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Karen Solis

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Everything posted by Karen Solis

  1. Looks like I'm going to make it after all.
  2. Maggie Valley, NC or Davis, WV
  3. Nov 9 th M&E cancelled due to bad weather. Let's reschedule for January. Everyone chime in with what weekend and day would work best for them. Karen By the way, sorry, baylensman, about the typo that caused confusion in that last post
  4. Still Sun Dec 9 th at 12:15 or 12:30 at Manny's Original Chophouse in Lake Wales. Rain or Shine. If the weather is bad, we will just drive our cages. see you all then! Karen
  5. I really want to see everybody, so if by chance the weather turns bad, let's drive our cages and meet anyway, ok? Karen
  6. Yes, The location Steve posted is the correct one. We would cancel for inclement weather. Hope for no rain. I want to see as many of you as I can. Love the Venture Rider family!
  7. Ok. Let's meet for Lunch at Manny's Original Chophouse in Lake Wales. Food looks delicious, Causal atmosphere. It even handles large groups. The address is: 210 S.R. 60 West, Lake Wales, FL 33853. If people want to go see Bok Gardens afterwards, they can. Remember, the date will be Sunday, Nov. 9th. I have a long ride, so better make it 12:15 or 12:30 Steve & Marilyn, you will be sorely missed! Karen
  8. Great! Then the 9th it will be. Mike Brakepad Brady, can you make that date?
  9. Ok, I'm going to try another date to see if more people can come. How about Sunday, Nov. 9th. Florida people, what do you think? Karen.
  10. Well Barry, the whole reason I picked that weekend was so Kristen can come with you. So if you two can't make it, I am going to pick another weekend. So, please get with Kristen and figure out when you can both come, and I will change the M & Ento that time. Karen:223:
  11. Hey Florida Members, I am proposing a M & E in Central Florida so anyone north or south has a chance of making it. So November 15th, let's meet for lunch. I was thinking maybe Bok Gardens in Lake Wales. It sounds pretty, and has a restaurant on the premises . Admission Ito the gardens is $12. Let me know what you think of this idea. If you all don't like the idea, I'll pick another place. I was also considering Mount Dora, which has a lot of restaurants. What does everyone think? Karen Solis: 223:
  12. Great to see all of you in St. Augustine! I really appreciate our VR.org family. By the way everybody, Mrs. Brake Pad's name is Melody:223:
  13. Some people are doers and some just like to watch. Lol. Barry, you sure focused a lot on Derek's butt? Karen
  14. Looking forward to seeing all of you in St. Augustine! Karen:223:
  15. Sounds good. Lets decide on the place and Let's go!!!!
  16. Oh, boy! If Patricia and Richard are going, and Rick and Shirley too, I wanna' go!
  17. Yep, Rick! That was me. How are you and Shirley?
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