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About LGR

  • Birthday 10/06/1959

Personal Information

  • Name
    Jerry Gilbert


  • Location
    Fayette, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    I enjoy helping an meeting people when possible and of corse like riding for JESUS.
  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 venture S
  1. Hope you have a wonderful birthday and many more. May GOD Bless You In A Special Way Today. Jerry

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  2. If your ever go through northwest ohio be sure to call our door is always open for you. Thanks for being a friend.

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  3. Yes, plus 4 or 5 good friends. Jerry
  4. On my 2000 ven if i stay at 65 i get 50mpg. The faster i go the less i get. It has 142,000+ an runs like it did when i first bought it . Keep looking twords the SON.
  5. Hey Don , If possible could i buy 2 at your place on June 7.
  6. I usely get 22,000 to 26,000 on frt and R on my 2nd gen ven with avon. My wife just replaced her avons with new ones and she got 24,000 on frt and R. I put 36psi in front and 41psi in rear.She rides a 2000 nomad.
  7. Ive run most major brands over the years and have found avon venom with the best milage for me. I get from 22,000 to 26,000 front and rear. You can get them at the price around 100. for front 112. for rear. My tires seem to wear even because I only use the front brake.
  8. My prayers are with Garys family. Proverbs 3;5-7. Jerry
  9. Ive have 139,000 + on my 2000 ven with only having to change clutch at 92,000.My goal is 200,000 by 2010 with the LORDS help. LGR
  10. :clap2:Thats great to see another 00 venture starting over again. Keep on riding. LGR
  11. What about fram ph 5343? LGR
  12. I bought turnout pipes by samson for my 2000 ven and love the v8 sound.LGR
  13. Thankyou LGR
  14. Have you tried a higher grade of gas? 93 to 94 grade seems to make my 2000 rsv get 48 to 50 mpg on the highway. Setting the cruise at 65 mph and it has 135,000 an still going strong. LGR
  15. In the past avon venom x have lasted for 22,000 to 26,000 miles on my 2000 venture. There are two different types of tires mt90HB are for touring or cruiser that has a stiffer side wall for the long haul and the mt90V that has a softer side wall and softer compound tread for sport bikes that will only last 10,000 or more. For my venyure I use the HB. LGR
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