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  • Location
    Fultonville, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 Venture
  1. Thanks! I'll start with the oil level and go from there. Jay
  2. I have some oil spots on the floor and it looks like it's coming from this tube. Any thoughts? Jay
  3. Any chance you have a link? I cant find one listed for the Venture even though the pic on the JP Cycles page shows a Venture... Jay
  4. This^^^ I personally run my bike in reserve all the time. I usually fill up when the fuel guage removes the last segment at "E" and at that time it repeadidly takes 5.1 - 5.2 gal. I fill up when the fuel light/Trip F comes on it only takes 4 gallons. When Trip F comes on I can usually go 35-40 miles until the last segment on the fuel guage goes off. Jay
  5. What viscosity oil do you have in it? When I was running 20w-50 I would have cold start noise that was exactly as you described. Once warm, it went away. I switched it to 10w-40 and no noise cold or warm. Maybe try changing to 10w-40 if you are running 20w-50. Jay
  6. I was getting the same ticking noise on cold starts running Yamalube 20w-50. The local Yamaha dealer suggested going to 10w-40. I changed it out this past friday with 10w-40 and the cold start tick is gone. I also noticed some other things being "better" now with the 10w-40 but I want to see if this is the placebo effect. Jay
  7. Update. I put the "30" on and there seem to be no issues. Here is a pic of the two side by side.
  8. Gents- Kinda in a pickle. I am changing my oil, the Yamaha filter that I took off is marked 5gh-13440-00. The new one that they dealership gave me yesterday is marked 5gh-13440-30. Looking at them they are the same size but the "30" seems better built, heavier duty if you will. Ok to proceed with the "30"? Thanks for your help. Jay
  9. Pyle = Pile. Jay
  10. Any pics of the install? Jay
  11. My bike would not pass inspection, rear tire worn just to wear bars. (I knew this but hoped they would not notice. New Metzler going on Friday. $235 installed. Jay
  12. I average 36-40mpg. Is that in the "good" range for these bikes? I bought mine 8/10/2013 so Im still feeling it out. Jay
  13. I wish I could get the mileage some of you are getting. I only got 4,000mi out of my Dunlop 404. I kept the air right at 38psi. Jay
  14. Which passing lights do you have? There are 35w sealed beam passing lights and there are 55w halogen passing lights. I have the latter and they are great at night. Jay
  15. Have you tried running some Startron thru your fuel system? I was getting the 'pops' and after a few tanks with StarTron added it went away. Jay
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