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Everything posted by BlueBeard

  1. See y'all on Saturday
  2. I see you have not done Florida. If you get over that way let me know.
  3. Retied for the second and last time last January. I wish I had done it sooner. Good Luck and Enjoy.
  4. Der Dutchman has a good breakfast buffet and lots of room. If you get a count I would be happy to go there ahead of the ride and see if we can set an area aside for us.
  5. Hope all goes well. My mother in law wore out both replacement knees as a school bus driver. they finally gave her an automatic trans. No problem after that.
  6. Anyone going to Leesberg Saturday. I am meeting up with Dion. Will be there around 10am near the Rathole bar bike show. Look for the guy with the blue beard.
  7. Sounds good. Going to Leesberg next week. Anytime after is good.
  8. BlueBeard


    I am looking for a carb tool. How much are you asking. Thanks Dave
  9. Time for a battery. Any recommendations?
  10. Praying for you and the Doctors.
  11. member djh3 makes what you are looking for.http://www.venturerider.org/forum/vbpicgallery.php?do=view&g=3001
  12. Check these out at Reckless http://www.recklessmotorcycles.com/index.html
  13. Thanks for the pictures. Where can I find a pair of these?
  14. Has anyone installed vents on the lower fairings on their Tour Deluxe. Thought it might held in the Florida summers.
  15. Looks Good
  16. Praying for your speedy recovery.
  17. I just replaced a Corbin with an Ultimate on my Tour Deluxe. A big improvement for both rider and passenger.
  18. May want to go to Der Dutchman for better parking and seating,however I pass the Old packinghouse Cafe everyday and even called their phone after reading the post about their demise. Place is such a kitchey dump that it sometimes appears closed. But try to get in there on a friday or saturday when they have live music.
  19. Sugar and Spice changed owners a few years ago. The food is now just so so. Yoders is a better place. Der Dutchmen near Yoders is a larger more modern Amish style restaurant which most of the Amish snowbirds seem to like. Here is the website for the Oldpackinghouse Cafe in Sarasota.http://www.oldpackinghousecafe.com/ Great burgers.
  20. Linger Lodge will take resevations for a group of 8 or more. There is always the Shake Pit in Bradenton for an Ice Cream desert. Yoder's can be alittle tough for a group as they have limited seating.
  21. http://www.oddee.com/item_96555.aspx
  22. Philippians 4:13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength Glad to hear your good news.
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