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Everything posted by petekadish

  1. My Stebel is mounted pretty similar (if not exactly like yours is). I also use CarbonOne's Adapter. What I mean by Drowned is, that on a one through ten scale of horn loudness and tonality, mine is now about 0.5. I too have ridden with this horn through every conceivable type of weather with my current horn for years now. And, until last week's Canadian baptism, the horn always sounded fine. It really has performed admirably and I have been happy with it - when it worked anyway. It very well could be a connection issue which a little dielectric grease might fix. Or, something else which requires a little more careful inspection. I'll poke around with it this weekend. My other reason for wanting to check-out the Nautilus Compact Tuning Air Horn, is that I like the look of the finish more than the standard Nautilus with the plastic chrome. Check this out: http://www.phatperformanceparts.com/PhotoDetails.asp?ShowDesc=N&PhotoURL=/photos/SNCT-BLACK.jpg So, if the Compact Tuning Air Horn looks better than my old horn, and it sounds at least as good (if not even better), than the standard Nautilus, then I think that I will order one.
  2. Okay, I decided that it's time to upgrade my stock Stator to something which offers better performance. From what I have read, Buckeye's seems to be the preferred upgrade unit to install. Many people who are much more knowledgeable than I am regarding electricity, etc. have told me that I am probably over-taxing my stock stator, and that it would be wise to install a higher-output Stator. My question is . . . would it be reasonable to see if I can find a used Buckeye Stator to save a few bucks? Or, is this the type of thing which I shouldn't chance, and just purchase a brand new one? I want to make sure that this job is done right the first time. I also want to be assured that when I buy a new Stator, that I will have a higher performing unit than the stock one I have been using, and that I will be happy with my purchase and the upgrade difference. Thanks Guys & Be Safe! Pete.
  3. We just got back from a 12-day, 5,000 mile trip from Utah to Canada down the PCH and back to Utah. Everything about the trip was completely awesome - except for the rain we experienced in Canada. Oh my gosh! We were rained on for about 10 hours (500+ miles), and that just drowned my Stebel Nautilus horn. So, this evening while researching another Stebel replacement, I discovered an all black one called the NAUTILUS COMPACT TUNING BLACK. This looks like an improved finish over the poor-quality plastic chrome coating which my current Nautilus has. From a few reviews I have found, the Compact Tuning version might also be a little louder. My question is ..., does anyone have experience with (specifically) the Nautilus Compact Tuning model? Also, I am looking for the best price to find one of these. The vendor where I purchased my Stebel Nautilus, doesn't appear to carry their horns anymore. I am aware that there are many similar and less expensive alternatives to the Stebel brand horns and that they are easy to find at local auto parts stores, etc. However, I am still looking for info on this specific horn is anyone can offer me any personal eperience reviews or recommendations on where to find a Stebel Nautilus Compact Tuning Black model. Thanks guys & Be Safe! Pete.
  4. Does anyone know if Al's is still in business? I purchased a custom cooler rack from him a couple of years ago and have been very happy with it. As a matter of fact, I have some ideas which I would like to try out on another one. But, I see that his old link is no longer active at: http://www.alsmotorcycleaccessories....oler_rack.html It would be a shame if he was yet another victim of this lousy economy. He did a great job on my current rack, and at a fair price. Thanks & Be Safe! Pete.
  5. My driving lights help light-up the sides of the road at night a bit better, and the Silverstar Bulb is brighter than a standard H4 bulb. However, when I switch to high beam the focus is still too (vertically) high, and it still doesn't seem to light-up far-enough down the road to my satisfaction. Will the HID help make-up for the light which the Venture doesn't seem to throw down the road. I have brought-up this point before, and a number of other people also expressed that their high-beam is aimed too high, and that there really isn't a way to reasonably adjust the vertical aim. Others, said that the issue might have something to do with the bulb instead of the headlight housing adjustment. The jury still seems to be out though on a solution. But, just maybe an HID will give me what I'm looking for. I hope so! New info: Okay, last night I installed a HID kit in my Venture. A local bike shop a good price ($50 units) which had the halogen & Zenon bulb combo. The brand is some sort of Chinese one which I know nothing about, but I thought that I would give it a try. I figured that it couldn't be too much of a gamble. So, I did just a little ride around the neighborhood last night to see what my initial impressions would be. Here's what I found: 1. I did have to give-up my modulator (which I really like). But, I do prefer to have more powerful and awesome white light. 2. When my bright switch is flipped-up, it just lights-up the halogen bulb. 3. When the dim switch is flipped-down, the Zenon light comes on. 3. The new halogen bulb is significantly less bright and appears to be much more yellow than the H4, Sylvania Silverstar bulb which I had prior to this new one. 4. The Zenon bulb is awesomely bright and white. That's the kind of light I wanted in a headlight. 5. Now, in contrast to my new HID light, my passing lights look like old flashlights with dying batteries. That's not going to look right. HIDs needed there now too I suppose. The plug and play made the install simple. And, fortunately, inside the Venture fairing, we have lots of room. I just used sticky-back Velcro to mount the ballast to the inside wall of the fairing, and then zip-tied the wires in to a secure place. I still can't figure-out a way to adjust the vertical aim of the headlight beam. The adjustment knob on the left-side, inside of the fairing draws (or releases) the left-side of the headlight housing. The adjustment screw on the right-side, I assume adjusts the pull (or release) of the headlight housing on the right-side of the headlight housing. So, can anyone tell me how I can adjust the tilt-up and down of the headlight on a second-gen? Be Safe! Pete.
  6. You do an amazing job and are much appreciated by so many. Pete.
  7. Yep, there's an app for just about everything. It was kind of funny. I was sure that you had the list posted in a couple different formats, but I just couldn't find it. And, as soon as I posted my request, I saw it immediately. Thanks again! I was wondering though, is the list up-dated on any sort of a schedule, or are members asked to double-check and up-date their information. A couple of years ago, I was briefly stuck in Colorado and I tried contacting a number of people from the list and a lot of the phone numbers were no longer valid. Just a thought. Pete.
  8. A couple of years ago, someone posted a copy of the VR Assistance List as either a .pdf file or as a Word Doc. this made it easy to download to a PDA and to easily print so I could carry a hard copy of it on our trip. Well, we have another big trip coming up in a few weeks, and it would be nice to have a copy of it on my Droid cell phone. Anyone have a suggestion on the easiest way to do this? Thanks & Be Safe! Pete. _______________ Oops! Never mind. I just found it. Just like my keys. I gotta ask first.
  9. Did this happen in Jellystone Park?
  10. Stuck in Eureka, California (Sunday, July 25th) No, not me (fortunately), but my brother in-law. Lynn and his wife Cindy left Blackfoot, Idaho last Friday for a ride up the PCH and up to Forks, Washington. They got as far as Eureka today and got a flat tire on their '09 Venture. They have a place to stay this evening, but they will be in the market for a new back tire first thing in the morning. I'm not sure what kind of service he's going to be able to find in Eureka tomorrow morning, or if they will even be able to find a back tire very quickly. Anyone have any tips or suggestions I can pass-on to them to assist? Like many of us have, we too have been stuck on a road trip, and it's sure nice to know when people are available to lend a hand. Thanks guys! Be Safe. Pete.
  11. Remember, you can always change-out your handlebars to give you a little more elbow room. Here's what mine looks like now with the Flanders H2 Beach Bars and a few Ram Mount accessories. (see attached). Be Safe! Pete.
  12. Hi Guys! I'm headed out to San Antonio, TX this coming weekend for business. Unfortunately, I can't make it a ride this time, but I will be there a couple of days early during the Forth of July weekend. Does anyone have any suggestions regarding things to see or do in the area? Good, clean fun type stuff. I hate to go someplace new, and miss out on opportunities to see cool sites, events, etc. I figure that for the Forth of July, there must be some special celebrations, fireworks, etc. going on. So far, The River Walk is in the plans, but I need some more ideas for Saturday & Sunday. Pete.
  13. Actually, I was hoping for something a little smaller, and that I wouldn't have to worry about feeding. Simplicity is the operative word here.
  14. Last year, we stayed a night at the Bozeman, MT KOA Kampground. They had a nice facility there and I would recommend them. I would also recommend buying a good-quality, self-inflating mattress pad if you think that you might be sleeping on the ground. We bought a couple from Cabela's and have been very happy with the quality and the difference they make. Just don't stop in Bozeman late on a Saturday night, with an almost bald rear tire (on a Yamaha), and then go to the only open Harley shop, where they tell you that since you ride an "off-brand" motorcycle, they aren't allowed to help you. However, if you had a Harley - no problem. They would have taken care of you right away. This happened to my traveling buddy last year. We were not very happy campers because of them. Be Safe! Pete.
  15. Good job! That's probably what will do the trick. I'll check in to those. Be Safe! Pete.
  16. Okay, I like both of those last two ideas. Thank you! Okay, now for part two of this quest for a solution ... What about an idea for some way to secure a tether to a device which has no anchoring point? For example - most cameras have little places on them on which to connect a wrist strap or a lanyard. However, neither my GPS or my cell phone have such a connecting point. Again, I'm sure that there is some sort of connecting anchor which can be attached to a small electronic device or a tool. There just has to be a number of activities which require people to secure their stuff from fumbling fingers. I'm reminded about that astronaut who let some of his tools float away on a repair mission some time ago. Thanks again. Pete.
  17. Since my sweetie is my full-time navigator (along with my GPS device), I often will give her the assignment to also be my on-board photographer when we are riding. In addition to either our video camera or still cameras, she will also sometimes have to look-up information on my GPS or cell phone while we are riding. This involves her handling some rather expensive devices which I would be pretty upset if she happened to accidentally drop one of them. Now, my cameras have wrist straps on them, so they are pretty safe. But, neither my Garmin GPS or my Motorola Droid have wrist straps. Has anyone here figured-out a way to attach some sort of simple, safety tether to a small portable, electronic device? I wouldn't be surprised if someone actually manufacturers them. I'm thinking of something similar to one of these: http://www.kabletek-flexweave.com/flexweave.htm I'm just not sure how I would attach something like this to a cell phone, GPS or an iPod. Any suggestions? I'm sure this isn't an original idea. Thanks guys! Be Safe! Pete.
  18. This is what was going on nearby my town this weekend: So much cool stuff to see! richardericksonfoundation.org http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2341818&id=17809521&l=7cba9140e4 http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2334886&id=17809521&l=63f6f0e796
  19. Hi Doug! Wow, sorry to hear about your accident, but glad to hear that you came through it pretty well considering ... I'm almost surprised that I hadn't noticed your previous posts or met you yet. Orem is small enough that I tend to notice Ventures in town. I'm not sure how much help I can offer, but it's always fun to meet other members from this site. I have been riding with the SLC STAR Chapter #152 for about four years now, and have some association with those in the Provo as well. I ride a 2007 Midnight Venture and have put almost 40,000 on it so far - so, I do a fair bit of riding for living in this part of the country. Before my Venture, I road a '96 Royal Star. Are you on FaceBook? I have found that to be a good way to get to know people, share pics, information, etc. It would be fun to connect and to share stories. Please feel free to check me out on F.B. or to send me an E-Mail. Be Safe! Pete. kadish@byu.edu
  20. $10.23 for a 13oz can of Plexus from J.C. Whitney - with free shipping to boot!. Now, that's a reasonable price. Thanks for the great lead! I just placed my order. http://www.jcwhitney.com/plastic-cleaner-protectant-and-polish/p2000740.jcwx?skuId=283139 Be Safe! Pete.
  21. I'm still interested in finding out what the wholesale price on a 13oz can is. If it's my dealer deciding to mark-up the price so high and so quickly, then that would be a little more understandable. But, after reading the reply from the Plexus people, it sounds like they are pretty confidant and proud of their product - which is fine. But, it looks like they might just price themselves right out of the motorcycle detailing market. I mean, besides motorcycle aviation crowds, I have never heard of Plexus being used by mainstream consumers. But, what do I know. I like their product a lot, I just can't afford what most retailers are asking for it these days. I do have and use a couple different bottles of Novus. That's good stuff too! Oh, and yes! Yellow jackets especially like lemon pledge. I don't mind the odd honey bee buzzing around me once in a while. But, yellow jackets will chase you and your shiny, lemony-fresh bike down the road. That's why I'll only use the unscented Pledge.
  22. I'll have to see what they want for shipping now. It would be interesting to find out what the Yamaha dealers pay for it. I don't fault any business for making a reasonable profit because that's what keeps them in business. But, I still need to play my role as a prudent consumer as well. Thanks! Be Safe! Pete.
  23. I am the only person I know about who has experienced bees, wasps and yellow-jackets being attracted to my bike when I have used the lemon-scented Pledge. However, I assume that many others never really made the connection when the bees came around. One guy told me a few years ago, that it was all of the insects all over the front of my bike that attracted the bees. Of course, he doesn't know that my ride is typically insect free unless I'm out on a trip. And, I had continuing issues with the bees even with a totally clean and polished bike. But ..., maybe it's just me because I'm so sweet. That's what my wife says.
  24. I dropped-in on my local dealer this afternoon and picked-up a 13oz can of Plexus, and I couldn't believe that they were asking $23.00 for it. When I got home, I decided to look-up Plexus on-line to see what kind of prices were being asked by vendors. One of the first links from Amazon was asking $35.99 for a 13oz can. Of course, I know about all of the other great alternatives to Plexus, so that's not a problem. It's just disappointing to find a product that I like, and it then begins to get marked-up so high that it's no longer a reasonable purchase. Heck, I remember paying about $6.00 a can for that stuff just a few years ago. Back to Pledge (the regular scent - lemon attracts bees), or to that Honda polishing spray, I guess.
  25. Wow! This discussion sounds familiar. I have been trying to find a suitable solution for this issue for years now. It's interesting that most of the answers which everyone has offered so far, are almost identical to that which I received when I posted the very same question about four years ago on a Delphi site. http://forums.delphiforums.com/n/main.asp?qu=itch&find=Search&webtag=royalstar&ctx=search&cl=573438&af=31&o=relevance&be=0 This is what I have concluded so far ... (unprofessionally of course), for some of us who experience this type of extreme helmet-induced scalp itch, it's not simply a matter of hair gels, shampoos, sprays, etc. Also, I have never been able to wear baseball caps because they make my head itch. Helmets are even worse. For this reason, I don't believe it's anything besides the fact that I apparently have a hyper-sensitive scalp. And, the degree of the itchiness is almost beyond description. I have almost had to rip my helmet off my head and fling it off to the side of the road it became so unbearable. I have tried a number of different types of doo-rags made of different materials. I have tried all styles of helmets, and some are a little better than others, but all of them after a while cause me the same grief. Also, the hotter the weather, the worse it gets. I'm still convinced that there is (or will be) a solution available, but I haven't found it yet. I wish that there was a way for me to ignore or to just tolerate the itchiness. Unfortunately, the only solution so far has just been to not wear a helmet where it's legally permissible. I know, I know ... not wearing a helmet is incredibly stupid, and there are no reasonable excuses I can come up with to rationalize not wearing proper riding gear. However ..., that not the issue at this moment. If I can ever find some solutions, you can be sure that I will happily share them with everyone. I am sure that there are many of us who experience this same problem. Hope this helps. Be Safe! Pete.
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