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phoenix rider

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Everything posted by phoenix rider

  1. Seems that I took the bike in and they accidentally put their finger through the level window. They patched it up with JV weld which, in my experience, will not last long with brake fluid. I have start looking to find another master, but though they were used through "93" the part is obsolete. Tried EBAY didn't find one. Thought I would ask if any one knows or has for sale a clutch master for my wonderful "83"...thx
  2. phoenix rider

    AZ phoenix Rider

    Roosevelt Lake
  3. phoenix rider

    One road leading Roosevelt Lake

    One road leading Roosevelt Lake
  4. Thx and I have replaced the "trip over" switch and the "dropped" switch...Didn't help:cool10: I did not know there is an auto advance on the bike. Worth pursuing. It is something that got jarred, then everything worked great. Until it went back into the shop for something unrelated. when installing the cable or when syncing up the carbs it must have been disturbed and went back to acting the same. I just have a feeling that it is something simple and when found it will be one of those. "Oh good grief, that's all it was" type things The vacuum pick up for the 1300 carbs was checked and is correct and like mentioned this was happening on the 1200 carbs as well All ideas are good. Some just better than others....thx:lightbulb:
  5. Thanx for the replies. The Sea Foam sound like the way to go. Wonder what kind of milage I would get compared to Gas..... Anyway the vacuum we'll check out, but I think it was considered when the 1300 carbs were installed, but surely something could have been missed. ANy other ideas would be appreciated as scratch my head has done much but made my head hurt:depressed:
  6. Thx Guys. Now let me give you the long version. This hesitation has been gong on for several YEARS (UGH) and though various shops. The hesitation was there on the 1200 carbs and one shop screwed up the carb body so the float value would not hold. So new rebuilt 1300 are on there. Synced, on a Dyno as well, but the hesitation persists. Now let me give you the real scary part of this. Though my ego tells me I shouldn't say this my need to correct this problem is more important. While the 1200 carbs were on there and one cold day I left the house and at the corner I had my beauty go out from under me. Only damage was scraped up crash bars(since rechromed). After the bike was picked up. Ready for this...... it ran perfectly for over thee months. Perfect in everway. Took it on some road trips. It was great till the throttle cable snapped and I took it for repair. When I got it back it was back to same old hesitation. I asked what was done and was told that all was replacing the cable and resynced the cabs, but something else had to be disturbed and now I am still trying to find the problem. The lean is more toward electrical as the problem persists through two different sets of carbs. Any thoughts? THx
  7. Thanx for the response Gary. I have a 1983 and am interested on paying you right up front. How do I go about that? I want the USB cable. I am assuming that I would be paying $260 as I want to pay in advance and I want the cable. Need to know how to pay you...thx
  8. My 83 1200 has a nasty little habit of hesitating when coming out of a corner then wanting to accelerate out of it. Carbs have been rebuilt, plugs replaced. Acts fine otherwise. Anyone else dealt with this before? Great site !!!
  9. Gary, didn't I read somewhere that you were bringing in the TCIs and mapping them or the 83s. Still wandering around articles...... But I am interested and if mapped I would like to consider buying one from you....thx
  10. HI TVKING63, I am new to the group and am very interested in the TCI. I want to get a new one. I have an 83 which I bought new in 83. It needs a new TCI and I have already gone the Ebay route. I tried your link but got a page not found, but more importantly you mentioned that 83 is not supported compared to the 84 thru 89. What is different please? thx
  11. I may be being redundant here.. sorry I am interested in a new TCI for my 83. The one I bought on Ebay still misfires on #3. So I am looking "new". The bike just had 85 carbs rejetted and installed so I don't know if that makes a difference on the mapping..thx
  12. I am new to this site so not really sure I how to respond. I have an 83. Need new TCI and am interested. Bike has rebuilt 85 carbs. Don't know if that makes a difference in mapping...thx
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