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  1. Bikes

    Hippo hands

    Cal-Sci makes some similar to Hippos, my better half got me some and I love em.....30 or 40 bucks I think.. http://www.calsci.com/motorcycleinfo/Otherprod.html
  2. My .02 .......had my right knee done three years ago this coming Feb. I was 55, really bad knee from an early accident, two bad surgeries, one with a superbug infection, almost killed me... That being said, I am so glad I had it done.....found the best Doc, did exactly what he said, worked my legs out hard at the gym for two months before surgery, two days in the hospital, within two weeks I was walking(slowly) without a cane or a limp. It did take a full year for it to be really healed, flexible and such but now I can squat down and up, no pain. Riding my bikes was very painful with my leg bent, caused me to sell a couple of them, now, no sweat. My butt hurts long before my knee. If you do it, do it right, and hopefully only once.......good luck....
  3. Mike, although I have delusions of long cross country three month long excursions, it aint gonna happen...... I have a fifty mile commute, an occasional 3 or 4 hundred mile day trip, i do like a well handling bike. My ol hands and back are more and more affected by the cold and ergos of the last few bikes I've had....figure its time to treat myself to a bit of comfort..I have never listened to music while riding so I'm not sure if that would be neccesary....the FJR is pretty good but my hands arent doing well with it and frankly, its so easy to go fast and I drive for a living..i wouldn't get a ticket, I'd get arrested!....but a solid bike no doubt.....I'm definitely sold on Yamaha's big touring bikes...... Most comfy bike i've owned was a 70 electra glide with a pogo seat.....although a basic bike, it was nice........ http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii224/stripah/bike%20stuff/tux.jpg I think,I will look a bit for a TD also.....try to sit on a few.......not many up here though....but I have a few months
  4. This is all very helpful information....
  5. Well, thanks all, its mostly what I thought although the gearing differences was/is a suprise...a biggie for me is cruise and wind/cold protection and I realize a fairing is usually better and I could add a throttlemeister or something...gonna be fun shopping....
  6. I am looking for a Venture, I see a few RSTDs for sale as well, i realize they share the same platform and have some obvious differences, i.e. tour pack, batwing fairing, stereo and such. Am I correct in assuming its pretty much the same bike with different bolt ons? Aside from the obvious, what are any other significant differences? I see that the RSTD is usually quite less expensive....I have already fallen in love with the Galaxy Blue 07 Venture......so this may be a moot post..........thanks....
  7. I wonder how much gain in mpg and also, aside from occasionally syncing, is the four carb set up a problem, reliablility etc?......
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