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Everything posted by BlueBeard

  1. Lift adapter for Venture. 25.00plus shipping.
  2. Motion Pro carb sync tool. For sale. 50.00
  3. Motion Pro carb sync tool. For sale. 50.00
  4. How lucky are you Having the irrigation go out during rainy season.
  5. Garmin zumo 660 LM for sale I have all the mounting and wiring accessories. Excellent condition. 200dollars obo
  6. Done
  7. So sorry to hear the sad news. prayer to his family.
  8. Great time. Good ride. Lets not wait so long till the next meet and eat. Maybe head to the east coast nearer to Steve for a change.
  9. Three so far. Good start.
  10. Forum Prayers for you and your family
  11. how did you know I just installed a set of Barons
  12. looking for something to wear when I ride. Something that would be comfy while wearing a helmet
  13. Looking for recommendations on hearing hearing protection. Thanks in advance
  14. Some trees down no power but got through Irma safely. Hope everyone else is ok.
  15. We are boarded up here in Bradenton. Wind is worst we have ever seen and the main part of the storm is way off. Keep safe over there
  16. http://www.motorcycling.ca/event/rideau-rendezvous-motorcycle-rally Heading up north for this event. Look for the Bluebeard on the borrowed Harley.
  17. Had a wonderful time with djh3 and family. Had 2 pieces of cake. One for me and another for y'all. Happy Birthday Dion.
  18. Kennys BBQ Clermont good reviews. Anyone ever been there.
  19. https://www.google.ca/search?q=RSV+road+king+muffler+bracket&client=aff-maxthon-maxthon4&hs=1zS&affdom=maxthon.com&channel=t18&biw=1872&bih=920&site=webhp&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj5lL752czSAhUB0WMKHbTUB88QsAQIJw#imgrc=_ try this link for the hanger
  20. An almost 4 hour breakfast at Der Dutchman. Good food,Good conversation and Good friends. Thanks to Barrycuda for taking the time to put this together.
  21. I will try to be there a little early as I live nearby. I will be at the gazebo in the parking lot on the east side of the building. right side of building near furniture store
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