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10 Good

Personal Information

  • Name
    Richard Evans


  • Location
    Abilene, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    89 Venture Royal
  1. Can you build a brand new 1st. Gen.? Can't believe Puc hasn't ask you for one.
  2. I have had several of the Isuzu Trooper's with the 3.5. Always had great luck with them. My nephew has one now with over 200,000 miles. The thing uses a qt. of oil every 1500 miles, other than that it does very well. Hushpuppy (Richard)
  3. Basically I never met a bike I didn't like. I have had Suzuki, Yamaha, Harley, BMW, and Honda. I hope to own others before I die. All have good points and all have opportunities. Each one teaches me something new about bikes and riding. The different forums let me meet new friends. I want to be involved with all of them. That's all I had to say. -- Hushpuppy
  4. Thanks to all the brave men and women who have risk, and far to often given their lives to protect this country. Thank You!
  5. Lost my dad 10 yrs. ago.- Think about him every day. - Our prayers are with you and your family. Richard
  6. New solution: Move south- ride year round- don't play spoons.
  7. Have an African Gray, Yellow Nape Amazon, and a Caique. They really do run the house.
  8. Check out the 'Motus'.
  9. Prayer sent.
  10. Love it!-- Just one question- What planet did you come from-- I have never been sure I am from this planet-- maybe we are related. Richard
  11. 89- backed off at 123- was running out of road - don't know what top end is. Richard
  12. It's only been 4 months- have several projects started- yard work- wood work- fixing lawn mowers and edger - fish a little, hunt a little- oh yeah, ride three bikes.( not all at the same time.) Sure beats working! I even go antique shopping with my wife. She is the one that needs help- She has to put up with me. Back to the original question- I still get up at 5am- breakfast is PNB and honey on toast- with a Pepsi or iced tea. I like to heat up the grill once a week and cook enough for the rest of the week. Life is good-God likes me- we don't know why some days- but he does. Richard
  13. Thanks for all the communication and pictures.- Richard
  14. Thanks for the link, that will make you think.
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