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  • Location
    fort lauderdale, United States


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    fort lauderdale


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    05 Royal Star Tourer Deluxe

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  1. nice but usually stuff that do many things doesn't do anything right
  2. My bike was backfiring on deceleration way too much and with the 4-2-4 nasty boys installed was worse and louder, after reading the simple instructions of this website plugged the AIS and voila what a difference !!!!!!!!!! I still have some but improved about 80% I will need to synchronize my carburetors but before I buy anything I will try to see how is done just want to say thanks to the group the info here is priceless !
  3. Freedom
  4. just purchased a set of 4-2-4 nasty boys, after cleaning and polishing they came out pretty good they have baffles and fiberglass packing and since they are out, they could use repacking. anyone have experience with different packing material? is synchronizing the carbs totally necessary (don't own a synchronizer) ? do not want to spent a lot of money on packing material, and will probably install them as they are Monday and hear how they sound will appreciated all the input good and bad you have about these
  5. in my early twenties (many moons ago) a trucker called me that over a CB radio, liked it and become my handle.
  6. Good question ......... I wish I knew how to change the color lol , Red is what I'm using
  7. 1) I own a RSTD no tape deck here 2) don't care much about accessories I'm reluctant to change anything and just love it the way she is (been married too long I guess) will I buy a new one ? definitely NO, because I feel they are laughing at us with this product so I wont give them my business even Vespa (another perfect machine) changed a couple things throughout the years I said this before they have improved the vmax with fuel injection etc they could've improved our bikes power plant pretty easy
  8. yes !!never said was a good song , but it was the first thing came to my mind when I read the post
  9. just remind me of an old song lyrics "I think I'm turning Japanese" lol they should work less and ride more often. Motorcycles are helping ugly people get laid since the early 1900's I think I'm turning Japanese by the vapors was the song sorry my espanglish is betrayed me
  10. my son's 9th birthday is on the 5th(almost forgot) ........... not sure how we are going to celebrate it yet but I might ride there and back on the same day ......we'll see
  11. shooting for the 4th ! is ok with me ..........looking forward to see you guys !
  12. had a procedure ( balloon Kyphoplasty)in my fractured vertebra on July 7th, felt better right away but pain seemed to travel to different areas.......... after almost two month I can tell I will get there ............ trying to lose some extra weight to help my back in my case having the fracture for 5 months did not help at all like everyone else here I wish you a prompt recovery and the very best Dan
  13. had back surgery almost 2 month ago (fractured lumbar vertebra) and I'm getting better and really need some riding............ I can arrange any day if I get about a week notice bottom line I would love that !!!!!!!!!!
  14. not yet but I'm waiting for a waterproof voltmeter to arrive I'm thinking I'm going to install it along with a lighter plug in my handlebar
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