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About glupanow

  • Birthday July 3

Personal Information

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  • Location
    Sandy, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1999 Venture
  1. I got by seats back from Rick very quickly after I sent them and I finally got a chance to get on and ride. I spent a couple of hours on there last weekend and can really tell a difference. First of all, it doesn't push me up against the gas tank anymore, and it feels much more plush - it absorbs a lot of the previously annoying bumps. I'm really looking forward to a longer ride and getting my wife on her new seat as well. This was a great mod - well worth the effort and at a great price! Thanks for the work and the great turnaround, Rick.
  2. I'm looking for a complete set of seats in the Pillow Top Style to replace the flat style on my '99. I'm interested in the rider, passenger and back rests. Thanks George
  3. Well, I finally got to troubleshooting my battery charging problem. I took the advice offered by FreezyRider and started by checking the regulator/rectifier. Once I looked inside the connectors, I didn't see any problems. But, I put some dielectric in there before putting it back together and - just like magic - the bike starting charging the battery when I started it. That's a much easier fix than I thought it would be. I guess that connector is in a spot that gets a lot of air and what not and does tend to work itself loose. Thanks, Freezy for the great tip. Now if the weather would clear up... George
  4. Thanks all for the responses. I suspect the stator as well - but definetly will look at all of the connections carefully to make sure they are all snug. It is a '99 and I have over 50,000 miles on it. I've never had any problems with any of the electrical - but that also means when I make sure the bolts are all tightened down at the beginning of riding season - I don't even think to look at electrical connectors. Thanks again for the help - I hope to have a chance to tear into it this weekend and I'll let you all know what I find. George
  5. I was on a ride last weekend and all of a sudden my audio went out. I was not happy but became even more unhappy when a few minutes later, the speedo started doing weird things and then went to 0 - even though I was on the freeway. Anyway, a couple of more minutes and the bike died. Battery was dead. I got a new battery and brought the bike home. When I got home, I check the batteries - both would hold a charge. Then I put one back in the bike - it started and ran fine. Then I checked the battery connectors while the bike was running - I read about 11.4 volts and slowly dropping. So, it appears as though the batteries are fine but are not being charged during riding. What do you folks think - stator? / regulator? or maybe a short? I've done a lot of work on my bike myself - but not tackled much in the electrical area. Any thoughts on how to check this would be appreciated. Thanks, George
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