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Jerry Zimmermann

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About Jerry Zimmermann

  • Birthday 06/14/1937

Personal Information

  • Name
    Jerry Zimmermann


  • Location
    Encino, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Ride'n my bike
  • Bike Year and Model
    07 Royal Star Venture
  1. BROTHER LARRY, Hoping you heal quickly and back on a new trike!! Take care,
  2. Hey Seaking, Thank you for the information, has happened to my 07 RSV. I'm not much on posting on this great site, however, when there is an absolute need, I'm on it!! ALSO, THANKS TO DON FOR HELPING ME OUT WITH LEADING ME TO YOUR ARTICLE!!! ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` I'll let y'all know how I made out!! Cheers,
  3. Is this a great group or what!!!!!
  4. My friend strejea, Thank you for doing that for our brother, Dono!! When you decide to visit America, by the time you get to California, you'll have met many of the venture riders!! You and I have something in common, I'm originally from Vienna, Austria. Came to America after the war in 1947. Take care my Friend,
  5. Hey Brother DonO, Wishing you great results with your upcoming MRI!!! Take care my Friend, ```````````````````````````````````````````````` DON'T NEED A TRAILER!!!
  6. ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Hey Top, If you did not get one yet, lemme know, I'd be happier then a pig in slop to send you one!! Matter of fact, send me your home address, I'll send you one and you give the one you got to someone else!! The story goes that you should be given a bell, NOT purchase one yourself!!! Gave Uncle Sugar 26 years of Fun, Travel and Adventure, my guys had a totally different meaning for F.T.A.!! Retired at Ft. Campbell, KY in 83, am a registered REPUBLICAN!!! Have been with the PGR for six years, sad to say that I have over five hundred+ missions under my belt, California is always hit really hard with KIA's!! Am also a ALR member, a lot of PGR members don't know that the American Legion is responsible that there is a American Legion Rider organization!! My good Friend and riding Brother Jeff "Twister" Brown was the one that started the PGR in 05. He has his own PGR Store at www.twistersstore.com, you name it he's got it!! Don't charge shipping and handling and no tax!! Got an 07 Blue RSV with 70,653 on the clock, concerning "Trojans" for the wheels, as some have said, Stones ain't worth squat, go with the Elite 3's best bang for the $$. My Brother-In-Arms, I look forward to receiving an email from you!! WISHING YOU AND YOUR FAMILY A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a SAFE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Cheers,
  7. ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` That's my kinda guy!!!
  8. Hey Bubba, First I heard about this, are ya going? Where do I find info on that rally/ Cheers,
  9. Hey Bruce, Happy New Year my Friend! Wishing you a Safe and Happy New Year! We're neighbors, I live in Encino, just spit'n distance from Glendora. Let me know when we can get together for either breakfest or lunch, I'll buy!! Look forward to meet and ride with you!
  10. Everything is still o.k.!!
  11. Hey Brother Squid, Was glad to see that the injuries were not more serious to you and your Main Squeeze!! Take care my Friend,
  12. ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Hey Glenn, Got a kick outta your thread! Different Strokes For Different Folks!! PGR 3764 BEST ORGANIZATION I EVER BELONGED TO, BAR NONE!!! Ride dat sucker like you stole it! Got 50,000+ miles of smiles on my 07 RSV, most of the miles are from Missions! At 73 years young, when I throw my leg over my "Baby" I feel like 43!! Got a question for ya, what are those leveling links about? Take care my PGR Brother, keep the knees to da breeze!!
  13. Hey Friend, That's the best buy I've ever made! They are ultra light and you'll not sweat on hot humid rainy days wearing these! One does look like a Pillsbury Doughboy!! Have a great day my Friend,
  14. Guys, HE IS DA MAN!!!
  15. Hey Brother, how ya been? Are ya planning to visit the LA area any time soon? If'n you do, make sure you let me know!! CIAO
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