me accordingly. TSBs ..., are they available to the general consumer through any channels. Or, are they semi-secret documents which are carefully guarded once distributed to the dealer's and their mechanics? It just seems like it would be a great resource for those of us who like to be as informed as possible regarding everything about our fine machines. And in today's world of easily accessible information it would almost be surprising if such information hadn't been published at least in some sort of non-official way. Any thoughts? Thanks! Pete.
  9. Hey Bob! Give me a call and I would be happy to hook-up and show you around and do little ridiing, etc. Whatever you have time for. Pete Kadish Orem, Utah 801-367-2224
  10. Star Utah Greet & Eat Picnic Saturday August 9, 2008 (Tomorrow!) Come join us for a day of fun and food! * Take your motorcycle for a few laps on the racetrack at Miller Motorsports Park - one of the most advanced road racing facilities in North America! * Compete for prizes in the Star Utah Olympics - Javelin, Discus, and Luge - categories include Men, Women, Teens and Kids with a medals ceremony! * Add a drawing for raffle prizes, a 50/50 and great food including Dennis' famous pulled pork! and you have all the ingredients for a great picnic! * Registration is $10 per person and includes all activities, a ride pin, and a great meal. If you haven't registered yet, it's not too late. Email to Registration or click here for a pdf with more contact information. Get Map. http://www.starutah.org/SLC_NEW/index.htm See You There! Pete.
  11. Does anyone out there have any experience with this product? Pete.
  12. See the attached pics of the Rack Al made for me. The quality and the price were just what I wanted. Pete.
  13. I like those VentureRider Decals. Is there a way I could get one?? It would look nifty on my trailer. Thanks! Pete.
  14. I just two of them at STAR Days (one for me and one for my wife). I think that we paid about $119 for each of them. The OSI mesh jackets are what I would refer too as "summertime, cooling jackets". They do a very nice job in keeping intense sun off of you. This last week, we really put them to a good test as we road from Arkansas across Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona (Monument Valley) and in to Utah. We even wore them over our "Silver Eagle" cooling vests for the extra cooling affect. As far as cooling properties are concerned, it's pretty good. However, keep this in mind (my opinion anyway) - these jackets just don't seem to offer any degree of protection except maybe from sunburn. The armor (if you could even call it that), is just thin foam rubber. I'm probably just going to remove it from my jacket, because it's basically useless. So, make sure that you know what you're getting before laying out the cash. These are not built like those nice mesh jackets with heavy-duty, road-rash protection. They look like they are in the ads and when hanging-up. But, once you open it up and inspect it, you'll understand what I'm talking about. Hope that helps! Pete.
  15. I particularly liked where you said that "you assured him that you weren't going to leave him stranded". These days, oftentimes the best one can get when stranded is "it sucks to be you". The concept of being a good Samaritan is all too rare anymore. Way to go! Pete.
  16. Does anyone know if official Technical Service Bulletins are available to review? I know that they are available for dealers and their mechanics, but I doubt that they would make them generally available for their customers to view. It just seems that considering with how readily information is these days, someone must have a database of these TSBs on-line. I figure that it couldn't hurt to be familiar with potential problems which might arise at some time in the future. Thanks! Pete.
  17. This morning (before hitting the road from Santa Fe), I called Handlebar Motorsports in Durango, CO and asked them if they could work me in for a rear brake job late this afternoon. They said that they could, and at 4:00 PM I pulled in and they had me all taken care of in about forty-five minutes. Nice guys there - even though they have have only sold one Venture in the last seven years. I guess that everyone around here rides Harleys. Tomorrow morning, we're off to Mesa Verde Natl. Park, Cortez, Monument Valley and then to Bryce Canyon, where we'll spend the night before heading home to Orem, UT. Before we leave Durango, we want to stop and see the famous Silverton Train. This evening, we're spending the night at the Durango KOA. Lastly ..., Does anyone have any last minute tips to offer us on "can't miss" places along our way. Unfortunately, we're under a bit of a time squeeze and don't have much time to spend at any one place, but we'll do what we can. So much to see and do, and so little time. Thanks again everyone! Pete & Sandy.
  18. Wow ! I'm not surprised, but I am really touched by all of your offes to help us out(especially your's Tim - take off your own brakes - you are are good man!). I called ahead to Durango, Colorado to the local dealer there, and they are going to throw on brakes all around for us this afternoon when we arrive. On the way there, I'll just ride it easy and carefully. Things will work out - they always do. Once again, thanks! You guys always step-up. You're awesome! I'll check back in this evening if we have an internet connection at the Durango KOA. Pete & Sandy.
  19. Hi Guys! I thought that I would throw this out to you all on the chance that you might be able to help me out a little. My sweetie and I are spending tonight (Sunday) in Santa Fe on the way home to Utah after attending STAR Days in Rogers / Bentonville, Arkansas this past week (which was awesome by the way). As we arrived in Santa Fe this evening, I noticed that my rear brakes really need to be replaced. Unfortunately (and I hate to admit this), I don't know how to do this myself yet. But, for safety's sake, I really should have them replaced pretty quickly. They are past the indicators, are making some grinding noise, and I can feel the difference between the way they usually feel and the way they feel now. Tomorrow, we are planning on heading to Durango, Colorado, then on to Monument Valley, and then to Bryce Canyon Natl. Park before heading home to Orem, Utah. Can anyone reccomend someone along the way who might be able to do a quick, rear-brake job without taking advantage of my situation and need to have it done sooner than later? Sure, I could probably make it home okay, but I hate to take a chance right now, especially since I am riding two-up and I'm pulling a full trailer. I figure that if anyone can offer some good ideas, you guys are the ones. I'll check for replies before I turn-in for the night in a little while and in the morning before we pack-up to head out. Thanks! Pete & Sandy.
  20. Al just sold me the Rack and the Mounting Bar for the receiver. I added the following to finish it off: LED Brake Light Bar - From Diamond-R Accessories - About $40 Billett, LED Silver-Bullet Turn Signals from Kuryakyan - About $130 Misc. wiring & connectors - About $10 Those were the lights I used. I know . . . way expensive! But, they do look awesome. It would be easy to find many other less-expensive, good-looking options. Happy Ride to Work Day! Be Safe! Pete.
  21. Over the past few months, I have noticed a small seepage of oil & maybe a tiny bit of coolant mixed in with it, from behind the rear cylinders. It would be a stretch to actually call it a leak at this point, but something is oozing out from that area just a bit. So I showed to one mechanic at the dealership who quickly stated "yep, you have leaking head-gasket". I have completely power-sprayed and decreased the area until it's clean. And within short time period, it returns again. So, I agree that it looks like a head-gasket issue. Someone recently told me that there was a TSB issued on the '07 Ventures for insufficient tightening of the head bolts, and that this could result in problems with the head-gasket leaking. Is anyone out there aware of this? One final question ..., is this something which could all of a sudden blow and result in something very serious? If so, what is the likelihood of that happening? It doesn't appear serious at this time, but I have scheduled a service appointment to have it fixed. I just don't like to have any degree of leaking, dripping, etc. coming from anywhere on my bike. Of course, the bike is still under four more years of warranty, so thank goodness the cost to take care of this will be picked-up by my dealer. Have a safe Ride to Work Day! Pete.
  22. Go to Alsmotorcycleaccessories.com I can also take it off the hitch and mount it on the arm of my trailer. Al rocks! Another satisfied customer! Pete.
  23. I just went through this whole process. I replaced all four stock speakers with Polk Audio speakers. Awesome quality improvement! However . . . After replacing the speakers, I began to notice that as the system had been running a short while and had warmed-up, the speakers were requiring more of a draw on the stock amp than it was originally designed to handle. This resulted in "clipping", a symptom which results in the a skipping or cutting-out of of the sound. After the bike and the radio had been turned off and things were allowed to cool off for a little bit, the clipping disappeared, but then reappeared when the system got hot again. I noticed that Cougar in his tech write up, also installed a Power Acoustik amp in the trunk, and figured that might solve my problem. So, I found the new and improved model on E-Bay with exactly the same footprint (so I knew it would fit in the trunk correctly), and guess what? It absolutely works! I (or at least the guy who did the install job for me), followed Cougar's instructions and it works perfectly. The only difference with my system, is that I also installed "Base-Blocker" filters in the lines to each speaker. Our Venture systems with their small four-inch speakers (even the good-quality replacement ones), just don't produce good base response. When it tries, the quality is muddy and over-driven. The "base-blockers" remove the poor base sounds and allow the clean flow of the higher-end sounds. I just had to accept the fact that I can't have the kind of base that I would expect to hear in a car. Now, I suppose that if I were willing to give-up my trunk or saddlebag space, that I could probably install some woofers in there. But, I am very happy with how things sound now. With my improved sound system, I can now listen to music pretty clearly at 80 MPH directly through the the systems speakers. I also gutted-out the cassette deck and now have a great, speaker-cloth-lined storage compartment. There's a lot of space in there! I did not do this project myself. I helped a little though. I would not recommend attempting this unless you are pretty comfortable with messing around with your bike's electrical system. There's a lot of potential for problems and frustrations here if it's not done correctly. I had a trained, audio system installer (who also rides bikes) do the work for me. He knew what he was doing and appreciated how important it was to me that he was very careful. It's so nice to deal with professionals who understand customer service and take pride in their work. I'm a happy listener now. Good luck! Pete.
  24. I replaced my stock pillow-tops with a Corbin, dual-tourer (but, that's a whole 'nother discussion), but I top it with a sheepskin-covered "ProPad" (propad.com), and swap back and forth between using or not using the ProPad depending on when I feel a need for a change. We did a 2,000 mile ride about a week ago (over five days), with the majority of the miles being on two 500 mile days, and I wasn't feeling any problem until the last 100 miles. But, I was ready for a day or two rest after that. Seating comfort seems to be a really particular issue. What I like, you might hate. I usually reccomend trying out other people's seat pads, etc. before spring for expensive options; especially if you're interested in something like a Corbin seat. My rule of thumb usually seems to be, that I begin by looking at the less expensive options, but realize that I will probably end up wanting the most expensive one. Champagine taste on a beer budget, they say. Good luck! Pete.
  25. We were told after a little while by that Harley dealer, that they didn't have a tire which would fit (even if they were willing to help), anyway. So, Harley probably doesn't have a tire which would fit it. I just get tired of "brand-attitudes" when it comes to what we all ride. I ride a Venture and many of my friends ride all sorts of bikes because that's what they like to ride - and that's all that matters. Jeff, if you can wait it out, do the job right. People will step-up as the word gets out that one of us needs a hand. I'm stuck in a hotel myself right now 1,650 miles from home (on a business trip for a week) in Ypsilanti, Michigan. And, my bike is sitting in my garage home in Utah. But, if I were closer I could at least offer you a place to stay. Good luck my friend! Pete.
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