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Everything posted by wolfman1

  1. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Shucks.... Just glad you're on the mend. Steve
  2. Thanks Rick. That should help a lot. If anyone has pics, that should help too. Again thanks Steve
  3. I'm NOT the most mechanically inclined, but can do a lot if I've seen it done once before. The problem: I've been following the directions and have finally gotten the front fairing off (one allen bolt on my passing lights was stripped and I I had a lot of trouble getting it off, but did get it off). NOW THE PROBLEM: the directions say I need to take the back side of the fairing loose. It mentions two 12 mm nuts that need removal from behind the headlight 5 mm allen head screws beside the head light. Does anyone out there have any pics of these locations and the nuts and screws in question. Either I'm nuts or something, but for the life of me I can't figure this part out. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Steve:bang head:
  4. Our prayers are with you guys. Steve
  5. I got out a couple of other day's this week, but had to work a 12 hr shift yesterday, so I drove my truck. I hate not being able to ride as much in the winter. The big thing I'm doing right now is planning and dreaming about Eck's Natchez Trace Ride! Also doing some maintenance on my baby. I sure don't want to hear from all you Texans or anyone else about how many darn miles you rode yesterday either. Cheers, Steve
  6. Been there, done that! Welcome to the club. Steve
  7. I sure hope the trouble is over for you now. You've definately had way more than your share. Kim and my prayers are there for your recovery. Steve
  8. WOW .......... I'm really glad they were able to walk away with minor injuries. Whew! ,,,,,,,,, Please have a speedy recovery, you two. I'm hoping to meet you guys some time this year. Steve
  9. Just finished smoking 6 turkry's for Christmas presents. Kim just made 10,000 (?) or so sugar cookies to add to the presents. At least it seems that many. Our grandson was helping but got tired of that and went to watch tv. Kim was a little hurt I think, cause she wanted him to help with Christmas stuff. I think that thought on her part was one of those "Hall Mark " kinda thoughts. Not based in reality .... lol .... Merry Christmas Steve
  10. I have no words other than that my thoughts and prayers are sent his families way and to you to help with the loss of your friend. Steve:95:
  11. A Radiantz LED tail/brake light for my RSV. Steve
  12. Check out the good folks at: Motorcycle trailer Towing: http://forums.delphiforums.com/n/main.asp?webtag=MCTrailertowing&nav=start&prettyurl=%2FMCTrailertowing%2Fstart These guys and gals can help with ANYTHING hitch related for any bike! Cheers, Steve
  13. Many Thanks for doing all this Don. You are truly worth what we pay you ... lol ... Steve:bighug:
  14. Hey Dave, at least there's one of us that feels your pain! I sure feel for you! I'm afraid I've got the withdrawal shakes too. Been out to the garage several times in the last few day, talking to my scoot and making sure it's ok, ... out there, ... all alone..... ... and winter's only just starting. I've already begun to look at all the internet "where to ride" sites I've been saving and thinking out where I'll be riding to this next year. Soooo many places to ride and only so much time. Kim and I hope to do several meet and greets and eats as well as the international thing in Canada this year. I used to love winter and snow, at least until I started riding again after getting the kids raised! NOT NO MORE!!! It was hot today (34') so I rode about 5 or 6 miles and then changed the oil. If I hadn't had to work, I'd have riddin a lot more. Damn, I hate winter. Oh well.... (BG) By the way.... It's sure refreshing to read the posts from all the members that truly want to help the likes of us out by riding "for" us. Ride on you guys and gals and remember those of us that can't get out for long periods of time. ... lol ... and I know there's not a smart ass in the whole group. ... lol .... Cheers, Steve
  15. :rotf: I resemble that! Don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about! Good one. I actually could use 1 ... or maybe 2, but no more than 2, of the classes myself. ...lol... Steve
  16. Are you guys saying that he might need to move up to a 2nd gen? ... asked in innocence... Steve
  17. Got mine yesterday too. Many thanks FreeBird. You did one heck of a great job with it. Steve
  18. A very Merry Christmas to all you good folks! If you're not good folks, well..... ignore this!!! :rotf: From one who still BELIEVES Steve
  19. :rotf::rotf::rotf: ...LOL.... Too funny! I call em all "Members of the F.F.A." (Future Felons of America). If you look close when they're newly born, you can still see the FFA brand on their foreheads. After a few day, it kinda diasppears. It morph's into behavior a few months later. One of the signs you'll find, is that they're liable to pee in your lap! I've always thought that there need to be kid free restaurants. Kids are great if they're kept hidden till at least 18 years old. Steve
  20. Orrin, maybe it's a little bit of Christmas coming out. Tolerance is a good thing. Understanding that how we feel today is how our parents felt back then makes all the difference. I don't like a lot of these kids music today, but my parents didn't like mine either. My dad hated iron Butterfly and Cheech and Chong. I liked Iron Butterfly and thot Cheech and Chong was funny. I liked flairs and hip huggers and paisley shirts too. Kids today would just laugh. Good post. Steve
  21. Hey Wizzard, those folks in Alabama had Chili ...(pronounced "cheeeilllllllllee" down there) one year and beans & greens last year. Good food with good company. Well worth the ride. Left home at 1:30 am on new Years morning, got down there at 10:30, rode till 5, ate till 6:30 and then home to Indiana. Slept good. Steve
  22. This is a great forum with lots of really kool folks. I think all the moderators are doing a good job. If a person wants a confrontational forum, there's lots out there that'll be happy to have them. Thanks Freebird and everyone else who works to make this a great place to kick back and relax. Steve:beer:
  23. I've done 1000 miles in one day round trip, two years in a row to do a polar bear run with some fine folks in Alabama New Years Day, the past 2 years. Steve:ICrolleyes:
  24. 11,000 miles with 0 problems. had some in the 1st 2,000, creaking rear end and ....THE DREADED CLUTCH WHINE ...... but none after I got those fixed.:cool10: Steve
  25. I post occationally, read here a lot. I joined this year after i bought my Venture. My long distance, multiple night riding schedule for 07 was pretty much planned by last April. I hope to get into some of the rides this coming year. This is really a great site. Some get a lot out of chating and a lot get something good out of just reading. The people here seem to be really fine folks. Thanks to all of you. Steve:thumbsup2:
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