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Everything posted by CATPower

  1. While driving slow 1st gear pump the clutch lever to see if that helps going into N. If the pumping helps change clutch fluid and retry.
  2. To get oil/sludge/milk shake out of the cooling system: Dawn Dishsoap ........ after fixing what leaked over use a good mix of water/Dawn ...warm up engine till thermostat opens than drain and flush with water ...do this 3/4 times and you should be good to go. We use this on big Diesel Engines and it works great.
  3. Thanks for the update! So all you changed is the pressure plate? Did you use the springs that came with the plate or extra heavy duty springs ? Thanks
  4. Bert, please let me know how this works for you. I'm on the fence to do the same. My clutch slips when getting hard onto it.
  5. Wrong Pic with correct part # ??? different part #'s Venture part # 511-90-10002 www.barnettclutches.com/fits-all-v-max.html http://www.amazon.com/Barnett-Clutch-Spring-Conversion-511-90-10002/dp/B000GRXT50/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1442879545&sr=8-4&keywords=clutch+1999+yamaha+venture
  6. I got the Shinko 777's WW 130/90-16 front tire and very much like it ..... a lot easier to handle and it seems to roll through corners instead of plowing through
  7. Do you know why it overheated ?
  8. Hi, Does it die when you have the clutch pulled or actual put in gear ? Do you have a neutral light ?
  9. with the one speaker after unplugging yellow plug do you full control overt it ( sound , volume, balance, bass and station control ect....)
  10. Did you take all audio connectors apart ? If yes did you mark them ? I assume you had the tank and seat off...
  11. Power goes from Battery to starter solenoid and fuse through a connector (red wire) to the ignition switch (on position) to fuse block #2 (brown/blue wire). Somewhere on here (this site) are the schematic for it.
  12. check #2 fuse box for power
  13. Ok i put a several hundred miles on the front Shinko 777 130/90B-16 HD and the tire feels great. Now I'm not plowing through curves anymore. Slow handling improved greatly. Hope that helps
  14. I got a bike lift so cleaning is not a problem.
  15. Thanks for the reply. They have a good feedback on the HD form. I think i will give them a try.
  16. Anybody tried or running these tires. Looking to put a Shinko 777 130/90B-16 (73H) WW on the front. Any thought Thanks
  17. Best price? Amazon Is 130/90/16 correct size for the front ? Thanks Sorry not trying to hijack your thread just same Q
  18. I think you are correct...... Did NOT get a ticket.. He just told me to get it fixed. He was correct.... Reflectors are a must have DOT item.
  19. The front lights are also reflective, on the rear had to put a reflector on too..... due that I got pulled over for not having "no rear side reflectors" (before mounting lights) And was told lights are no substitute for reflectors.
  20. Got some lights off EBay
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