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Everything posted by petekadish

  1. That's one of the most creative ideas I have ever heard of. I don't imagine that I would ever have enough room for a bucket of sloshing laundry, but it's almost tempting to try. Thanks! Pete.
  2. Oh yea! I always get a kick when I drive through the Salt Flats on I-15, and you can see where so many people decided that it would be fun to try and pull off the road a little to try and drive on the salt on the roadside. In almost every instance, you can see how they were able to go about twenty feet, and then the tire tracks show that they either backed-out or were pulled-out. I've thought about it, but that little voice told me that I would regret it. So I never tried it myself. I can just imagine how many dads in their mini-vans on vacation, have been stuck in the salt and mud with their wife and kids telling him what a bonehead he was. Truly a classic Kodak vacation moment to remember. Even in the heat of the summer, I don't think that the stuff on the side of the highway is ever worth trying to drive on. Pete.
  3. Yep! I hear ya. My wife suggested the very same thing. Right now, it's just about as cold outside here as I could ever imagine it getting during a summer camping trip anywhere that I would be. Any colder than that, and I'll definitely be in a hotel. Isn't it funny how sometimes our spouse will make a suggestion or a comment, and we don't really consider it much? But, then when our riding buddies say the same thing, we think they are really smart. That's where this term comes from . . . Yes dear. You're right. I'm wrong. I'm a man. I'm sorry. Thanks! Pete.
  4. When I was in law enforcement, we used to say "it's the universal language. Everyone speaks shotgun". Nothing like the sound of a weapon racking a round. It's kind of like a rattlesnake rattle, everyone knows you mean business. Pete.
  5. Steve, I saw your picture of you in my neck of the woods (sort of), riding on the Salt Flats. Very cool! I've been here in Utah over half my life and I still haven't been actually on the salt yet. What was that like to ride on? Typically the salt we see around here is on the roads during the winter, and I don't like getting in to it. You know, corrosion and all that sort of thing. Pete.
  6. Brian! Awesome job! Yea, it was a long post, but it contained so many great tips. Some of them I was already familiar with, while others will certainly make it in to my planning for this summer's trips. Information like this is so helpful for us to be able to share. I'm sure that there are many people who have set off on a trip full of excitement, only to be left totally disappointed because they didn't have enough information and preparation beforehand. I love taping in to the wisdom of other people's experience. Information like what you have shared, are some of the details which can make or brake an adventure. Anything that anyone can add to this, bring it on please. I'm taking notes. Be Safe! Pete.
  7. Lists are good. I'm definitely a list maker. What would be most helpful to us would be to know the specifics about items on your list. I have been researching mattress pads a lot this weekend. At first, I thought that we would use a queen-size air mattress, but now I'm not so sure. I have read a lot of complaints about them leaking. Many of the recommendations I had read suggest self-inflating (or semi-inflating) air mattresses. So, if anyone has personal experiences (good or bad) to share regarding equipment choices, I would appreciate learning from ya. Thanks! Pete.
  8. Hi Guys! Pretty much my idea of camping on bike trips has been to find a motel room which is a least clean, has a fairly comfortable bed, and a shower. This past summer, we were on the road for about three weeks, and the cost of motel camping (even in fairly inexpensive places) really added up. This year, we have a trailer to pull behind the bike. It has the room to pack a fair amount of stuff – at least a tent and a couple of sleeping bags & pads. Both my wife and I are in our late 40s, so we’re not so young anymore. We’re also really not all that much in to roughing it. But if we can spend more time on the road this summer and not have to use all of our funds on motels, then perhaps we can learn to like a new option. Maybe we can use this as an option to supplement our motel camping. I just don’t want our summer riding ventures to look like episodes from a bad sitcom. If we do attempt this, I know enough to assure that we have quality equipment. But, I am a little apprehensive. I like simple pleasures like comfort and showers and beds. But, I seem to think that if we can be comfortable enough, we might be able to do this. Have any of you tried this? How did it work out? I’m sure that there are enough stories from those who have tried this to make for some interesting conversation. So let’s open this can o’ worms and hear what your experiences were like. Thanks! Pete.
  9. It's all good Ron. No prob! It's not like us riders are a shy, quiet non-opinionated bunch. I do appreciated everyone's input. I kind of look at a cooler set-up like a picnic basket. It's probably not really going to save anyone lots of money, but it sure is convenient sometimes. As far as weight is concerned, I don't plan on loading it up too heavy. I figure that enough other people have been doing it for sometime now without problems, so I expect it'll be fine. I just so appreciate being able to share opinions here and to learn from others who have already figured out what works and what doesn't work. It's so much easier to learn from other people's mistakes rather than having to make them myself first. Be Safe! Pete.
  10. Hey Guys! Spring is here and it's time to put the finishing touches on my new trailer set-up. The next step is to install a nice cooler rack. I found one which looks like a good at: http://www.alsmotorcycleaccessories.com/new_cooler_rack.html So far, this looks like the best deal. However, it's always a good idea to check lots of options and see what other people recommend. I had one idea that I don't know exactly how practical it is, but I think that it's do-able. I would like to figure out a way to be able to set-up the cooler rack so that I can use it with my trailer, or remove it and use it solo as just a hitch attachment. If this can't be done, then I would just like to get one to install on the trailer arm. Then, maybe I'll get another one to use solo. So, what do you suggest? What do you like? I don't want to spend crazy money on this, but I want to be satisfied. Are there any special considerations I should be aware of, or is it just a simple matter of attaching it and that's it? Thanks for the help! Pete.
  11. Joe Walsh always brings back memories. I saw him live at the Oakland Coliseum's Day on the Green back in the mid 70's with CSNY and The Band. 45,000 people monster-rock concerts. Those were some interesting times. Anyway ..., Internet streaming quality is about a 7 out of 10. Not too bad. Music choice was great. I listened to it on a Comcast cable modem. I would like to have seen some sort of simple audio controls like volume, pause, stop, play. A Venture-skinned WinAmp interface would be a nice touch. There's my two cents. Be Safe! Pete.
  12. Nice job Brian! There really is a lot of creative talent out there. I wish that I had a some. I really find this kind of stuff inspiring. So far this past couple of weeks, I have ordered the Radiantz LED brake-light board with both the running and the brake light option. This past week a buddy of mine also turned me on to some new LED, turn-signal lights that he just installed. They are really bright! So, I ordered some of those also. Check these out: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2-Bulbs-1157-Super-Red-57-LED-Light-Parking-Brake-2057_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1742Q2em153Q2el1262QQcategoryZ33713QQihZ009QQitemZ190199775260QQtcZphoto 1157 Super Amber 57-LED Light Bulb TAIL/TURN 2357 7528 1157 Super Red 57-LED Light/Parking Brake/2057 To top-off the new LED signal bulbs, I also ordered some clear signal covers. I'm excited to be able to light things up a little more soon. Pete.
  13. Hey Brian! That sounds like it deserves a picture to show it off. Got one? Thanks! Pete.
  14. Excellent info. once again. Thanks guys! I just got off the phone with Diamond-R and ordered their light bar, so I can make it mine. Pray for an early spring! Pete.
  15. It seems like some of the discussions we see endlessly discussed, and if we don't have a particular interest in the topic, we might just lightly scan it but not really give it any serious attention. Then later on, we develop an interest in that topic and return to the previous threads to search out the details - and then we can't find just what we need even though we know that we saw it somewhere. That's what I'm up against. If the answer is there, would someone just point me to it please? I would like to install a nice looking LED Light Bar on my '07 Midnight Venture. However, I don't want to spend $300 on Yamaha's trunk spoiler light bar. I know of one person who found a nice looking bar which he mounted right between his helmet locks, but I can't remember the manufacturer. I like the Signal Dynamics,15'' LED Ultra Light Bar, but it looks like it would need to be attached to some sort of a fabricated bracket if I wished to put it between my helmet locks. I'm not sure that it would look good to just stick it on the trunk with the adhesive tape. If I mount a light bar back there, I want to make sure that it looks like it belongs there, and not look like something which I didn't take the time to think through properly. I would also like to see a few close-up pictures of different mounting alternatives and what they look like, but not just when they are lit-up. I already know what bright LED lights look like when they are lit up. I want to see how good the light bar looks as an accessory and if it looks like it's supposed to be there. So, I'm open to suggestions. But, please be aware that I'm no fabricator. As a matter of fact, I'm probably just barely smart enough to know that it's important to make this task look good, but not able to accomplish it without some help. Each new project becomes a learning experience. Thanks guys & Be Safe! Pete.
  16. Our STAR Chapter (#152 Salt Lake City) got together this morning for our annual get you ride ready for riding meeting. And, since it finally stopped snowing long enough for the roads to clear and dry out, I figured that meant it was time to ride again. The sun was out, and it wasn't windy, but it would have been nice if it was a bit warmer. As I rolled out of the garage, it was twenty degrees. Fortunately, on the way home it warmed up to thirty - much better. Yep! We might not get a lot of winter riding days here in Utah. But, we try and make the best of what opportunities we get. Ride Safe & Warm! Pete.
  17. Thanks to everyone for your input. I finally got things figured out this afternoon. Apparently, one of the tires that I want is a pretty new model and many of the vendors and dealers don't have any record of it's existence. Consequently, half of the vendors I contacted told me that there was no such thing. The other half of the vendors told me that one tire was available, but not the other. So, out of frustration, I called Dunlop myself and asked them if the Tour Elite IIIs were available in a Bias-ply for my 2007 Venture. Of course, he said. he then told me that if a vendor doesn't show it listed then they should contact their distributor. I then re-contacted some of the vendors which had previously thought I didn't know what I was talking about, and told them what I had found. This is what I am ordering: Make: Yamaha Model: XVZ13TF 99-08 Royal Star Venture Front Rim Size: 3.50x16 Rear Rim Size: 4.00x15 Front Tire: Elite3 Size 150/80-16 Loaded PSI: 36 Rear Tire: Elite3 Size MV85B15 Loaded PSI: 40 American Motorcycle Tire Sales told me that because it is a new model tire, and they weren't aware of it, they couldn't offer me any rates or post it on their web site for another week. Southwest Moto Tires admitted that I was right, and told me that they had just up-dated their web site and posted their prices with the new information. This is the price they offer them for: Front $126.95 Rear $108.95 Total $234.00 Even with the 10% discount offered by my local dealer, the difference between them and South-West Moto is $121.00. I then called the dealer back and spoke with the service manager. I asked him for a break on the $161 labor fee for removing my old tires and putting on the new ones. I figured that it couldn't hurt to ask. He then offered to do the job for $121, which was a little better. I then asked him if he would give me that same price if I brought in my own tires. I even told him that I found a much better price on the tires than what their parts department offered to sell them to me. And ..., He said sure. Apparently he didn't care if they sold me the tires. So, I told him I would get the tires myself and bring them in (on the bike), as soon as it stops snowing long enough to ride. So, the end result is, that I found the tires I wanted and at a better price. The dealer agreed to work with me by discounting their labor a bit, and by not jacking-up the cost of their labor because I am supplying my own tires. It's refreshing to see a little customer service, or some compromise to help a good customer. I told this dealer that I really want to give them my business, but that they need to make us want to do business with them. I don't have any problem with dealers making money. That's why they are in business. By I don't want to pay more than I have too if I don't feel like they are taking good care of me, and that they value my business. So, it looks like everything will work out. Now, we have to do something about this weather. Pray for an early spring! Thanks again everybody! Be Safe! Pete.
  18. Tire questions are just about as worn out as clutch whine questions for us. So I appologize. And, of course the subject of tire preference has already been discussed at length. But, I'm not looking for tire brand opinions right now. I already know what I want. This season, I just want to try out a specific new tire to see how I like it, and what I am looking for, is a reliable vendor with a great price. I understand that the subject of tire preference has already been discussed at length for years now. But, I'm not looking for tire brand opinions right now. I already know what I want. This season, I just want to try out a specific new tire to see how I like it, and what I am looking for, is a reliable vendor with a great price. Because I have neither the time, experience or the proper tools to pull the wheels myself, I will have to bring my '07 Venture in to the dealer to change the tires. The price they charge to change both tires makes me cringe - $161 (and that's just for labor!) I know what is involved, and that it takes time. But still . . . Ouch! These are the tires I want to buy. Dunlop Elite IIIs 150/80/16 Front $164 150/90/15 Rear $191 These are my local dealer's prices (including a 10% STAR discount): So, the total cost for these tires & installation = $516 (Not including tax). I don't think that I will find a better price around here for the labor. So, I'm trying to save some money on the tires. I have done a lot of on-line searching, but I'm having difficulty finding vendors who carry this specific brand, model and size(s). Can anyone offer me some recommendations for vendors who for sure have these tires in the size I am looking for? I have already checked the websites for: SouthWest Moto (No telephone number) American Moto Tire (No telephone number) And, I couldn't find the right sizes. Okay guys, what do you think? Thanks & Be Safe! Pete.
  19. This morning, our Salt Lake STAR Chapter 152 had a chapter meeting and breakfast. Although not a single person road because of the painfully cold weather, it was still great to meet & eat. But, all of the talk about future rides, etc. just increased my wintertime cabin-feaver. And, today the weatherman predicted snow coming to this area Sunday or Monday which will "be measured in feet, not inches". Ugh! I'm so ready for spring. My driveway and roads in our neighborhood haven't been clear enough to pull my bike out of the garage since Christmas Eve. Plus, two and a half weeks ago, I had Carpal Tunnel surgery on my right wrist. And, next Tuesday I'm having my left wrist done. So, consequently I hadn't planned on doing any riding for at least a couple of months. My doctor said that it would take six to eight weeks for each of my wrists to completely heal after the surgery. However, the first one has actually completely healed on the outside, and is feels about 90% better. I have even been wondering if it would feel okay to ride. So, after reading that story late this afternoon, I looked outside to see the sun shining and noticed that my driveway was clear and dry. So, I figured that it was time to gear-up and see what the nearest canyon looked like. It was kind of chilly (20 degreesfile:///C:/Users/Pete/AppData/Local/Temp/moz-screenshot.jpgfile:///C:/Users/Pete/AppData/Local/Temp/moz-screenshot-1.jpg), but the sun was out and the roads were clear. The canyon ride was beautiful. A true winter wonderland. I even saw a few people standing in the middle of the Provo River, fly-fishing. Wow! Talk about cold. Anyway ..., it was a relatively short ride, only about 45-50 minutes. If I didn't have my Gerbing jacket liner and gloves, I wouldn't have made it more than half that time. But, as short as it was, it was just what I needed. Just thought I would share. Be Warm! Pete.
  20. When it comes to having the wind in your face, exhilarating speed and the communing with nature, most of us understand that it's pretty difficult to find something which is quite as exciting as riding a Venture. However, this looks like it might come pretty close: http://video.stumbleupon.com/#p=dglukb1xfa - just remember to be careful! I'm just not so sure that my wife will want to come along. Pete.
  21. J.T. please pass on our prayers for comfort from Utah. My Son and his wife Mari were burned-out of their place this past fall. They were still kind of newlyweds so they didn't loose much stuff, but then they didn't have any insurance either. Add us to the list of people who would be there to help if it were possible. Remind them to have faith, it'll all work out. Pete.
  22. Hi Guys! I just had Carpal Tunnel surgery on my right wrist Wednesday, and a major winter storm warning has just been issued by the weather guys. So, I don't think that I'll be doing any riding for a little while anyway. So, I thought I would focus on bike preparation for the riding season. Here's what I'm working on . . . I would like to assemble the ideal collection of travel tools to take on bike trips. I have been thinking about buying one of those roll-up tool pouches and then piecing together those specific tools which are the "gotta haves" for us Venture riders. We do have a small (pull behind the bike) trailer which will give me a little more room than just what I would have with the bike alone, but I still want to limit my collection to those really important tools. I'm usually not a very "light" traveler, so I need to try and make sure that I don't bring extra tools which I'll probably never need. And, of course I would like to limit the amount of space and weight dedicated to my travel tools. I should also note, that I am no mechanic by any stretch of the imagination, but I still want to make sure that I have available those tools which would be most helpful. I know that there are some pre-assembled kits from places like Cruztools.com and other places, but I think that I would rather assemble my own kit based upon the wisdom and experience of my fellow Venture riders. Any additional tool-tips or suggestions are certainly appreciated. So, here are my questions: 1. What have you found to be the best way to organize your travel tools? Do you use a roll-up pouch? Are roll-up pouches a good choice? Where is a good place to find a roll-up pouch that you would recommend? 2. What are the specific tools and sizes which you like to carry, and that you just couldn't or wouldn't do without? 3. Do you have a favorite tool (you know what I mean ), Like a Leatherman or some sort of specialty tool which you have found particularly useful? 4. Pictures of your tool kits might even be helpful to those of us who could use some good ideas. If this has already been discussed at length, please forgive me because I haven't seen it yet. Or, if someone knows another place (forum) where there is some good information on this topic, I would like to know about it. Thanks everyone. I just know that you'll collectively have all the answers. Stay Warm! Pete.
  23. Hey Dan! I feel your pain man. When I used to work graveyard patrol shifts, I had the hardest time trying to make myself sleep during daylight hours. And, on top of that I have always been a nighttime person. Additionally, even in the best of circumstances I'm pretty much an insomniac. When I did sleep, I hardly ever would go in to REM (Rapid Eye Movement) which is the "deep-sleep" mode which we all need to enter in to in order to get a restful sleep. A number of years ago my doctor suggested that I try Ambian. It was relatively new on the market then and I had never tried any sort of medication to help me to sleep, so I gave it a try. Of course everyone is different and what works for one person, won't necessarily be the best solution for someone else. Everyone needs to find out what is best for their own situation. But for me, Ambian was just about a miracle. It helped me to sleep well for the first time in years. It's probably not the perfect solution, but it was sure better (for me) than the continual struggling for a good sleep which I was going through. Every once in a while, someone seems to make the perfect suggestion to us. Whether it's fixing our rides or just helping us to get by, it's always such a relief when we find the right answers. I wish you luck in finding that help. Be Safe! Pete.
  24. This is what greeted my 2008 New Year's Day Ride. Oh yea! It was about 10 degrees this morning too. Sigh! At least my kerosene heater works. Be Warm! Pete.
  25. You can do it! Cold Turkey is the only way. Any other way is like teasing yourself. Hang in there! I found hard-candy helped. It keeps your mouth busy. Of course most of us here don't have much trouble with that. Be Safe! Pete.
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