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Everything posted by dna9656

  1. Wheel bearings. I need to lift the bike up for a wheel bearing re-pack. It looks like the exhaust pipes would carry the load if I were to put a 2 X under the bike and use my standard floor jack under the 2 X to raise the bike. I'm not sure this is ok....is it? This bike is a pure OD (Olive Drab) ***** to push. I'm not sure if it's brake drag or bearings that n need re-packing. Any and all thoughts would be appreciated.
  2. IT RUNS!!! I changed the plugs, cleaned up the ignition wires, changed the oil, it ran on the first try !!! I turned the key off and on a few times to fill the carb bowls, choked it a bit and she slowly caught on. Now when I hit the starter she leaps into life! A nice, even purr, quiet and confident! Just like I remember! I am very pleased! Thanks to all of you that helped me get the job done!
  3. I have an 85 too, the bags and trunk are HUGE!
  4. OK in the one cap (we're talking about the terminus for the spark plug wire at the plug end right?) that came apart I saw no spring, just the pokie (pointed tip) that gets shoved into the high tension wire. I removed the LARGE grommets off the angled connector (to the spark plug) and cleaned those. The cap that came apart was the forward left cylinder. I was taught to use fuel hose (or what's even better is a silicon rubber spark plug boot with a bit or vacuum hose TIGHTLY jammed into the small end of the boot, this was you get a slender extension onto that boot and the smaller hose bend a bit easier than fuel hose) on the ends of spark plugs to get the threads started instead of a socket (unless you're using your fingers to turn the socket) because there wouldn't be enough torque (like there would be if you used a socket and ratchet) to create a cross-thread. But what ever works for each of us. Thanks to you all for all the great knowhow and advise. It's not like I didn't spend 16 years in USAF vehicle Maintenance, it's just that bikes are a lot different and why learn the hard way when I can ask you wonderful guys for all the short cuts? The plugs looked like hell. Black and wet, wet from too much fuel and no starts. A bit of oil down in the plug recesses too. I'm thinking that came from the cover vent hoses? The are maybe 3/4" OD, they look analogous to a PVC hose on a car... Anyway I cleaned out the reassess with a fuel line duct taped to the shop vac, then a nylon cleaning brush wrapped with a clean rag. Inspected with a 25 cent size inspection mirror and got it as clean as possible. After it's up and running I will flush any remainder out with that $1.25 a can carb cleaner Wal-Mart carries.
  5. The manual doesn't give the procedure to remove the front (or rear) spark plugs on my 1st Generation. Verbiage would be most helpful, accompanying Pics would be REALLY GREAT! Thanks in advance!
  6. This is the first post I found on anything like spark plug removal...The pictures were of great help to me! Thanks!
  7. Harbor Freight is a good place for tire tools.
  8. How are the carb diaphragms tested for leakage? Is there a carb rebuild kit available for the 83 year model bikes?
  9. http://www.starmotorcycles.com/star/products/lifestylehome/home.aspx
  10. Another issue for me anyway is confusion between Royal Star, Venture, Venture Royale, Royale Star Venture. All seem to be discussed everywhere on the site. Do Royal Star bikes have much in common with The Venture/ Venture Royale/ Royal Star Venture Bikes? I'm trying to learn the differences.
  11. The thread has me confused, (something that's getting easier to do as I go through life) Maybe I'm not being clear. I have a 1985 and a 1985 1st gen Venture Royale. I'm interested in upgrading the starters for more reliability and better starter performance. I gather starters from later bikes can be used OR the starter I have can be upgraded. I'm not sure. So what is the upgrade that can be made to my starter(s) ? What starters will fit that are already a better (incorporate the upgrade) starter as an upgraded starter?
  12. Got the title transferred. Got the air box back on; it was filthy. Got the new battery in. Got a can of Seafoam. I thought once it was running again (it ran at the POs house until it pumped the gas onto the ground) I would add the recommended amount of Seafoam (just what is the recommended amount anyway?) to the tank and let it idle for a while. Now when I crank it doesn't try to start, no back fire, cough or anything. So my plan is squirt some gas down through the air box into the carbs and see if it'll kick off. If no joy I will proceed to pull a plug wire off, put an old plug in it, ground the plug hit the starter and see if I got spark. I will; check the other three as well. If no spark does that equal a bad ignition module? I have the 85 bike; I don't suppose that Ign. module is compatible is it? I suppose it could be carb problems if I have spark, and it kicks off but doesn't continue to run. If this were a car I would proceed to check fuel pump operation if ok then I would rebuild the carbs. How's my thinking so far?
  13. I'm sure Bill (Gates) and company will either stay up nights OR get right on your objections....I live in The Puget Sound Area... HAHAHA! Bill does what he wants..you can do that when you got most of the money in the whole world but he he's got a product a lot of people liked up till now....anyway...
  14. Bigger bags? Do you mean the saddle bags or the ones hanging by the riders knees?
  15. I apologize to you for misreading your post, sometimes posts get misconstrued.
  16. Here is the info on the 85: I found this number on the left side of the rider below the fuel pump (approx.) Engine #59J-001416 (last digit updated to "6" Thanks Prarriehammer!. Build date 12/84. VIN JAY59J00FA001416. It's interesting how the number on the block is somewhat represented in the VIN. I cannot find any site that can tell me (using the numbers) what size engine this bike came with or what engine it is. All the sites I found don't cover Ventures. Anybody got any info? :lightbulb:
  17. Happy birthday!!!!
  18. The number I found is in a cast in box shape with parallel lines across it, much like a phonograph finish you see on some precision machined surfaces. The number is "59J-00141 (followed by a very small "0" (zero) or "O" (OH).
  19. So the recommended starter for my 1st get is a starter from a a '97 XVZ 1300 CORRECT?
  20. 10W(inter) means how the oil flows in the "winter" 30" how the oil flows on a "standard day" Multi-viscosity oil came about in the 1st half of the 60s when they started working with "polymers"; they called them "non-Newtonian" because they didn't get THINNER as they heated up, they actually got thicker with heat and thinner in the cold. Thinner oil flows faster than thick, what happens to most fluids in the cold? They get thicker...So the having said all that the 10W 40 is thicker when warm and therefore stopping the clutch chatter... I THINK this will hold water....
  21. Showing my ignorance here, WHAT year do the "2nd gens" start? With the 1300 motor or the name/body style change?
  22. Seems to me if you have a noise using the MRF. recommended viscosity oil there is a problem somewhere. Heavier oil usually MASKS noises, they don't provide any "seat of the pants" remedy to a noise problem. I remember a friend worked in a gas station back in the day when cars were repaired at gas stations...he bought a beater car, being teenagers we wanted to make it better so we drained the lube out of the rear axel to put in new stuff, what did we find? SAW DUST in the oil! It filled the space between the gears to make it more quiet! The moral of the story is this: There is no such thing as "MECHANIC IN A CAN"
  23. The battery symbol is on in the computer with the flashing red warning light. I ASSUME its the battery sensor (faulty?)
  24. Thanks for the info. I'm just learning about the bike. I once owned one for a short while but a guy turned left in front of me and well that was that. Broke my wrist all to crap, I was an terminal leave in the service (had 5 days to go) the military rescinded my retirement and discharge. I remained on AD for 18 more months. Talk about a fouled up life...
  25. No one said it's a 1300, I thought they were after 84. Apparently I was mistaken. I will look at the motor number later today. Thanks for the heads up!
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